It can be changed any time - but i think all speed parametrs wiil be fixed in the end

you can try to play with it i make it in 1st Stage - but i mistaked and in text point of jump high it is imposible to put zeros =( only 1-9 =))) fjr example 111 or 121 or 11 - but not 10 or 100

I did not safe that version it is just for fun - you can try to make another speed - but it is only part of all speed parametrs - all other can be fixed any time in ConstantLayer of my *.fla file - it looks like:
If i post some thing you dont want - please sorry - i am bad in engleesh please write more simple what do you want to see

var arrayPlayer1Bullet:Array = new Array(false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false);
var arrayPlayer1BulletDirection:Array = new Array(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1);
var arrayPlayer1EnergyShot:Array = new Array(false, false);
var arrayPlayer1EnergyShotDirection:Array = new Array(1, 1);
var sWhatStagePlay:String;
var EnemyType1Mas:Array;
var EnemyType2Mas:Array;
//Вспомогательная функция - для просмотра какой код соответствует клавише
//Почему то при компеляции в проге не пашет - но в самом флеш ролике все норм работает
const constMainTimerDelay=1; // Timer that move our player and test Hits with objects
const constMoveSpeed=1; //Const of how fast player move
const constJumpSpeed=2; //Const of how fast player jump
const myKeyKodeLeft=37; // Constant - that ler go left - needs key code of button
const myKeyKodeUp=38; // Constant - that ler go up - needs key code of button
const myKeyKodeRight=39; // Constant - that ler right left - needs key code of button
const myKeyKodeDown=40; // Constant - that ler go left - needs key code of button
const myKeyKodeJump=68; //68 Constant - that ler go jump - needs key code of button
const myKeyKodeFire=83; // Constant - that ler go jump - needs key code of button
const myKeyKodeChargeFire=65; // Constant - that lets to charge gun
const cJumpHeight=100; // Constant - not really height - but how long by time is player in air when jump
const ConstSdvigaEkranaLeft=150; //Const that move our screen (Walls) when player moves left
const ConstSdvigaEkranaRight=350; //Const that move our screen (Walls) when player moves right
const ConstSdvigaEkranaUp=100; //Const that move our screen (Walls) when player moves Up
const ConstSdvigaEkranaDown=250; //Const that move our screen (Walls) when player moves Down
const JumpDownFromFloor=20; // Move player down on that const when jump down from flore witj hole
const FireIntensity=20; // How fast prepare to new bullet attack
const constPlayer1BulletSpeed=6; // how fast buller move
const constPlayer1EnergyShotSpeed=9; // how fast buller move
//End Constants
//Скорость гуляния врагов
var EnemyType1Speed:int=1;
var EnemyType2Speed:int=1;
var MainTimer:Timer = new Timer(constMainTimerDelay); //Main timer that get all action on it
var MoveType:String="CRun"; // For understand type of movmenter - for example if you do fuck movment - you can use Fuck - than movmentwill be block and fox will fuck with NPC - but Fuck moovie must be first coded =)
//vars that are using for understanding type of movie - it have some reason not to make them in procedure
var moveLeft:int=0;
var moveUp:int=0;
var moveRight:int=0;
var moveDown:int=0;
var moveJump:int=0;
var moveFire:int=0;
var moveChargeFire:int=0;
var moveLast:int=0; //Last Fox Direction
var JumpCounter:int=0; //Let program understand - where fox jump - up / down
var PlayerPositionToPlay:int=9; // That play animation for object - for example - 9 is stay right so it playes where Player stay and look right
var StoitNaDiravomPoly:Boolean=false; //Stoit=Stand / Diraviy Pol = floor with hole - it is fore floore that let jump down from it (Down+Jump)
var FireIntensityCounter:int=0;
var Player1Life:int=100;
//end Vars
//переменные для отката при встречи стены / It is for correctly move when you hit the wall
var tempWallsx:int;
var tempPlayer1x:int;
//Temp vars vore correct movie
var tempx:int;
var tempy:int;