Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.48 (Nov 2/18) - HIATUS

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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX)

Postby Allsop2604 » Thu May 10, 2012 5:16 pm

Ivanaedler my friend, you are a god send. I love your plans for Mario is Missing. All of your ideas take this game exactly where I've always wanted it to go - So much so it's almost scary (maybe we're linked telepathically O.o ). The work you've already done is fantastic. You're turning a sex game into an actual game... but, y'know... with sex.

The potential your project has gets me as giddy as a school girl. Honestly, I don't know what to say. I'm really excited to whatever your merge with Blargh. The amount of content and work he has already put in mixed with your programming and ideals..... the very universe my collapse from its sheer awesomeness.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Fri May 11, 2012 5:13 am

Allsop2604 Wrote:All of your ideas take this game exactly where I've always wanted it to go - So much so it's almost scary (maybe we're linked telepathically O.o )

Thank you ^.^. For sure, people like you incentivate us to make better versions!
When I first touched the initial version (May 2011), I played until getting bored, then I haven't lost any minute: I've taken a pencil and paper (the old way to brainstorm ideas) and started making a heavy todo list. The problem in the beginning of coding (June 2011) was that, even being a programmer for some years, the code was new to me. Talented people (Playshapes, Blargh, and others) advanced in the code, and I needed time to get used to.

For the new features, I'll try my best!

For the HummingBird version: I'm working in his version, which has collision and 2 to 3 times more performance (even to a pentium 4 single). But It's in a background TODO list. This version can advance , but not much yet. I can't promise anything right now, but eventually I can post an updated version of the same levels 1 and 2. But please remember that his version does NOT have block collision because , actually, letting Peach jump on them like being in front of them is a feature of this game (letting it more 3d), not a bug.

I have some news about the new version of AE that will be here soon.
1) Merge with Blargh complete! ;) Working pipes, stomping on goombas, CEILING collision (although not perfect because of code limitation), rock enemy (from the castle), 6 boob sizes, and Boob Lock is there (as i've said, mushroom only let them heavier and heavier. You will earn 1500 points instead or normal 1000 (a good deal), but Peach will be slower and maybe hornier. You have to be hit, masturbate or lose a life to get a smaller boob size (actually, dying get you the smallest size). Or you can lock the boob, in the menu. Also koopa and bloopers are there, but some caveats, like dynamic blushing and CONTINUE a saved game dont work yet. Also,a bug that let 2 Peaches appear when jumping before a sex scene isnt going away. FIXED ;)

I'm now working with these features:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

1.1) A two new boxes: a brown brick that gives 1 coin to Peach (like mario 1),and the golden box that blinks and turns into a coin (Mario 3).
1.2) New themes for princess peach, like a new level change screen with a new song, taken from Princess Peach for DS (remastered using high quality soundfonts).
1.3) I've removed the backward-side castle (level 3) because the goal is to go to new levels from scratch, and let the Morton castle be the last level. Bloopers will be used in water levels, and Bobombs will be used in castle levels or airship ones.
1.4) A new small level (castle entrance). Its nice because you can get some powerups then run into the castle (like Mario World). The mushroom level will have a end pole to finish it (initially, it wont have a new animation, like peach doing pole dance yet). :mrgreen:
This way, new levels and worlds can be detalhed/separated from the castle.
Soon, I'll be releasing level 2 (Mushroom Alley) whose end level will connect to the castle entrance level. Eventually, five or 6 levels will be done, before going to Desert World.
1.5) Improved HUD.
1.6) a new zoom mode. The new zoom is 'zoom out'.
1.7) possibility to play with lowest quality (pressing Q or clicking on Peach twice).
1.8) ESC key will open the MENU, and pressing UP while masturbating will cancel it (instead of 'space bar').

Things I'll not be doing in this version any time soon because of limitations and too many brainstorming.
1) Block collision: ceiling collision is posssible, but block collision can turn the game far worse. Even hummingbird didn't use it. I've tested here with some code. Peach collide in a way part of her head still enters the block, and in many places she isn't able to jump, even with her foot tips, a bit aside of the block, almost going to fall. The difficulty was like 'impossible'. Thats because the collision codes deal with movie clip quadrangular shapes (which can overlap or increase some blocks boundaries, as they're a bit curvy just because it looks better, more 3d and styled). Also, collision affects jumping (the animation became ugly, as she jumps in the same place, with her foot invading the ground). And as the blocks was moved to be higher, Peach has troubles to jump on them (a stair like of blocks is needed), and as the objects on the screen are bigger than small peach in Mario 2, for example, increasing height will turn the game more 'platform-flat' (less 3d), with a sokoban feel (blocks will need to be horizontal and vertical aligned), and with less height vision.

However, in the future, maybe I will return to this dilemna. I need to focus now in new levels, items and some animations.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Mon May 14, 2012 7:14 am

Update 1.0a:

1) Fork with Blargh version accomplished!
2) no star aura (the plan is to have a normal star powerup that let her blink and be invencible)
3) no credits in the throne (you can see it in the starting screen of the game or the main menu)
4) new 'change level screen' background
5) new sub-level (pre-castle) with some new graphics (resembling Mario World), but you can control Peach in this area
6) new end-level in mushroom level (animated pole)
7) better jumping animation
8) better standing animation (like breathing)
9) better animation on pipes
10) ceiling collision (it does its job but may not be 100% perfect). This is NOT block collision (I dont plan doing block collision as discussed before).
11) Better and more natural colors for goomba and koopa, according to mario games
Also, correction to Peach hair, breast size and shadows (let me informed if its better or not)
12) peach will lose a boob size if she is hit by an enemy
13) new rule: if peach is fire peach, and go naked (be hit), she will be a burn peach. If she gets Dress Power, she will be fire peach, not a normal dressed peach. However, if she loses a life, she will return to normal peach
14) each powerup has different score points. Dress powerup has the least. The original plan was to have Dress Peach remove 500 points, but this was cancelled because this was a kind of punishment and I want to let it at minimum. So everything will earn you points. gather all if you want to earn the most points
15) small speed change in each boob size. The heaviest boob size will let her slow, but she will be able to jump and pass most obstacles
16) new zoom mode. Now 4 zooms in total. The fourth zoom is actually a zoom out
17) new graphic mode: LOW (pressing Q or pressing the buttons in the start level)
18) fixed the bug of 'double peach' if you jump and then goes into a scene (like old toad or goomba)
19) (internal) font optimization
20) You can use SPACE BAR to skip intro scenes and go right into the first level
21) ESC key will go to menu. While pressing down (masturbation), the key 'UP' will cancel masturbation, instead of DOWN again
22) (deactivated): CONTINUE. When AE MIM has more levels, I'll include it again. Thats because it will interfere with a new checkpoint system
23) (deactivated): POST LEVELS (like reverse castle and underwater): The reverse castle will not be present anymore (I will use new levels), and the underwater will appear in a new level.
24) Internal Cum working but its deactivated by default. You can re-enable it in the menu.

FLA + SWF is here (CS5): https://rapidshare.com/files/526824640/ ... __1.0a.rar
(this link above may have been removed, due to inactivity. Just download a later version, in the first post of this topic).

(1.0b is already out (SWF only) in the first page, to address some bugs found in 1.0a.)
I didnt have time to test 100%, so I apologize if any bug appears in the future.

Remember, requirements so far: QUAD-CORE, or a AMD PHENOM X4. Sorry, Flash is really a heavy platform, as you can see here - https://www.adobe.com/products/flashpla ... specs.html . Optimizations may help, but not much (Even optimized, less than a Pentium 4 single and you will suffer the same way).

What's in my next plans priority (not in order):
[ ] A new level (The Forest)
[ ] Bricks who grows poison mushroom, and a 1-coin brown brick
[ ] Peach would hit the koopa, and gather his shell. But a random action may trigger a shell fuck (its like Peach missing grabbing the shell on time).
[ ] sound of 'boeing boeing' while walking with larger breasts, and milking if breasts are heavy (two biggest sizes) that can let her cum.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX)

Postby Biles » Mon May 14, 2012 9:33 am

Oh fuck me in the goat ass of epic disaster! Peach's body is cycling through various body modes as if she was drunk on star power. On top of that, I think the Rapidshare download link just took a big shit as it's not even working at all. Maybe it's just probably my end IDK, but I get basically a blank page.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Mon May 14, 2012 1:06 pm

Biles Wrote:Oh fuck me in the goat ass of epic disaster! Peach's body is cycling through various body modes

Hmmm, I forgot to remove a hidden Star code when she gets 10 laids :/ SWF updated in the first page, thanks!
Star will be a separate powerup (like a Mario star) throughout the level.
The Rapid link is working okay here.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX)

Postby HairMetalIsGod » Mon May 14, 2012 1:52 pm

same problem as a couple of people - peach's body keeps cycling between all her costumes and several hairstyles...
only bug i've really found - keep up the good work!
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX)

Postby Biles » Mon May 14, 2012 7:47 pm

ivanaedler Wrote:SWF updated in the first page

Are you sure? The problem is still there. And it's a serious one when by chance when the player grabs a power item, half the time they get it, or they don't. I've also noticed that when hitting the fire spindle thingy in Morton's castle does it toggle the Princess' star power mode, weird if you ask me. And finally, after fucking Morton, the scene doesn't exactly move on.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX)

Postby Battle-Jesus » Mon May 14, 2012 10:02 pm

It might not move on because there's nothing to move on to Hah

But yeah. The problem is there. You can get around it by loading costumes in the menu though, for until he fixes it
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Mon May 14, 2012 10:36 pm

Hmmm.....strange. I have to see it deeper. Maybe it was because of the merge.

EDIT: Peach functionality is okay. I've tested the same SWF here (first page). I think its because you're using a old save game (flash temporary file). Try cleaning the cache in flash options. I did it. Also, tests were done in Firefox, Chrome, Explorer and Irfanview flash player with no such error. Blargh told me that the flash saving feature is nice, but it has some strange errors. When a major version is updated, the flash cache must be cleaned, or funny things can occur.

EDIT: discovered the error after Morton. I'll update the SWF tonight.

Mario is Missing PUT.swf
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX)

Postby TedFallenger » Mon May 14, 2012 10:49 pm

Her top for the Fire Princess costume is placed too low for the smallest breasts. Makes it look as if the tops of the cups are superglued to her nipples! =P

Also the older Toad you speak to has an error which causes his speech bubble to be partially covered by the castle's roof.

I've also noticed for a while that blocks aren't affected by jumping up into them as long as you aren't holding the jump button. Likewise you can strike blocks by pressing jump as your head falls past them.
Last edited by TedFallenger on Tue May 15, 2012 1:49 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX)

Postby Biles » Mon May 14, 2012 11:48 pm

Oh yeah, that definitely did the trick alright. Strangely, I thought that I had already cleared my cache from before. Well I did it again and now Peach ain't tripping anymore :D BTW, you may wanna fix that "game over" jingle as it seems to be playing in the background at random. And one last suggestion, that coin block which requires hoping over the two smiling clouds. Raise that coin block a little so that Peach doesn't end up being pushed off to the side because of clipping issues. Still, I think some objects should be raised higher and even though you did mentioned that it would be hard for Peach to reach a height to get on top, remember that in SMB, Mario is capable of jumping at many times his height even in biggie mode.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX)

Postby DoggieDog52 » Tue May 15, 2012 1:35 am

Get rid of the random block right above the first Green Mushroom house you can jump on. If you jump too high off that block you can get yourself stuck there.

I also ran into a glitch where if you jumped over the last Goomba after the flagpole (extremely nice touch by the way) and went into the next area while jumping, it glitches you directly into Morton's castle with the music from the first level still playing.

Besides that, excellent work! The music changes combined with the flagpole animation are very nice additions.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Thu May 17, 2012 12:28 am

TedFallenger Wrote:Her top for the Fire Princess costume is placed too low for the smallest breasts. Makes it look as if the tops of the cups are superglued to her nipples! =P

That was because of the merge. Will be fixed in the next release! No more glued nipples :D

TedFallenger Wrote:The older Toad you speak to has an error which causes his speech bubble to be partially covered by the castle's roof.

Same with the picture in the wall that teaches how to zoom Peach. This was because of the new roof. Ballons and picture will be fixed in the next release!

TedFallenger Wrote:Blocks aren't affected by jumping up into them as long as you aren't holding the jump button. Likewise you can strike blocks by pressing jump as your head falls past them.

I will take a look on this. This is because of head collision. The head should have the 'power to break something' if its pushing towards the thing, like in real physics. So the collision mechanism must cease when falling. Normal programming (without physics code) leads to this glitch. But it will be fixed in the next release!

Billes Wrote:BTW, you may wanna fix that "game over" jingle as it seems to be playing in the background at random

Please, could you observe where it does occur, exactly? I can't reproduce here without more information. In normal gaming, when the game over screen appears, and you let the music play, it will play just okay, then stop in the end (no looping).

Billes Wrote:Coin block which requires hoping over the two smiling clouds

I'll elevate them, as some others. Yes, these clipping issues actually are features (peach really should get ricocheted if pressing a block too much), but this doesnt occur in normal mario games and really can let the bricks harder to break. I'll see what can be done to avoid her deviating from the brick.

Billes Wrote:Mario is capable of jumping at many times his height even in biggie mode.

Yes, this is due to the small Mario image in regard to the screen as a whole. Its better to control him, but Mario this way doesnt have detail. Peach , otherwise, is a more detailed version (we all want to see her in action) ;) If I increase Peach jump height, the game will be harder to play (it will be ackward to follow peach camera, as it will go up and down more often, letting the player tired). Although the plan is to make a Mario like game (with level, worlds, and enemies), I think it should be wise to maintain the current peach engine and height. The only problem (not a gameplay killer anyway) is the collision ricochet, for which I'll see what can be worked on.

DoggieDog52 Wrote:Get rid of the random block right above the first Green Mushroom house you can jump on. If you jump too high off that block you can get yourself stuck there.

Could you please give me a image pointing to the area? When you say 'stuck', you say 'no more able to do anything, like walking or jumping?' I couldnt reproduce.

DoggieDog52 Wrote: A glitch where if you jumped over the last Goomba after the flagpole

I'll fix it in the next update.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX)

Postby DoggieDog52 » Thu May 17, 2012 2:43 am

ivanaedler Wrote:
DoggieDog52 Wrote:Get rid of the random block right above the first Green Mushroom house you can jump on. If you jump too high off that block you can get yourself stuck there.

Could you please give me a image pointing to the area? When you say 'stuck', you say 'no more able to do anything, like walking or jumping?' I couldnt reproduce.

You might need the raccoon suit to do it, but there's a brown block (the type you can break) by itself above that Green Mushroom. Above that is a pipe. If you jump into that area, you'll be trapped between the pipe and clouds. Like so:

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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX)

Postby Biles » Thu May 17, 2012 3:17 am

ivanaedler Wrote:
Billes Wrote:BTW, you may wanna fix that "game over" jingle as it seems to be playing in the background at random

Please, could you observe where it does occur, exactly? I can't reproduce here without more information. In normal gaming, when the game over screen appears, and you let the music play, it will play just okay, then stop in the end (no looping).

Well I think it happens when you get killed a number of times. My theory is that the jingle play is scripted to play if you lose 3 lives which you start out with anyways. But it doesn't take into account 1ups that Peach is capable of collecting.

ivanaedler Wrote:
Billes Wrote:Coin block which requires hoping over the two smiling clouds

I'll elevate them, as some others. Yes, these clipping issues actually are features (peach really should get ricocheted if pressing a block too much), but this doesnt occur in normal mario games and really can let the bricks harder to break. I'll see what can be done to avoid her deviating from the brick.

I understand that clipping for overlapping is a feature but I assume that it serves for aesthetic purposes. As for ricochetes, I don't seem to mind about them.

ivanaedler Wrote:
Billes Wrote:Mario is capable of jumping at many times his height even in biggie mode.

Yes, this is due to the small Mario image in regard to the screen as a whole. Its better to control him, but Mario this way doesnt have detail. Peach , otherwise, is a more detailed version (we all want to see her in action) ;) If I increase Peach jump height, the game will be harder to play (it will be ackward to follow peach camera, as it will go up and down more often, letting the player tired). Although the plan is to make a Mario like game (with level, worlds, and enemies), I think it should be wise to maintain the current peach engine and height. The only problem (not a gameplay killer anyway) is the collision ricochet, for which I'll see what can be worked on.

I'm not sure how details on Peach's character design can affect her jumping unless you mean the possible lag it might present. After all, MiM is being built on a Flash engine code. As for camera height chase, it's possible to adjust the distance of max zooming settings slightly.

Anyways, I have a theory I wanna test out. As you know, Peach has a wardrobe collection of outfits. The article of clothing are arranged in multiple individual frames in succession sometimes in one or two layers. Question is, do you think it might make a difference if we were to put the symbol clothing pieces on individual layers on their own and that the symbols will have scripts embedded that will allow them to disappear at any given time?
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX)

Postby TrueMisfit » Thu May 17, 2012 11:49 am

The only bug I've seen so far is when I try to hit the blocks with her head nothing happens, but sometimes randomly when I jump a block on the screen that I'm near will spazz out and give me all the coins it has.

Kinda weird...
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Thu May 17, 2012 10:05 pm

DoggieDog52 Wrote:You might need the raccoon suit to do it, but there's a brown block (the type you can break) by itself above that Green Mushroom. Above that is a pipe. If you jump into that area, you'll be trapped between the pipe and clouds. Like so:

Aaaaah, the pipes! So the raccoon Peach is jumping too much :D Right, I will be fixing that.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Thu May 17, 2012 10:58 pm

Biles Wrote:My theory is that the jingle play is scripted to play if you lose 3 lives which you start out with anyways. But it doesn't take into account 1ups that Peach is capable of collecting.

Hmmmmm the jingle only appears if Peach lives in the HUD are less than zero. If Peach has 10 lives, the game over should appear only if she does lose them all. I've tested here with 7 lives and the game over occurs only if you lose them all. When you starts the game again, it has the normal 3 lives. Did you clean the flash cache after this last update? Does this problem occurs in any given place, like lava in Castle level?

EDIT: The merge influenced the life mushrooms. Peach is gaining two lives instead of 1. A new fix will be made.

Billes Wrote:I'm not sure how details on Peach's character design can affect her jumping unless you mean the possible lag it might present

I give this argument in regard to Peach detail as she is zoomed in ;) People love to play Peach looking at her detais. Playshapes based her jump height with Super Mario Bros 2. There, Peach jumps 1.5 her height. However, Playshapes has kept 1.0 in this game, because it would need more zoom out, more higher bricks and Peach could avoid more the sex scenes. Worse is in Super Mario 1, as mini Mario jumps 6x his height (a bit too much) , and big Mario jumps 4x his height. I dont think it will be practical and really useful to add a much higher jump at this time. Also, this version will be more focused on new levels and enemies.

The game can have more zoom outs, but it has a limit. For fall areas, boss and some sky areas, for example, zooming out too much will show places that were not supposed to. With the 4x zoom mode present in the last version, you can surely jump better in some places (not all places). But increasing the jump height now will require an entire change to objects and more zoom outs.

Billes Wrote:Anyways, I have a theory I wanna test out. As you know, Peach has a wardrobe collection of outfits. The article of clothing are arranged in multiple individual frames in succession sometimes in one or two layers. Question is, do you think it might make a difference if we were to put the symbol clothing pieces on individual layers on their own and that the symbols will have scripts embedded that will allow them to disappear at any given time?

Fore sure! Layer can have useful names, and provided each symbol (clothing) in it has a instance (like 'Dress1', 'Dress2', 'PeachZero'), the main code in the first frame can, then, check the actual char and clothes Peach is wearing at the moment (CharNum, DressNum) then , in a while loop that runs at all layers, the code will put _visible=false to all but the actual clothing, which will be set _visible=true. But......

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

This above can throw a problem. Even with _visible=false, the symbol is loaded in flash during runtime. This will cause an increasing performance hit.
Imagine 100 costume layers, all being with _visible=false. They will be loaded. The only way not to load them is to use a single frame of clothing, then an actionscript code (internally) will cast loadMovie and unloadMovie on the desired movie clip with clothes. The advantage: only one clothing will be active at a time. The downside: each piece of clothing of each char must be a symbol with an instance. So if you have 100 clothes with 10 parts each, you will need 1000 symbols, in order to load/unload them at runtime.

The best approach is the present way of doing this (a movie clip of each part that interchanges between clothes of that part, according to the actual DressNum and CharNum). The unique problem is that we lose portability. However, its still possible to do interesting things like letting Peach bottomless or without gloves, adding code that puts _visible=false in the current body part. Eg. In the 'Arm Upper clothes' movieclip, just add a action frame with no clothes and label it 'no clothes'. Then, add a checking, like '(if _root.ClothesArm==0) gotoAndStop('no clothes'); to every action frame, and let it go to the last frame. If Peach gets harmed for a given Goomba, "_root.ClothesArm=1". This will change this cloth part almost instantly to no clothes! Done!
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX)

Postby Biles » Fri May 18, 2012 4:33 am

Okay, regarding the clothing symbols arrangement, that's what I wanted to know.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX)

Postby Gool » Thu May 24, 2012 11:56 pm

Hi ivanaedler, I've been following this for awhile and have been learning alot about the coding process and flash while being entertained haha. Something that would be really cool would be to allow Peach to do special favors for the toads within the castle too. They all seem to be hinting at something like that and I think it would make the ambiance very interesting as you're just going around the castle.

What you've been doing with this project is just amazing. It's really growing, anyways I'm an artist and if you need any artistic rastor work done for this project I would like to help you out.

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