Allsop2604 Wrote:I keep on trying but I can't get a single brick block to break or crack, I can't get any coins out of the question mark blocks, and the mushroom blocks are already out, sitting on top of their blocks without me hitting them. I am unable to 'hit' any blocks with any part of my characters body.
Zeus Kabob Wrote:Near the exit of the first area, there's a staircase of blocks leading up to a pipe. Jumping off of the pipe allows you to leave the stage.
IrrelevantComment Wrote:Use addFrameScript() (google it) to add functions to frames rather than adding the code directly onto the timeline. This will work if you are using .as files for your block.
ivanaedler Wrote:Are you using the last Flash version (11)? Did you test in another browser? You can also test in the Irfanview Flash Player (its free and its shipped with irfanview). Both of those works here.
ivanaedler Wrote:Updated SWF in the first page.
bramis Wrote:About the bricks that can break. Could you try to make so that when u are walking on them they sometimes breaks like in the original games?
Biles Wrote:Except you forgot to attach the updated version completely.
TedFallenger Wrote:you can break blocks by jumping off of them.!
Biles Wrote:you might wanna fix that sound button interface, it seems to jump at the sametime Peach does
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