Much Ado About Samus

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Re: something samus (for a nice change)

Postby SteelSaurus » Tue Oct 19, 2010 1:18 pm

No complaints. Still working on your tentacle hole. Had to adjust the idea some. Couldn't make it a limber as a like an octopus, but rather like insect joints, (like hydraulics). I think they look pretty cool. I'll get the portal done before I show it. Corta, I'm going to snag your complete Ridley and put him on a second compilation sheet. (Too much material has been made to fit on just one.)

Technically, each part can't be named as it's a group or bitmap as opposed to a symbol (which I hate using). Also, when I get the mechtacle done, I'll repost the new compilation sheets.
I'll get right on it! Eventually...
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Re: something samus (for a nice change)

Postby corta » Tue Oct 19, 2010 1:27 pm

alright, there's a little file structure i'm using that should have everything nice and fun for an example.. let's take the body component -

we've got...

-Main scene
'-> (bodycomponent)
'->(varia suit bit) '-> (zero suit bit) '-> (fusion suit bit) etc.

the suit items are not to be touched, but their alignment in the bodycomponent clip will (most likely) be off... so that will have to be made custom to the clip it's placed into. (I expect the re-aligning to take up to 20 mins)
With this the only thing that changes is the clip that tells flash where the following armor bits are placed, so we gain an extra 10 frames of actionscript in file-size instead of all armors, mess etc..
(this hasn't been implemented in that preview, though. I wanna see if anyone complains about the boobs on the fusion armors..)

mess layers work as intended, I still need shape it to fit some of the larger armors, though. ( after I colour the whole lot, that is. )

emotions have been made, you can see them as soon as I've made enough other stuff to make an update make sense..

oh yeah, expect a .fla when it's done - little way to go, yet
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Re: Much Ado About Samus

Postby corta » Tue Oct 19, 2010 1:32 pm

hey steel, is the JB suit up there the final version?
if so, can I grab the source file for it?
- I'm having some troubles decompiling it
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Re: something samus (for a nice change)

Postby corta » Wed Oct 20, 2010 2:31 am

alright then, the template has pretty much done for a while- just waiting on the results of

any more features people would be interested in?
Like having her blush linked to lust/corruption/energy stat or something..
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Re: something samus (for a nice change)

Postby corta » Thu Oct 21, 2010 1:52 am

Alright, template time - I've loitered enough.

# White jizz, I can sympathize with people who wanted neon green or whatever, but white has always won the vote by a huge margin and I already called the final round.
# Cannon arm script shouldn't cause any problems, I think i'm the only one who used the hands for any action.. (hands split into front/back, now. Back gets hidden when cannon on.)
# Eyes work like they did before (pfft, like anyone else bothered using those..)
# mess will work on a ++variable put into a scene where it'll only run once per scene (use this sparingly,full mess should take a while to get to)
# Armor sets will freak out if their variables aren't set (see next post)

the rest should be pretty straightforward, I'll make a post after this on how to do a conversion without screwing anyone else over.

EDIT: Bugfix version, page 7.
Last edited by corta on Fri Oct 22, 2010 4:50 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: something samus (for a nice change)

Postby MrBear » Thu Oct 21, 2010 2:06 am

Corta will probably be my new favorite artist after all this work is done. +10 for you my friend...+10....
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Re: something samus (for a nice change)

Postby corta » Thu Oct 21, 2010 2:28 am


alright, so here is our library:
Template library.png
Template library.png (30.33 KiB) Viewed 11871 times

The armor/parts folder holds all the components (and file-size)
and the clips in the SamComponents folder just hold the location of ^-those guys-^

ok, pasting in.
Grab the frames (AND NOT THE SYMBOL) from a symbol in the SamCompnenets folder and paste it into the right place.
timeline.png (15.23 KiB) Viewed 11871 times

from there you will probably have to align things so it looks right when armor changes (this is the bit that takes a little while.) edit multiple frames is your friend, make sure the mess node moves with the rest of the armor
and when done, slap a scripted frame on the first blank (un-named) frame. this makes the armor change as soon as it can, without waiting for 3 frames.

repeat, rename all changed symbols to something else. keep them in any marked folder (so we can find 'em.)

after that, the following need to be set in a place that it will only run once -
Code: Select All Code
_root.cannon = X;
_root.cannonvis = true/flase;
_root.helm = X; = X;
_root.body = X;
_root.tits = X;
_root.spads = X;
_root.armu = X;
_root.arml = X;
_root.legs = X;
_root.feet = X;

replace variables as seen fit.

feel free to add some tester buttons with other variables to check things out.

If movie clips dont work right, it's probably because things are still graphics - change items to movie clips in both the library and the time line. (Edit multiple frames is your best friend.)

end up with something a bit nice.

Click to Play
(Javascript Required)

CONVERSION whip-whip.swf [ 258.21 KiB | Viewed 11871 times ]

The end.
Last edited by corta on Thu Oct 21, 2010 3:06 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: something samus (for a nice change)

Postby kuja » Thu Oct 21, 2010 2:33 am

Again, the new Samus is great. Great job.
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Re: something samus (for a nice change)

Postby corta » Thu Oct 21, 2010 2:57 am

MrBear Wrote:Corta will probably be my new favorite artist after all this work is done. +10 for you my friend...+10....

whoa, whoa, whoa... I can't even draw. I just did the scripting and threw it all together,
the credit for the artwork goes to SteelSaurus for the armors, Play Shapes for the Samus design and the LoK team for the mess layers.
They are your real heroes!
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Re: something samus (for a nice change)

Postby MrBear » Thu Oct 21, 2010 3:01 am

corta Wrote:
MrBear Wrote:Corta will probably be my new favorite artist after all this work is done. +10 for you my friend...+10....

whoa, whoa, whoa... I can't even draw. I just did the scripting and threw it all together,
the credit for the artwork goes to SteelSaurus for the armors, Play Shapes for the Samus design and the LoK team for the mess layers.
They are your real heroes!

-10 for you then.....+1 instead. +5 to the rest of the contributers.
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Re: something samus (for a nice change)

Postby corta » Thu Oct 21, 2010 3:06 am

that's more like it!
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Re: something samus (for a nice change)

Postby Voodoo People » Thu Oct 21, 2010 12:16 pm

Great work corta & the others. Are you going to make a game now?
Voodoo People
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Re: something samus (for a nice change)

Postby corta » Thu Oct 21, 2010 1:34 pm

so, I'm about mid-way into animating MBrain's rape moves and there's a bit of biting and other mild violence..
anyway, it's come to my attention that I'm perhaps a bit weird.. I'd just like to know how many other people are interested in angry Samus before I get carried away...
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Re: something samus (for a nice change)

Postby Voodoo People » Thu Oct 21, 2010 1:38 pm

Samus bites a tentacle? cool. Tentacle rape is fine for me, I just don't like to see any blood in a fuck scene. But there can be blood for example, if samus shoots something.
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Re: something samus (for a nice change)

Postby SteelSaurus » Thu Oct 21, 2010 2:10 pm

I'm all for angry Samus. Was there any other enemy that you wanted to be seen vectored up before I post another Compilation Sheet?
I'll get right on it! Eventually...
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Re: something samus (for a nice change)

Postby corta » Thu Oct 21, 2010 2:40 pm

@Voodoo - blood? naww, not that far. just a little aggression as Sam comes out of dazed state to find herself being raped, then kind-of shoos everything away

@steel - a wish list? oh boy! Something big, slow and armored would be right about the sweet spot. I'll wiki and see what we've got to work with...
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Re: something samus (for a nice change)

Postby Voodoo People » Thu Oct 21, 2010 2:46 pm

Hey, whats with
metroid-botwoon.gif (1.37 KiB) Viewed 14525 times


The rather minor miniboss of Maridia. A giant eel that
swims in and out of holes in the wall, occasionally firing a
spread of bullets from its mouth. Easy to defeat.

Giant Eel that swims in and out of holes :D

Edit: Got this one from
Last edited by Voodoo People on Thu Oct 21, 2010 3:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Voodoo People
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Re: something samus (for a nice change)

Postby corta » Thu Oct 21, 2010 3:22 pm


anyways, steel... I've always liked the 'style' of this guy
but his chest and arms probably should be scaled back a bit, I'd like to have him swat down things without having their insides explode.


an adolescent korakk

Attacks: Pounce, grabs Samus with tongue then pounces.
- Wiki page

I think that either of those would start some sort of revolution. (or something equally sexy)
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Re: something samus (for a nice change)

Postby SteelSaurus » Fri Oct 22, 2010 1:22 am

Sure thing, I just want something to fill in some of this new found empty space.

Edit; Botwoon and Beserker are Underway. I'll make a general version then you tell me what you need broken up or added. (Korakk is weird.)
I'll get right on it! Eventually...
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Re: something samus (for a nice change)

Postby corta » Fri Oct 22, 2010 3:48 am

another one for the developers..

alright, while playing around i noticed that I missed out the scripting for sam's blaster...

better late than never?

works on two already existing variables,
phases out when fucking -in when not, and hides the whole thing when the cannon is out.

as for the helmets, move 'em out of the way, clear 'em completely, whatever.

Click to Play
(Javascript Required)

Blaster hide test.swf [ 5.12 KiB | Viewed 15387 times ]

CS4 Blaster hide test.fla
(61 KiB) Downloaded 41 times
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