ivanaedler Wrote:Yes, I did some alterations in standing Peach.
Marvelous, Blargh!! I'll be flying now to method 2, and I'll be adding the features I did in those last 2 days.
I've included a new background (a CC image) of a nice mario world and re-designed / re-colored some texts (the default green text, like 'click here' was not nice). I also did the animation of 'growing big mushroom' and 'growing flower mushroom' when you jump to some bricks. I also had an idea of starting the game in 'World 9', since Mario saved Peach in World 8. So it may have World 10, 11, 12 and so on (or why not, in the reverse order: 7, 6, 5). It could have drawn images that ressembles the worlds of Mario Bros 3.
I also had some ideas in the HUD (like adding the real score - 000.000 to 9.999.999, and TIME) - functions yet implemented.
I think those alterations will not create difficulties in the merge, as it was minor alterations (no new animations or no layer reorder or rename).
I'll tell you the results of the merge and I'll post as CS5 files!Thank you and Live Strong!
Biles Wrote:I wonder if at this point, Peach should have some swimming animations when going into the water. On top of that, the idea of a froggy suit is to traverse the water very quickly than one could in any other power suits. The only advantage it gives is freeing Peach the burden of having to bob up and down manually in a constant manner just to maintain a specific level underwater.
Zeus Kabob Wrote:Blargh, you said that you'd make the star power a confetti of sparkly bits. That could cause lag, so you might want to make an option to turn it off. (or maybe you want to test whether it causes lag first)
Blargh Wrote:About as much lag as the aura, probably. As long as I don't make each star its own movieclip it should be fine. But, don't worry, I will test it. Have to make the animation looks good after all. ^_^
ivanaedler Wrote:Blargh, I did some things that you can be interested (but it was done in the older version). Anyway, it was not related to Peach or the characters (so It will be almost a snatch for you to use). I started to do these alterations before the merge (which I need some time yet).
1) I did a level transition (those like Mario Bros) , with the head of the Peach (can be used for other characters as well) , the number of lives and a screen of the current world and level. It used only one frame of 'Scene 1' timeline. The label of it in Scene1 is 'changelevel'.
2) I figured out how to use only one frame of 'end level stats' (those which count the coins, laids.... in the Scene 1). So its possible to do, say, 10 custom levels using only 10 frames, one after another, instead of 20. And its nice to see that, in level 1, Peach was a whore, and in level 2, Peach was a virgin. (so a different end scene like those toads or goombas on her, just before a new level). It was easy to do this:Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Here, I used the code below in the 'starting logo' frame of Scene1 (mushroom kimgdom world1 animation, with morton laughing sound) that is in frame 5 of Scene1 here, and my 'level transition' mechanic is on frame 6. Of course you can put in different frames. We will be navigating through these screens with Scene 1 timeline labels, anyway!Spoiler (click to show/hide):
All done
(If you want, I could do this for you, in your latest version posted).
The most important thing here is that now, we only need to worry of just one column of frames of Scene1 to create a given level, and we still have a nice level transition screen between then![]()
But! As I know you would like to make the Peach castle a hub, in order to let Peach use the bath more often (which is nice!), it just needs a bit of modification, like, say, she returning to her castle after the end of the world, or maybe after a 'mini castle' battle, which occurs generally after 3 levels. Or (an idea!) , you can close her castle (erase the rest of the level) and put in a given Scene 1 frame, and when she opens the door just after the throne (like when she goes to morton castle), the game goes to the level transition, then a new music and level is playedShe can 'refresh' herself in the end of each 'laborous' day in order to finally save the kingdom
3) Three animated 'growing mushrooms' when you break a brick with life mushroom, big mushroom and flower power. But they dont 'walk' yet (its necessary a 'follow' code which let them walk by themselves and fall, or return when a obstacle is found). Included are the bricks that breaks, red platforms, clouds platforms and bean plant. All made from scratch.
As I promised, Fla and SWF is here (CS5) http://www.share4web.com/get/byq7Y5S8Cq ... 0.rar.html
I will be glad if something here is useful for you, Blargh
montesat Wrote:Can you make an animation for jumping, like legs bending before and/or while jumping?
sgf Wrote:The costumes 'Ranger' and 'PokemonGen3' are always one breast size bigger than what is actually set. I'm not sure if this is intentional or not.
Zeus Kabob Wrote:Good stuff. I was seeing you looking at Flash and saying "well, I'm making sparklies so I might as well release 2000 tiny particles with lighting effects and physics on them", which would have made my computer throw a hissy fit and then explode.
ivanaedler Wrote:For about jumping, I'm working on that right now, and I think it should be not hard for Blargh to use it (maybe he will only need to change one column of pieces in order to support any character). As the animation only use 10 frames, which 4 frames are keyframmed (tweens), being 2 'unique' and 2 reversed, it only needs 2 changes of all columns (pieces of clothing). In order for the swap to be quick, Blargh should remove all except those first 5 frames (from which 2 is keyframmed tweens) and swap the object of the 2 keyframes (in each layer).
Blargh Wrote:I'm probably going to harvest something from Playshapes' MiM2 for the jumping animation.
Blargh Wrote:I also won't be able to use end-level stats because of the different checkpoints. Falling into the underwater area and then coming up from a pipe to the previous area, as an example, isn't really ending a level.
Blargh Wrote:montesat Wrote:Can you make an animation for jumping, like legs bending before and/or while jumping?
At some point, yes. Yumskerdoodle made a point of burning the request into my mind, and my to do list. >_>
ivanaedler Wrote:Blargh Wrote:I'm probably going to harvest something from Playshapes' MiM2 for the jumping animation.
Thats what I did![]()
The problem is that, if you implement that directly, when Peach interact with old toad or the goombas, the jumping animation keeps on showing, then you have two Peaches.Spoiler (click to show/hide):
I'm seeing that right now. the problem with alpha = 0 (that is, Peach is getting hidden now here, but she reappears in the end of jump animation, even with character alpha=0, and character_jumping alpha=0) is that, maybe, in the end of each jump animation, returning to Peach frames one or two (stand up left, stand up right) does something involving subclips that dont respond with alpha![]()
Using _alpha property in char.character.MainChar does nothing here, and using _visible instead of _alpha, nothing either.
But if I put 'stop()' after 'jump_right' and 'jump left', Peach are not duplicated, but the jumping animation will keep on repeating forever.
EDIT: Gotcha! It only needed to force her to frame 2, in each encounter (_root.char.gotoAndPlay(2);)Spoiler (click to show/hide):[/spoiler]
ivanaedler Wrote:I understand. But then, you are not going to use any 'end-level stats' screen? Even with, say, in a 10-world full length game?
As I see so far, its not hard to make a two (or more) checkpoints in each level (with hard coded areas), with a possibility to end the level (like going down a large pole or entering a end pipe). In your first level, I liked so much the way you can use the underwater level after Morton (which is in the second level), and without a level transition (so its like the underwater is a new area in the first level that was opened). I like this idea. But I just keep imagining how are this going to flow in a very large game, without any stats screen.
The same with the level transition screen. At a given time, in a lengthy level, after so many enemies, Peach wants to relax a bit in her castle between levels, for example. So the stats and the transition are a way to show the user what he achieved, like number of laids, coins and , maybe in the future, score points.![]()
Hmmmmmm its a thing to pinpoint.
Biles Wrote:Well, given the work files PlayShapes has already released, I think the jumping animation is already made and ready to go. Unless of course the jumping animation to you might not seems satisfactory to the point you want to make your own version.
Blargh Wrote:- In PeachChar (the movieclip with the standing/moving left and right), you enter in two new keyframes (labels like "jumpingleft" and "jumpingright") with the animation for jumping (might have to go as far as jumpingupright, jumpingdownright, and the two corresponding lefts).... - As long as the keyframes are in the right movieclip, you don't have to deal with _alpha at all
Blargh Wrote:'Peach in a open world': Have you played Super Metroid or Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Blargh Wrote:A completely interconnected world, which is another reason why I won't be able to have something like losing a life (or, say, Star Power) from falling in a pit. If there's a pit to fall into, it will probably lead to a different section of the entire world.
Blargh Wrote:I'm an adventurer
ivanaedler Wrote:For about the merge...
I was doing well (I did the change in her hand and it was okay)But the head was a big problem. I attached a file for you to see. I've sent also some photos of what I did.
I tried the opposite (to merge yours with mine), because I imagined 'hmmm the turtle movie clip may not be so hard', but it was worse (the turtle uses a extremmelly different mechanism, so all was blinking/crashing/monstering).
I really dont want to you do all this work, I just need to find out the correct combinations. I dont mind of being with mixed graphics/vectors (I can change her graphics later). At least is a safe option (I dont know your code well). I do know it may be a brute force sometimes (like changing all her body parts in a very long animation with tweens) but its a safer change. For some areas, as you pinpointed (bra, body, hand), its straight forward already (cutting all but the first frame, then going to "XXXXX clothes" (from which only the first four will remain), then XXXXX char (where I just need to copy the four first frames to the base figure), and test it! But 'Head Forward', for example, does not have 'Head Clothes'. So I tried to figure out (images in the file below).
FLA, SWF and photos of the merge until now are here https://rapidshare.com/files/998802967/ ... dler_2.rar
Thank you again, sorry to disturb you again, but for sure, if I finish with this, it will be surelly be stable to work on (as I am not fiddling with those in any circuntances. Any add-on will use this new mechanism of 'piece char...... piece clothes....' and you will be informed). And every update I do here, you can use there without almost any conversion. I know some features like her jumping, for example, which are in a older version, could be a problem but as you have done this mechanism, it shouldn't be hard for you there (you will only need to change body parts to the new movie clips. Also, the jumping, as I've said before, is done in two key frames for each piece. The rest are tweens (to form 5 frames). The rest of the 5 frames (so, a total of 10 for her jumping) are reversed ones.
attachMovie("headforwardchars", "headforward", 1);
i = (((_root.CharNum - 1) * 5) + _root.DressNum) * 2;
ivanaedler Wrote:Yes, but the problem is that , as you've said, lack of keyframes in correct areas led two peaches appear. But Its not the case with encounters's code (goomba, koopa and old toad, for example), there is a code for alpha=0 because inside of each encounter's movie clip, like in sex scenes, there is a instance of Peach (the same as the Scene1). The jumping animation should not require this, and I'll be testing the code with toughingGround, thanks.
The !touchingGround (in the case, the ELSE statement of touchingGround), also will let the player use the jump animation while falling (a thing I'll do later). In the current implementation, she only uses the jumping animation when...well...jumping. It was a feature so requested that I preferred to do soon. People dont look so much with falling animation, as they're striving to keep the pace with the game, with their fantasies, without getting trouble....except in some nice scenes
For the coding skill, I'm a current c/c++ programmer, but I dont hide the fact Flash plays with me sometimes. Its a new paradigm to think about algorihtm linear pass-by, added with timeframes and subclips mechanics. I have a current issue in the Action right click menu (in a given movie clip). I can put variables there but I cant use these variables inside the clip's timeline. No frame accepts them. I also tried to use 'var x = 0'. Its like the variable does not exist). I tried with 'this', '_parent', to no avail.
Root variables are not desired, because It should be useful to have local variables in the 'right-click action menu', like 'coins amount', and just copy and paste to 100 coinboxes 'right-click action'.
Some has 10 coins, some 5 coins, and some, nothing at all. I was studying about addFrameScript(), but it uses AS config files and I dont know it its feasible to use in a full game with 1000 coinboxes, for example.
ivanaedler Wrote:I dont have even a PSbut I remember of S.Metroid. A nice game
It makes me remember of FlashBack (also an open game, but with end level stats, although its rarer, like a 'end-world stats'), and S. Metroid made be remember of Duke Nukem 3d (those alien levels). I became stuck once, in S. Metroid, in the first pink morph ball
Corta's Platform (flash) is also very good and very open game.
But the transition zones in Metroid and Castlevania are in small increments. You walk a single corridor or a given small area, then enter a portal to the next. A nice approach, but really different from normal Mario levels (I hated the Mario Bros 1 and lost worlds because you were not allowed to go back), but in our versions, of course we will be able to go back and forthFor me, I am following mario 3 level mechanics, with caveats like a bit of non linear play (warp zones, triggers that lead Peach for haunted castles..), but I will use level end stats and transitions in order to let the player 'more eager to collect more', and maybe in the future, a map system too (like Mario World).
But I agree with you in the fact that numbers sometimes limit us. Its better to refer levels or worlds as names (mushroom kingdom, Elfen Kingdom), than numbers. I can brainstorm about this, and may include the names instead of numbers. But I like the transitions , as they're checkpoints of which goals the player has accomplished.
EDIT: About the laid number. In each level, it might be different. Mushroom kingdom = 10 enemies. Mushroom - The Pond = 14 enemies, Mushroom - Forest - 20 enemies. And so on. Peach will be 'whore' if all enemies are 'beaten' in the current level (that is, 20/20 in the last level above). So the transition is nice to show this (the player will wonder why he didnt get the other enemies)
Blargh Wrote:
- Code: Select All Code
attachMovie("headforwardchars", "headforward", 1);
You don't want that, so delete it.
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