by Thaedael » Tue May 29, 2012 8:43 pm
I tend to be the first one done my exam in the room, but actually the last one to hand it in. I'm in a super competitive program and no more than 25% of the class is allowed a mark above a b+. Considering I want to go for a masters down the road I can't afford to write a bad test. In highschool, when I was done my exam, that was it, my mark was my mark. In university, even if I get 90 out of the 100 questions right (a 90% or an A+ in this case) if 25% of the class gets above an 80, then I get bell curved. So I need to be a higher A than the other students.
Thus I start by breaking down the exam into what is worth the most. Oh so the long answer is worth the most, followed by this and that etc. Then I work from the part worth the most working towards the part that is worth the least, skipping anything I don't immediately know as right. Then work on the ones I skipped doing those and so on. Look over my exam, take a break clear my mind, then look again with fresh eyes.
I have 4 hours to write my exam, on average I take 4 hours before handing it in, even if I may be done in the first 90 minutes.