Samus Platformer

Re: Samus Platformer

Postby GoRepeat » Thu Sep 30, 2010 11:08 pm

dont like as3 so i build in 2 think the code is simple for same results



if you want direction loads use enemyclips _x or _y in hittest() code togo different parts like if sam _x < enemy _x (hit while sam in front) goto breasts if sam _x > enemy_x (hit while sam in back) goto anal
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Re: Samus Platformer

Postby ANooB » Fri Oct 01, 2010 2:16 am

Owner, YOU ARE THE SHIT!!! That's a good thing in English, so don't take it the wrong way. Only thing is the jumping is extremely slow, which can be good if you're trying to avoid enemies. But I'm not. I'm trying to get Samus fucked many, many times. So could you speed it up a bit????
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Re: Samus Platformer

Postby OwnerOfSuccuby » Fri Oct 01, 2010 3:08 am

It can be changed any time - but i think all speed parametrs wiil be fixed in the end ;) you can try to play with it i make it in 1st Stage - but i mistaked and in text point of jump high it is imposible to put zeros =( only 1-9 =))) fjr example 111 or 121 or 11 - but not 10 or 100 :mrgreen: I did not safe that version it is just for fun - you can try to make another speed - but it is only part of all speed parametrs - all other can be fixed any time in ConstantLayer of my *.fla file - it looks like:

If i post some thing you dont want - please sorry - i am bad in engleesh please write more simple what do you want to see ;) :lol:


var arrayPlayer1Bullet:Array = new Array(false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false);
var arrayPlayer1BulletDirection:Array = new Array(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1);

var arrayPlayer1EnergyShot:Array = new Array(false, false);
var arrayPlayer1EnergyShotDirection:Array = new Array(1, 1);

var sWhatStagePlay:String;

var EnemyType1Mas:Array;
var EnemyType2Mas:Array;

//Вспомогательная функция - для просмотра какой код соответствует клавише
//Почему то при компеляции в проге не пашет - но в самом флеш ролике все норм работает

const constMainTimerDelay=1; // Timer that move our player and test Hits with objects
const constMoveSpeed=1; //Const of how fast player move
const constJumpSpeed=2; //Const of how fast player jump

const myKeyKodeLeft=37; // Constant - that ler go left - needs key code of button
const myKeyKodeUp=38; // Constant - that ler go up - needs key code of button
const myKeyKodeRight=39; // Constant - that ler right left - needs key code of button
const myKeyKodeDown=40; // Constant - that ler go left - needs key code of button
const myKeyKodeJump=68; //68 Constant - that ler go jump - needs key code of button
const myKeyKodeFire=83; // Constant - that ler go jump - needs key code of button
const myKeyKodeChargeFire=65; // Constant - that lets to charge gun

const cJumpHeight=100; // Constant - not really height - but how long by time is player in air when jump

const ConstSdvigaEkranaLeft=150; //Const that move our screen (Walls) when player moves left
const ConstSdvigaEkranaRight=350; //Const that move our screen (Walls) when player moves right

const ConstSdvigaEkranaUp=100; //Const that move our screen (Walls) when player moves Up
const ConstSdvigaEkranaDown=250; //Const that move our screen (Walls) when player moves Down

const JumpDownFromFloor=20; // Move player down on that const when jump down from flore witj hole

const FireIntensity=20; // How fast prepare to new bullet attack

const constPlayer1BulletSpeed=6; // how fast buller move

const constPlayer1EnergyShotSpeed=9; // how fast buller move

//End Constants

//Скорость гуляния врагов
var EnemyType1Speed:int=1;
var EnemyType2Speed:int=1;

var MainTimer:Timer = new Timer(constMainTimerDelay); //Main timer that get all action on it
var MoveType:String="CRun"; // For understand type of movmenter - for example if you do fuck movment - you can use Fuck - than movmentwill be block and fox will fuck with NPC - but Fuck moovie must be first coded =)

//vars that are using for understanding type of movie - it have some reason not to make them in procedure
var moveLeft:int=0;
var moveUp:int=0;
var moveRight:int=0;
var moveDown:int=0;
var moveJump:int=0;
var moveFire:int=0;
var moveChargeFire:int=0;

var moveLast:int=0; //Last Fox Direction
var JumpCounter:int=0; //Let program understand - where fox jump - up / down
var PlayerPositionToPlay:int=9; // That play animation for object - for example - 9 is stay right so it playes where Player stay and look right
var StoitNaDiravomPoly:Boolean=false; //Stoit=Stand / Diraviy Pol = floor with hole - it is fore floore that let jump down from it (Down+Jump)

var FireIntensityCounter:int=0;

var Player1Life:int=100;

//end Vars

//переменные для отката при встречи стены / It is for correctly move when you hit the wall
var tempWallsx:int;
var tempPlayer1x:int;

//Temp vars vore correct movie
var tempx:int;
var tempy:int;


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Re: Samus Platformer

Postby SteelSaurus » Fri Oct 01, 2010 3:21 am

Run speed of 2 or 1.8 would be good.
Jump speed 2.2.
High jump 80.
I'll get right on it! Eventually...
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Re: Samus Platformer

Postby OwnerOfSuccuby » Fri Oct 01, 2010 3:53 am

It is slow now because it helps me to see where i mistaked in algoritms of standing / drop to enemy and others. When it is fast it is harder to understand what i make wrong :mrgreen:

I think all parametrs can be different for stages - like samus in water / space / moon etc. May be one day there will be the post with 20 of test versions and one question - take one - that is better by speed :lol: (Just joke ... but all is possible :mrgreen: ).

I like that video -it is like example - speed is to fast and it is impossible to see what is not working correctly ;) - but i like it it is funny =) But i do not understand what is going on there :lol: I like games like that - Contra on dendy for example :)
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Re: Samus Platformer

Postby ANooB » Fri Oct 01, 2010 5:01 am

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Re: Samus Platformer

Postby GoRepeat » Fri Oct 01, 2010 5:23 am

here... took 20m or so and made simple pirate loop for you so game doesnt have to go moooooooooooooooooooFUCKED~~~ was sad!

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sam_pir_simpleloop.swf [ 75.27 KiB | Viewed 17350 times ]

fla is attached made it cs4 and as3 maybe that helps?
(364.5 KiB) Downloaded 168 times
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Re: Samus Platformer

Postby OwnerOfSuccuby » Fri Oct 01, 2010 5:39 am

It is really cool =) But is not it to hard for little Samus ;) But it is perfect for final Finish Her fuck :mrgreen: Like fatality in mortal combat :)

But it can be problems with 24 frames per second animation may be we can try to use 12 fps in future ? I am afraid that in difrent computers with differet PO speed can be diferent - 12 is some thing like old standart as i understand so it will not have problems.
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Re: Samus Platformer

Postby GoRepeat » Fri Oct 01, 2010 10:06 pm

OwnerOfSuccuby Wrote:It is really cool =) But is not it to hard for little Samus ;) But it is perfect for final Finish Her fuck :mrgreen: Like fatality in mortal combat :)

But it can be problems with 24 frames per second animation may be we can try to use 12 fps in future ? I am afraid that in difrent computers with differet PO speed can be diferent - 12 is some thing like old standart as i understand so it will not have problems.

ugh 12fps ew ew ew

ok will try though...

save as checklist lol:


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Re: Samus Platformer

Postby OwnerOfSuccuby » Sat Oct 02, 2010 12:38 am

Yes :mrgreen:
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Re: Samus Platformer

Postby SteelSaurus » Sat Oct 02, 2010 2:26 am

I just feel out of the loop because my program is incompatable with anything else.

OoS, if it isn't too much of a problem, is this possible?

The blue Metroid is a Fuzion Metroid.
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Little Edits.swf [ 214.01 KiB | Viewed 16437 times ]

I'll get right on it! Eventually...
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Re: Samus Platformer

Postby OwnerOfSuccuby » Sat Oct 02, 2010 3:40 am

1)Change green energy shot that is like bullet - on big round ... energy shot ? :mrgreen: Yes it is possible - just some change bullets in libruary. Or change charge animation ?

2)Change Samus armor when she lose it by sex ? Yes but - i really like blue armored Samus even more then when she is armored in brown full armor. I think that her gun is perfect - and she looks greate in blue. May be we can some how make a blue full armor - and use it ? Like something ... blue full armor / blue armor / blue armor without some pasrts / naked ?

Blue metroid is good to ;) All blue to Samus :lol:

A will try to play with it tommorow - after sleep - i thinke all wil be better than i am now saying :D

It is 6.40 am now :mrgreen: So i can be a little silly now ;)
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Re: Samus Platformer

Postby kuja » Sat Oct 02, 2010 4:11 am

I do not know if someone already said, but it would be interesting if you make some changes to the ammount of damage for each type of shot. And maybe a "Run" button and a normal jump when she's without the armored suit?
If she had a minor jump without and a big jump with the armor, and you add items" in the game which can make her get/use the armor again, maybe the game became something more strategic and fun than it already is(i mean, maybe she needs a bigger jump to reach some locations... etc). Dunno, just some ideas i have in mind.
Last edited by kuja on Sat Oct 02, 2010 5:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Samus Platformer

Postby SteelSaurus » Sat Oct 02, 2010 4:49 am

To OoS;

1) Yes to both but for the bulky orange suit only. Change all shots and charge animation to white round energy shot.
2) Change to the blue armor when she has sex with blue Metroids. I can make some less skimpy version of the blue armor's if you want. I'll show you in a while.

In General;

The blue metroid is a Fuzion Metroid. If you go back to the thought of Samus using sex to recharge her batteries have Fuzion Metroids (or Fuzoids) as a sort of safety net.

Basically, they won't attack or attempt to have sex with Samus. Samus has to go out of her way to force herself upon them. (I'm going to be elaborating on the Fuzion Suit.) But if she has sex with them in orange armor (Varia) she'll get a full Fuzion suit. If she attacks one when nude, she'll get a bare basic Fuzion Suit. If in the bare Fuzion Suit and attacked by a basic Metroid, you can have sex with it and get stronger armor.

Kuja's onto something which I think would happen eventually now with GPete and OoS together. Yep. Looks like my services are pretty much uneeded now.

Ridley? What Ridley? Who's this Ridley you speak off.
I'll get right on it! Eventually...
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Re: Samus Platformer

Postby GoRepeat » Sat Oct 02, 2010 5:38 am

yeaaaaah all that possible... all of this is sprite in sprite in sprite.... so just using vars behind scene to tell flash which sprite to use...

like.... hit fusion metroid sets fusion true ;; then if fusion true call fusion suit if false call regular suit...

same with jumping... just make unique nude sprite for jumping and when nude is true, "regular" jump used instead of spin:

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samus motion sprites.swf [ 81.22 KiB | Viewed 16248 times ]

edit.... FINISH RIDLEY!!! hahah

oh yeah shots work same way... like when shot fired call different linked bullets.... on enemy hit test add check for bullet type... like if bullet a 5 damag, bullet b 10 damage, bullet c stun enemy....

its all just a b c d e f if else true false...
Last edited by GoRepeat on Sat Oct 02, 2010 5:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Samus Platformer

Postby kuja » Sat Oct 02, 2010 5:41 am

Looks much better now.
Ridley? Who's Ridley?
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Re: Samus Platformer

Postby SteelSaurus » Sat Oct 02, 2010 6:01 am

Two things GPete. She tends to get stuck in her ball form. A ball form that never stops rolling. But I really like how you fluid it is and this is in 12fps? Even more impressive.
I'll get right on it! Eventually...
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Re: Samus Platformer

Postby GoRepeat » Sat Oct 02, 2010 6:25 am

SteelSaurus Wrote:Two things GPete. She tends to get stuck in her ball form. A ball form that never stops rolling. But I really like how you fluid it is and this is in 12fps? Even more impressive.

need to hit up to break ball like in game or else she stay that way to roll... the ball idle anim is the same as ball rolling sprite atm which is why perma roll it is what she does in games so I left it that way - would be simple to change to a idle ball form

no, its 24 fps because 12 fps is so blughhhhhhh would need to rework the animations

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edit oops wrong file

edit 2 oops wrong file again lol... added ball idle and bit of motion to nude jump so its not still
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Re: Samus Platformer

Postby SteelSaurus » Sat Oct 02, 2010 6:58 am

Haha, lovely.

I don wanna work on Ridly right now. I'll putter through the Fuzion Upgrade then top off Ridley.

If you need any little minor enemies to break away from Metroids and Pirates I've been looking a Reo's and Memu's and the Fly Pod.
I'll get right on it! Eventually...
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Re: Samus Platformer

Postby OwnerOfSuccuby » Sat Oct 02, 2010 3:30 pm

------------------------------------------ WARNING !!! --------------------------------------------


It is some big problem i think. As i say earlier - it can be a problem with elements - and it is !!! But i thought - that it will not be hard to rename/replace elements - but it is :roll:

When some body use element with the same name - it is resized. For example i make samus movments and use 10 to 10 size.

Somebody make Samus fuck - and use 20- by - 20 - and when i try to export it - it is resized to my 10 to 10 and becomes like - something i do not want to see :lol:

So i have to name it for example Gun1 /// Gun 2 - and i will have a lot of guns by the end of all it :lol:


I think that it is time to little stop and think what to do and what we want to see. What movments what attaks etc.
Then i will little remake program code for it - and we will little change animation that we have - to one style andone type of elements.

For example - it is only test version to show - when Samus is cathed - she has blue armor. So if she is not in blue armor we have to draw it - i can not change it by usng code =( it has wrong structure for it. But we can make 3 different movie like monster undress her - and than it will be perfect. Or change structure of it then i can make her change armor and she will be fucked the same way for each armor type.

When samus is naked she is fucked but she has boots on - but when she is naked she must not to have it :mrgreen:

So there can be a lot of little things that have to be fixed.

I liked like SteelSaurus make it with arrows - it is simple to understand what to do ;) But i did not change blue armor to blue armor with out some parts yet - it is some problem when i try to decompile swf i get something strange in it.


Warning !!!

One more BAD thing !!! When we decompile SWF - we lose some data - so we have to use only one format type - that is source. Fla for example. I make he same way - so have a lot of problems in what i already make :lol:
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