Samus Platformer

Re: Samus Platformer

Postby SteelSaurus » Fri Oct 15, 2010 3:23 am

Hint for getting through. Be quick. Change, get the long shot, change back. Blast your way with violence through the mini Metroids. All of them. If one gets too close, curl up and let them hover above you then roll away. Get up, start blasting. After that head to the boss. When you first glimpse him, shoot at an angle approaching slowly. If you do it right you'll be able to shoot him without alerting him. Let him flash then change to Ice Beam, and keep shooting from where you are. Freeze him, then jump his bones. When the arrow appears, hold down left as you click the progress arrow. You'll get away with only a drop of damage. If he raises up go into the opposite corner and shoot missiles at him where he went up, side step the Metroids. When he comes down, switch to Ice. If his dick drops, freeze him, if not switch back and shoot. Ride him and repeat. If he rolls, simply curl up and roll out of the way till he stops.
I'll get right on it! Eventually...
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Re: Samus Platformer

Postby urielmanx7 » Fri Oct 15, 2010 3:54 am

Its coming along nicely, but i would suggest you find someone that can help you with coding, looks to me that you arent vey experienced with actionscript,but then again maybe you are using this chance to improve your skills. i think the game concept is awesome and i do hate me at the same time for not comiing up with something like that, i wish you the best of lucks, if worked properly this can be a very very epic hentai game generations to come will remember.
isnt more fun that way?
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Re: Samus Platformer

Postby Deggoth » Fri Oct 15, 2010 4:16 am

I was wondering if you were planning on having multiple positions for the initial mets. Just doing blowjobs is kinda boring...
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Re: Samus Platformer

Postby Darek » Fri Oct 15, 2010 9:01 am

Very nice on the updated sprites, the new metroid blowjob and the new boss riding. One problem I found was that after the ride, I lost energy and ended up with armor malfunction. At that point in time even though Samus was naked Big M didn't pull out his wiener. Not only that but he just kept at one place without doing anything and no matter how many times I shot him he wouldn't freeze up or flash or anything. So by that point the game was stuck.
If you were able to slowly regain health if you didn't do anything (i.e., regain health/energy if you don't shoot) that might address this problem by allowing you to switch back to fully armored; then naked again which hopefully would convince him to pull it out again.

In any case, coming along very, very nicely! :D

Would also be interesting if there was some code that allowed the flash file to bring up different animations based on how many frozen mets there are in a given radius.
So lets say if Samus wants to have sex with one of them, and there are, say, 2 frozen mets within 50 pixels radius of the one you picked; then a 3-some would occur rather than the blowjob with one met. That would be nice, given that several mets will appear and you can kite them by rolling to eventually get them to fall within that radius.

So something like;

IF ("Enemy" = 3)
OnClipEvent ("3-Some MovieClip")

else IF ("Enemy" = 4)

Or something or other. I have no experience at all with ActionScript so just pulling this out of my ass; but you probably get the picture.
Hmm...thinking about it it'll probably be easier if you just look for the number of mets visible within the stage.

Perhaps include something along the lines of that Samus Orgy animation for if they hit, say, 8 frozen mets within the screen area.
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Re: Samus Platformer

Postby ianuk746 » Fri Oct 15, 2010 4:15 pm

Bullets still sometimes glitch and freeze up (they stay on the screen and make the firing sound for a little while) also when I got to the third part of the boss he just stopped moving.
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Re: Samus Platformer

Postby Silent Torture » Fri Oct 15, 2010 9:39 pm

I've been watching this post for a while and I've gotta say- Its starting to look awesome! I like the new look for the game (the 'lighting') -makes it look more realistic. Keep up the good work man!
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Re: Samus Platformer

Postby wizard » Sat Oct 16, 2010 5:10 am

The first enemies are way too strong. Please either slow them down or weaken their hit points. There also needs to be a way to shake them off if they do get on her, otherwise it should go straight to armor malfunction.
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Re: Samus Platformer

Postby corta » Sat Oct 16, 2010 5:12 am

Critique time! (everyone else is doing it)

a few things about the game...

# Ranged combat
can we keep things at a range?
-extend the view range by about 150pixels
-change shoot angles to around 30 degrees for the up-aim
with this we can have enemies move much faster, give Sam more troubles in close range and give the whole thing a better 'feel'
-might want to give the morph ball a better speed boost, too. (ease of play, game balancing - and all that noise...)

# Suit Changing
the current suit change is a bit nice, but trying to get behind the idea of the animation... is it meant to be a quick change or a frantic "NEED ARMAH, BAD GUYS A-COMIN" deal?
-if it's for simplicity, could you speed up the animation alot - OR - if it's a defensive thing keep the speed the same but have it as a "hold to change" where letting go aborts so you can run away or whatever.
(the loss of control in a transformation makes me want to tear my hair out, sometimes)

# Different suits
There's been a bit of a thing with how the armor changes, right? your system is good - damn good, in fact, but how are suits going to be changed?
Can we choose an armor before the start of a mission?

# Overworld
I forgot where I saw the map that was destined to be used.. but what's the goal with this game?
Is it gonna play out like a toonpimp game? (big map, some goals, run around and do stuff)
Are we going to be doing bounty missions from sam's ship, landing on planets and capturing bosses?

# Voice
does it bother anyone else that Sam sounds like Krystal? Doesn't she deserve some individuality!?

and to prove that I'm not here just to whine, here's the framework for a voice system (with a working random function)
-credits to Goranga from the oblivion modding community for the sounds.

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Sound Test.swf [ 120.87 KiB | Viewed 89038 times ]

Last edited by corta on Sat Oct 16, 2010 6:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Samus Platformer

Postby SteelSaurus » Sat Oct 16, 2010 5:23 am

Soft 23 and 26 are amazingly sexy. Everything else is just plain pretty darn sexy.
I'll get right on it! Eventually...
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Re: Samus Platformer

Postby MrBear » Sat Oct 16, 2010 6:20 am

Dats hawt. Just gotta say it. Nice work Corta.
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Re: Samus Platformer

Postby Power » Sat Oct 16, 2010 6:42 am

To much moaning is quite annoying I think.
Some soundtracks should have some panting perhaps.(like just heavy breathing from being exited)

Purpose of game.....well for me just interested in running around fucking stuff pretty much. lolz
In this latest version she just keeps transforming, cuz I have her fuck everything in sight. >,<
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Re: Samus Platformer

Postby bobsen » Sat Oct 16, 2010 10:29 am

Really nice work corta :) And yes! Her voice did bother me a bit :/ Didn't quite fit with the visual part
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Re: Samus Platformer

Postby Darek » Sat Oct 16, 2010 10:46 am

Nice work on the sounds compilation there corta.
On the whole Overworld thing, I would love it if at the end after Samus defeats the final boss she has to run the hell out of the place she ventures into (like practically every single game where the final boss has a self-destruct mechanism and she has to run out of the entire stage before time runs out).
Haha, that would be awesome - keeping with the Metroid tradition.
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Re: Samus Platformer

Postby corta » Sat Oct 16, 2010 2:15 pm

Oh yeah, I forgot to complain about one more thing: THE HUD

just text=yuck
just bars=boring

The solution? /shrug
here's a whack at it.

also, regeneration: un-natural? Too Easy? (..we're making a truly challenging game?)
regen for corruption would be spiffing, but I'm not in the mood for any more drawing... (it'd follow the same script, though)

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Re: Samus Platformer

Postby Sexybones » Sat Oct 16, 2010 2:41 pm

It woulnd be a metroid game whitout a Self -Destruction part.

As for the story:why not letting it take place between metroid 4(fusion) and the one day upcoming Metroid 5 as a hidden chapter in the story.Some time after the events of fusion Samus discovers that the Metroid Dna in her is Slowly starting to take her over.As she search through space to find a cure she discovers a Secret Gaint space PIrate base wich she decides to enter in the hope to find a cure.

For the Different suits what about putting in a menu button that opens a self made variation of the Samus Screen( ... Screen.png)
where all the costumes they unlocked are listed and people can switch between them.
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To Corta :D

Postby PlayShapes » Sat Oct 16, 2010 10:58 pm

corta Wrote:here's the framework for a voice system (with a working random function)
-credits to Goranga from the oblivion modding community for the sounds.

Mother of God Corta I've been looking for an easier way to do voices.
Would I be able to use this system and sounds for Bowser's Castle? (It was going to take me forever to do all the sounds, so I was going to make the whole game have no grunting sound effects at all - but with this, I can!)
If yes, how would u like to be credited? Corta? Corta & Goranga? Corta from the LoK Forums & Goranga from the Oblivion modding community (lol)?

You definitely just upped the sexiness in my game! :D
I'm gonna give you this sexy samus sex scene as thanks! Cause you just made my day ;)

.fla source=
(to Gorepete: I changed the eyes so that their easier to change without the use of mask layers - you should be able to simply copy and paste JUST the "eye POed" movie clip (not the graphics inside it) after changing the name of it to replace the eye movie clip you're using)
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-- PlayShapes
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Re: Samus Platformer

Postby Darkon » Sat Oct 16, 2010 11:24 pm

fap fap fap fap fap lol. great work by everyone! i cant get enough, and cant wait until some demos etc come to fruition. keep it up! :D
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Re: Samus Platformer

Postby Con_18 » Sun Oct 17, 2010 1:06 am

Lovin the game so far, and great job on the new sprites Playshapes.
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BARS and Crying.

Postby corta » Sun Oct 17, 2010 1:30 am

@ play shapes:
it's the same system that I used to use for sam's emotions, and I just stole the sounds from an oblivion mod, but if you plan to give credit for the rest of the sounds give Goranga a shout along with zone and the others
(and I think she got them from angel blade and.. uhh... was I going somewhere with this?)

@ pete
#Bars, bars, bars.

lust bar integrated, it's not as pretty as I'd like it to be, but the animation is just a simple movie clip.
(lust regen has been sped up heaps for demonstration and is tied to the health regen system.)

morality/corruption or whatever loses all meaning when there's a number anywhere near it, I think. colours or (a better idea) make a huge difference
for example: Bad=10, Bad and Bad

-edit: forgot to be re-assuring...
the new bars use all of pete's scripts and it should be as simple as slapping it right in. (and maybe removing some of the redundant set scripts, to free some bytes.. and .. stuff..)

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Re: Samus Platformer

Postby haloman » Sun Oct 17, 2010 1:37 am

i dont know if its just for me but the lust level bar dosnt work.
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