by Laughing Hyena » Fri May 18, 2012 2:10 am
Lost or not with giving Ryan a tour he would willingly walk along as she pulls him. Seems like her shyness was forgotten at last which was what he had hoped for. Listening to what he had to say as best as he could he tried to process all the information she was giving him. He took a look at the spots meant for 'resting' and he did wonder if those were actually in truth make out spots instead since the quoting was a touch suspicious in his eyes. Still he doubted she has ever found nerve for that. Regardless he held onto her hand and tries to keep pace with her. He liked how she had held onto his arm and he was glad for it. Ryan smiled at her as they continued the tour. "So Lily, what do you like to do in your spare time?" He asked her during the tour. Since she was so relaxed now he figured now he could as a few more questions a be a bit more bolder. The hangouts, and classrooms were fine but he did wonder where was her favorite place in the school was.