Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.48 (Nov 2/18) - HIATUS

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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Sat May 26, 2012 2:09 am

Update 1.0j:

1) Almost certain fixed a bug that let peach go to the morton castle level instead of level 2, when jumping over goomba after the pole (need someone to test more to be sure about this)
2) Removed a brick which can let Peach locked in the sky pipes in level 1.
3) Fixed a glitch which let Peach gain two lives instead of one when taking Life Mushroom
4) Fixed a glitch which let Peach break bricks even going down of a jump (more tests needed, though)
5) Now, peach will lose her cumshots along the body if she loses a life
6) Fixed 'locked peach jumping animation loop' that can occur sometimes (you had to press UP or W to free her).
7) Fixed a bug that let peach without any animation if she stands up pointing left
8) Fixed a bug that can let peach lose her clothes AND her life at the same time in some enemy objects, like fire wheels.
9) Changed positions of old toad ballons and 'picture teaching how to zoom', in the first level, because it was hidden by the new roof.
10) Better masturbation handling. Now you can cancel it if you try to walk. To keep masturbating until orgasm, just press down. Peach will only lose a boob size if you let her masturbate until the end.
11) New: You can press 'z' to change zoom.
12) New: You can press 'DEL' key to made her lose a life, if you are stuck
13) New level: underwater. It uses Luftmallow's map as a base.
14) New songs: underwater, castle mario3, and mario 2 underlevel (SWF increased by 1mb, but these songs will be reused in special areas). Better music loop in mushroom kingdom and castle.
15) New peach animation: going through horizontal pipes.
16) New peach animation: swimming (in the near future, frog animation will be different (squatting), like in Mario 3)
17) New and better sounds, like squish
18) New enemy: piranha plant with sound (no sex animations yet, it will depend on future features)
19) Cosmetic changes to brown castle image like in the end of level 1.
20) Cosmetic change: Peach breasts' shadow more smoothly curvaceous.
21) Cosmetic changes in char select, and the return of Character selection bar, in order to be able to use Fire Peach and Burn. This way, you can use normal princess clothes (pink one) in Burn Peach character, for example.

1) If you find a bug, please give detailed information and upload images showing the places with an arrow, if possible. I'm a programmer, no magician :mrgreen: Saying 'Peach became red jumping in a given brown block next to a big mushroom in level1' means nothing. I can still tries to find the bug, though, but it might be a lot longer to fix.
2) Remember: in order to play flawlessly in all situations, use a QUAD CORE system (or better). Sorry, current Adobe Flash requirements actually shreds P4 or lower. Dual Core may be fast if you have a good CPU and L1/L2 cache. You can use a normal P4/AMD, but you will need to lower quality in some situations (if not all).
3) The SWF is not optimized in size because some music acted weird, and some sounds became too low-quality, destroying gameplay. In the future (maybe when all the levels were done), I might address that.
4) Although its a Peach only game, I'll be adding more costumes to her (like Peach Zero) only if we have more levels and enemies (in order to increase gameplay).

FLA+SWF (Flash CS5) is here: http://rapidshare.com/files/817876183/M ... __1.0j.rar
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX)

Postby DoggieDog52 » Sat May 26, 2012 7:20 am

Found a couple glitches:
* Masturbating and finishing reduces Peach's breast size. (Wasn't actually sure this was a glitch or a "feature")
* Sorry, number 1 still isn't fixed. In one instance I actually jumped over the Goomba and went back to him to fuck him, and then continued on and wound up in Morton's Castle. In another I just jumped right over him and kept going, still got to Morton.
* Changing the breast size or costume in the first character select doesn't keep whenever you start the game (though I'm not sure if that was intended either)

As a minor gripe, I think the swimming momentum for going up could be a tad faster; right now her swimming is so slow and awkward. But the new animations look great! This new level has really come along. Can't wait to see what you do with the pirahna plants ;D
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX)

Postby TedFallenger » Sat May 26, 2012 7:30 am

I can't help but feel that the flame-related suits are not working quite right...
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX)

Postby raziel321 » Sat May 26, 2012 10:20 am

I know this has been discussed here before, but it feels strange when I jump against a block and my jump still leads me higher and doesn't go back down again. It's like jumping against a block and at the same time not jumping against that block... I know this change would require some changes in the first level, but I think that's worth it.
I also had the same problem with the flame suit.
Other than that, I like your version of MiM :) It's a good choice to focus more on gameplay and such.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Sat May 26, 2012 4:53 pm

Thanks about the replies, bugs are not good, lets see what can be done.

* Yes, its a feature already discussed in the TODO list of page 1, and the last posts in this page. As the game is being more and more challenging with more levels, people who like big boobs will strive to find big mushrooms and avoid the full masturbation scene, while people who dislike it will need to masturbate until the end (or die) to lose them. In the future, peach will also lactate when walking so much with biggest boobs (that could be disabled in options). If lactating, the breasts will tend to deflate (diminish size) over time but it will give pleasure to Peach. The player need to get another mushroom to keep walking with the premium juggs. Its like a requirement. Of course you can still have the same boob size if you configure Minimum = Maximum, in the options.

* Hmmmmm I still cannot reproduce. Here its okay as always. I even put Peach starting position next to the end, and tried to jump while in the sex scene, jump then right, right, left, right, and anything, and no problem. Cookies?

* For about the 'several clothes changing bug', have you reset flash cookies? Sorry but its an old problem (that occurs with Blargh version as well). It was already discussed too. When we keep improving the game, the old cookies keep wandering with old data. Every new update would need a clean cache.

As about the dress not being kept in the start of the level, you need to change her costume/character THEN choose one of the powerups. E.g. NAKED powerup. So she will start dressed. In the original Blargh version, she always starts with 'poison mushroom' (naked), as she wakes up naked.

* Hmmm I will increase the going-up speed a bit. I followed some Mario underwater level physics, but I think the lower speed occurs more when you are swimming above an abyss.

TedFallenger: Have you reset flash cookies? The same ol' problem that flash doesnt help us in this case. Old cookies messes with the game. Clean the cache in flash options (or configure it to use 0 kbytes of cache), restart the game, reconfigure to use 100k or more, and see if the problem is vanished.

Raziel321: I'll see what can be done to these blocks. Thats something to do with the basic original collision of the game.

Mario is Missing PUT.swf
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX)

Postby sorajed » Sat May 26, 2012 5:16 pm

I can't mastrubate in the area of ​​the toad that gives us gold coin
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX)

Postby Biles » Sun May 27, 2012 2:58 am

I agree on Doggie on the swimming part. The up-swim needs to be faster. (especially given that the bigger the boobs she has, the faster she'll float up making her a true blonde. j/k of course LOL) Also, I haven't noticed any significant performance on her swimming when she obtains frog power, nor do I see any disadvantage when she's outta the water either. As for the swimming animation, I think it could be done better. Right now she kinda looks like she's impersonating a crawfish or a shrimp hehe. BTW, shouldn't you have the trigger cover the entire flag pole, and not just the tip? I've noticed that if I overjump it and then try to go on it, nothing happens and continuing on to the right, I can end the level which makes having the flagpole serve absolutely nothing other than aesthetic reasons.

I like the piranha plants you added, though I think because of the pipe being hugged up closer to the edge, I find it difficult for Peach to jump back on the ledge if the player decides to go towards the beginning of the first level. Perhaps you can somehow adjust the positioning of the two occupied pipes? As for the water level, I broke it LOL by swimming outside the bounds and disappearing off the face of the map. :D
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Sun May 27, 2012 3:20 am

Sorajed: It will be fixed. Its a glitch in the pipe collision area. As Peach has to press DOWN to go down, and the masturbation also uses DOWN, a conflict occurs.
EDIT: Fixed in the SWF on the first page. Soon I'll be updating the source.

- I will make it faster in the next small update.
- The frog animation is not yet done. When its done, for sure it will have different speeds ;)
- The swimming animation was my second attempt ;) I'm not as skilled as Blargh. But I will improve it with time. The good news is: at least peach is now swimming ;)
- The trigger for the entire flagpole will be done. For now, its like a bonus. You get the bonus if you jump correctly at the top to pull the flag down. In the meanwhile, its working good.
- I will add a block in the next update (EDIT: Fixed in the SWF on the first page. Soon I'll be updating the source).
- Please tell me how did you do that David Copperfield act in the swimming area (I'll be fixing soon).
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Sun May 27, 2012 8:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX)

Postby Biles » Sun May 27, 2012 4:17 am

Blargh Wrote:-Please tell me how did you do that David Copperfield act in the swimming area :D I need to know!

LOL that was easy, I just kept swimming along the ceiling until there was a big gap opened up and I swam up through there :D Anyways, since jumping the top of the flagpole can serve as a bonus, I wonder if it might make Peach orgasm. I think it would be awesome if she had the pole slide along her boobs :D Hmm... Hell I know, she pole dances briefly as oppose to setting off fireworks hehe.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX)

Postby Texas » Sun May 27, 2012 5:00 am

Hi first time posting. I was wondering if you could make the breast size not matter because i kinda like having big breasts in the game and i dont like to lose them when i mess up :(
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Sun May 27, 2012 6:35 am

Hmmmm but the ceiling collision in the underwater top was there just to avoid Peach going up endlessly. I'll see what's going on, thanks.

Texas Wrote:Hi first time posting. I was wondering if you could make the breast size not matter because i kinda like having big breasts in the game and i dont like to lose them when i mess up :(

Just go to the options and put Maximum and Minimum boob size the same big size ;)
As I've said, in the normal game, boobs should be lost when you die, or diminish a size when masturbate, so you will strive to get more mushrooms. But you can fix the maximum boob size in the options.

Biles Wrote:Anyways, since jumping the top of the flagpole can serve as a bonus, I wonder if it might make Peach orgasm. I think it would be awesome if she had the pole slide along her boobs

I'll put a way to let Peach use at least part of the Pole. But she will cum more if she gets it from the top. For about pole along her boobs, I'll see what can be done in the animation.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX)

Postby TedFallenger » Thu May 31, 2012 1:59 am

When do you plan to start implementing the randomized text? I kinda get annoyed at Peach resetting her opinion of Goomba penis every time she moves to a different area.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX)

Postby TheWarrior » Thu May 31, 2012 6:23 am

Hey I was wondering how to play the game. It's so tiny in the attachment
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX)

Postby Oriandu » Thu May 31, 2012 8:10 am

You might want to edit the post parameters on your initial post, as it's currently tiiiny.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX)

Postby Darthan » Thu May 31, 2012 8:25 am

Oriandu Wrote:You might want to edit the post parameters on your initial post, as it's currently tiiiny.

This is not do to anything ivanaedler did. This is happening with all flash posts on the forums. Seems it was something that happened when the forum was updated and Ren is working on fixing it.
Refer to this thread for more info: http://legendofkrystal.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=2349
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Fri Jun 01, 2012 3:19 pm

TedFallenger Wrote:When do you plan to start implementing the randomized text? I kinda get annoyed at Peach resetting her opinion of Goomba penis every time she moves to a different area.

Eventually, texts will be more random. Random, in this case, will be regarded to different thoughts in the next scenes and monsters. These more natural texts will only apply after the first text, that is, when Peach gets laid by a goomba the first time, she will give the opinion of his dick, but no more, in the entire game.

For this, I'll have to detach all texts from the scenes and put into a external file (that will be a kind of INI file), that even you can change (creating your fantasies) or changing the language. If this file (like 'texts.as' ) is not present in the same directory, Flash will use internal texts (in order to let users play the web version, without the AS file).

I'm not able to give you an exact date for this new feature to happen, as I'm planning new levels (with new graphics), bug fixes, and different ways to interact with enemies like bob ombs, as in the different scenes based on the time Peach catches a running bob omb, in the updated SWF of the first page.
However, while doing this brainstorming, I'll be creating the external file and adding randomness for each scene, so it will be a second/third priority.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX)

Postby Biles » Fri Jun 01, 2012 8:55 pm

How goes the swimming animation? I'm trying to animate my own version as well, though it appears that for what I'm doing, I probably may have to add a new set of hands because I'm having her swim in the same fashion as Mario does.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Sat Jun 02, 2012 2:12 am

Biles Wrote:How goes the swimming animation? I'm trying to animate my own version as well, though it appears that for what I'm doing, I probably may have to add a new set of hands because I'm having her swim in the same fashion as Mario does.

I'm actually a bit busy with some fixes and the Peach Backside images. I did an experiment (of course its not perfect!) below. Its interesting to use it in some animations like going inside a door, climbing, and some sex by goombas, for example.
Maybe someone can help me to make a better butt and feet? ;)


Its possible to have an asshole, too, but complex things like ass spreading is not a 'must have'. The main reason to show her backside is to fantasy about her actions this way ;)

Even if this picture version can stand (its better for nothing, right now), I still need to do the backside parts of the raccoon, fire peach and frog suit. Then I will create an animation of her climbing the bean tree.

Next (or in paralllel), I will do the frog animation.
Blargh! Check this out ;)
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX)

Postby LuftMallow » Sat Jun 02, 2012 3:12 am

Her feet should be bending down, not up. I'd also just make new thigh and cheek parts as you don't have 40+ characters and outfits to worry about to get versions of each. Right now the back of the knee looks a bit off and animating looks like it'd be stiff.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX)

Postby Biles » Sat Jun 02, 2012 3:20 am

Impressive. Despite needing some obvious fixes and changes for creating the back side, this is not bad at all for a first try though. Oh yeah, I wanted to point out that her hands are completely backwards LOL.
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