Japan's censorship laws

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Japan's censorship laws

Postby Destrocto » Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:29 pm

I finally decided to read about it and as always google tosses me straight to wikipedia. The guy was fined 500k yen, for his adult manga, then pleaded to the supreme court, stating an OBVIOUS fact and truth about one of their laws that completely violated the japanese Constitution's protection of Freedom Of Expression, which America made them put in after defeating them in the war. The Supreme court tripled the damn fine.
This is literally outrageous.... And why hasn't anyone Protested publicly about this, oh yeah thats right cause the laws that tried to give anyone living in japan their basic rights that we have here are ignored, and bullshit leaders punish or kill anyone that does....... The sad thing is, If more than 50% of japan rose to challenge these bastards, theres nothing they could do. They'd win in all arguments and overthrow the old bastards running the place. Because they can't punish or kill more than half their population, its obvious genocide and Many countries even NATO would step in.

Why the hell doesn't everyone who draws the manga, and designs the adult video games, move to America, Publish it here, then censor and publish it in Japan. It would completely bypass the bullshit supreme court they have. They wouldn't even have to move here, just publish it first in anywhere BUT Japan.
I'm hoping for a third world war at this point, (as long as everybody obeys the MAD Theory)(Mutually Assured Destruction, if anyone here doesn't know what that is). So we reduce the huge overgrowth in Human Population, and get rid of this BS.

Sad fact though, Is I wouldn't trust any PERSON in our government right now to run this war for our agenda the american people, and not their own selfish bullshit. Obama is a maybe, But I'd rather Resurrect Franklin D. Roosevelt. Since he's literally the only president, that I believe anyway, Made a huge contribution to this country. (other than the freeing of the slaves civil rights movement etc.)

And anyone who thinks Republicans do whats best for their interest, If you're middle class and below, think again, Their agenda is for the rich, and for destroying our government so their corporations can literally run the place.
Not many Democrats are much better, But there are a good amount of decent Democrats who fight for whats right for the country and its people. And not include their religious beliefs into their decisions.
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Re: Japan's censorship laws

Postby GoRepeat » Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:09 pm

ROOSEVELT?!?!?! That communist douche is the reason social security exists. (when the government does it, it isn't a ponzi scheme, right?). And you realize, of course, that what you believe 'is right' is not what everyone in the country believes 'is right'. The great liberal hypocrisy: everyone should believe what they want, as long as it is the same thing as me! And if you don't, then clearly you just haven't been to college yet.


I thought Japan was like the world's perviest country, don't they have like used underwear vending machines and crap?
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Re: Japan's censorship laws

Postby Thaedael » Thu Apr 26, 2012 12:33 am

On a side note, published work has to be censored. A lot of the anime/doujinshi/mangas that tailor to adults are actually drawn without censorship first. That is why, when you buy the material legally outside the country, they are actually uncensored as they only censor it when it is published within japan.

The next question is, what was the material he was charged for? Was it just basic generic material, or some of the more niche fetish material? Where are the citations as well, I would like to read up on this. If it is so prevalent an issue that they have lack of freedoms, why have I not heard anything about it in international media, or from contacts living within the country. I am not saying that just because I don't hear it, it doesn't happen, I just want to know why this is something that has only recently popped up in my knowledge of japan.

The rest is unintelligible biased opinion so I won't talk more about it. As stated, what piqued my interest is the "blatant neglect of freedoms" that you talked about.

Re: Japan's censorship laws

Postby Zeus Kabob » Thu Apr 26, 2012 2:16 am

Japan is the perviest country because of their stupid censorship laws.

Before, pornography was entirely illegal, and the incidence of rape was pretty high. When pornography became legal, the incidence of rape went down around 60%. If their censorship was reversed as well, I'd expect another drop in rape.

Sorry, I lost the link to the article that examined this.
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Re: Japan's censorship laws

Postby Smackman » Thu Apr 26, 2012 5:27 am

i thought japan basically has the censorship laws instead of all the 18+ shit we have here
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Re: Japan's censorship laws

Postby BlueLight » Thu Apr 26, 2012 3:11 pm

Smackman Wrote:i thought japan basically has the censorship laws instead of all the 18+ shit we have here

I think they still have a 18+ system but it's also censored. I do admit this is coming from anime so i wouldn't sake my life on it.

Also just because i really want to understand your point of view, what's wrong with requiring someone to be 18+ to view porn?
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Re: Japan's censorship laws

Postby IrrelevantComment » Thu Apr 26, 2012 7:44 pm

Here the age of consent is 16. It seems a little nonsensical to allow people to have sex two years before they can watch it.
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Re: Japan's censorship laws

Postby Zeus Kabob » Fri Apr 27, 2012 2:44 am

True, true.

I wasn't saying anything about whether the 18+ system is alright (yet...), all I was saying is that once porn in Japan became legal, rape went down.

I read an in-depth research paper about this, and it corroborated the findings with results from 3 other countries. Sadly, I can't find it.
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Re: Japan's censorship laws

Postby MistyFog » Fri Apr 27, 2012 11:32 am

IrrelevantComment Wrote:Here the age of consent is 16. It seems a little nonsensical to allow people to have sex two years before they can watch it.

I always found that strange was well. In my state you can legally have sex at 16 but if you want to smoke, you have to be 18. If you want to drink? 21. Porn? 18. So, basically you can have sex but nothing else. Isn't that a bad message to send out? If they filmed them self having sex with another 16 year old then watched it, that would be illegal, apparently.

Back on topic: I had a discussion with about this before somewhere else. They mentioned how Japan has no problem showing boobs on TV. (At least I think so, don't quote me on that.) However, America doesn't show stuff from Japan that shows boobs would be censored for us. So, the censorship goes both ways.
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Re: Japan's censorship laws

Postby Zeus Kabob » Fri Apr 27, 2012 6:59 pm

That might be true. Censorship is weird everywhere.
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Re: Japan's censorship laws

Postby BlueLight » Fri Apr 27, 2012 8:55 pm

Well if you recorded yourself having sex and your under 18 then it's considered "Child pornography" you might have trouble recording the porn.
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Re: Japan's censorship laws

Postby MistyFog » Fri Apr 27, 2012 9:17 pm

BlueLight Wrote:Well if you recorded yourself having sex and your under 18 then it's considered "Child pornography" you might have trouble recording the porn.

How is it child pornography if they can legally have sex? Logic is void with some laws apparently. How exactly would you have trouble recording yourself? You have sex while filming yourself. That isn't hard. You bring up another point though I over-looked; you would be breaking two laws. You're watching porn, which is legal under the age of 18 and you are viewing child pornography because the people in it (even though it's yourself and someone your age) are under 18. The simple fact is: You should not be able to have sex until you are 18 since you can't view porn until you are 18.
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Re: Japan's censorship laws

Postby Smackman » Sat Apr 28, 2012 11:55 am

They need a better way to judge when individuals are ready for stuff than an age restriction.
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Re: Japan's censorship laws

Postby BlueLight » Sat Apr 28, 2012 5:49 pm

Smackman Wrote:They need a better way to judge when individuals are ready for stuff than an age restriction.

I agree, however i do see some difficult problems getting this to work. but we aren't here to talk about a better system. Thank you for answering my question.
+1 Smack!
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Re: Japan's censorship laws

Postby Zeus Kabob » Sat Apr 28, 2012 8:52 pm

Think about it this way; age is 1 byte of data (log2(130) = 7.0223), a psychologist's interpretation of the maturity of the individual is at least a page of writing.

It's too easy to make age restriction, and since maturity based on age likely follows a power-law distribution, there's no compelling reason why not to restrict based on age.

To be entirely honest, however, I don't like laws. The "letter of the law" is almost always a perversion of something that's only suitable for a few situations. When it gets combined with "do it for the children", it becomes even worse. When things are done "for the children", it almost always does more harm than good. If children were treated like people, maybe they'd be happier/have less teenage angst.

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Re: Japan's censorship laws

Postby BlueLight » Sat Apr 28, 2012 9:23 pm

I damn well sure that log is incorrect... just a sec... 2 raised to the 7.0223 power equals 130... I can't believe that works out. Curse you exponents of death.
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Re: Japan's censorship laws

Postby Zeus Kabob » Sun Apr 29, 2012 3:12 am

I'd hope so. All I did was enter "math.log(130, 2)" into Python.

Exponents are weird.
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Re: Japan's censorship laws

Postby BlueLight » Sun Apr 29, 2012 3:26 am

Zeus Kabob Wrote:I'd hope so. All I did was enter "math.log(130, 2)" into Python.

Exponents are weird.

so 129.9938896 = 2^7.0223

which is say that 2^7.0223 rounded = 130. which is say 130 = log2^(130) = 7.0223

for some reason i wanted to know the square root of 130 and i got 11 something.
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Re: Japan's censorship laws

Postby Zeus Kabob » Sun Apr 29, 2012 3:32 am

Yep. That shows that x2 < 2x (and conversely, less than ax ∈ [2, ∞). Wait, did this suddenly become a math lecture?)
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Re: Japan's censorship laws

Postby talin » Tue May 01, 2012 10:06 pm

OK THEN! I believe I read somewhere (can't source atm so this might just be hot air) that Japanese pornography laws were made during some western occupation (pre-WW2) when Victorian "morals" were enforced upon the people in an effort to "protect" the people from themselves. As time went on, no one bothered changing them much through out the years. Some argue however that these laws somehow make Japanese porn better due to the producers having to get creative with how they turn their audience on due to the fact that they can't rely on the penetration focus many western "vanilla" porn videos have.

Then again, with as proud and "pure" as most Japanese emperors are, I doubt any of them wants to be remembered as the pervert even if they weren't so busy squabbling with everyone over imaginary lines drawn around rocks in the ocean... ;)
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