zeldafreak1 Wrote:http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/542493_343483555718000_311907642208925_887122_2101986541_n.jpg
that is all. btw IM BACK! damn laptop went crazy on me and had to get it fixed. >.<
BlueLight Wrote:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AoQj8GGHNxU&list=FLnlhnziidQq2ckNQrVJA48A&index=115&feature=plpp_video
It goes with the theme of what we're talking about but breaks thread rules. Also this video has loud music so be careful.
Kelt Wrote: “If you were a centaur, I’d recommend suicide. Since you’re human, I’d say your best option is to fuck off.”
Kelt Wrote: “If you were a centaur, I’d recommend suicide. Since you’re human, I’d say your best option is to fuck off.”
Suraru Wrote:Hi there, this is crazy, but I saw this, and it was awesome!
http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash ... 1205_n.jpg
(because /imging it makes it too big)
jayjaycaps Wrote:Suraru Wrote:Hi there, this is crazy, but I saw this, and it was awesome!
http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash ... 1205_n.jpg
(because /imging it makes it too big)
Yes... Just... Yes.
zeldafreak1 Wrote:I was lurking on the minecraft forums and saw this EPICNEZZ! i just had to post it.
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