Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.48 (Nov 2/18) - HIATUS

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Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.48 (Nov 2/18) - HIATUS

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Thu Apr 26, 2012 5:41 pm

NEWS (2020/12/31): I wish, at heart, a Merry Christmas, and a Happy Full 2021 year! For me, 2020 was one of the WORST years of my life, not only due from problems with PUT but relatives getting COVID, my job killing me, and such. Whatever...I am with bad and good news. The bad news is that NO ONE from EEF or other legal sites answered me YET. Perhaps they aren't interested by defending a freeware adult parody game at all. Perhaps a loss of time for them. The good news: I have talked 'for hours and hours and hours' with friends about the case (they're from LOK and F95) who told me that they can help me to code the game, as the game was NOT made by only one person, but from most of US. Soooo expect the game to have official updates, like the so awaited butt sizes. And I do know that some people from Polygon and other sites in fact loved the game! But due to the taboo, they refrained to express what they think. For now, I just want to find time TO ANSWER EVERYONE here since the day I've replied! I DON'T WANT to let this thread still 'abandoned' (I want to share ideas). As for the next game (Wonderful Sonja) I havent created the topic here JUST YET because I am having STRUGGLES with Unity. I am being helped by a great friend, Soren, who knows it more than me.
I am fine, just a bit sad yet. Well, PUT game could even 'disappear' someday from some sites (by whatever cause), but it will reappear, as it's a game already known by many DEVs I like. Someday big corporations will let games like this available, as it was made by love and hard work, for free. Thank you!
NEWS (2020/09/25): By upon contact with Transformative Works (they were respectful and informative), they gave me some advice (not a legal council yet) about defending the game as a fair use and then replying github dmca (counter notice), since it IS a game made from scratch, just like REACT OS did with Windows 95 by decompiling the binaries then remaking it from scratch, by using other functions and making them different. However, I'll be getting even more information.
NEWS (2020/09/24): Kasaix, from Doujins site, wanted to make another interview about me and PUT project, after the DMCA notice. It will be soon out. I thank Kasaix for the time. EDIT: It's out here!. By @DoujinsDotCom
NEWS (2020/09/21): I am fine, just with still a little time to code. Below, more information about the next steps.
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Recently, Nintend0 (who earned more than $4bi this year and still makes great games we love and buy) still gets 'angry' (I think it's an exaggeration) because of demo A, small game B, shitty game C, funny incomplete game D and many other Mario parody games getting loved and played, even being freeware games and with indie devs using unicque art. Now, one of PUT sites (github) was suspended. Actually that site hosted the dialogue code (to French for example), and It had a small couple of stable versions of the game (in SWF format). We know we can't avoid tons of artists and devs wanting to just make small parody games of characters they love (this is freedom, right?) And, nowadays, thousands and thousands of Peach, Mario, Pokemon, Sonic and other pictures are being commissioned, as they're still art of something people would love (a themed charater). Anyway... I really wanted PUT to be an 'accepted' game in its current niche, not an 'illegal' one just because this and that character resembles the original, the usage of same names or unicque midi music of someone playing a Mario level rendered to mp3, for example. We live in times were corporations earn a lot of money streaming videos of high quality, and selling real physical cartridges and media to consoles, as well as paid subscriptions. Adults (and elder people) are playing games and reading Marvel comics, the same that might be playing parody games as a COMPLEMENT of original games they already bought.

So, I, Blargh and other anon developers are getting in touch about returning to LOK, reddit and other sites in order to check the next steps and perhaps forget it (let it die slowly in the web in case the sources are lost, the creators die or else). Or re-skin the game, making it more 'fair use'. The thing is, PUT was born from Playshapes since his early works in 2010 as a TRANSFORMATIVE WORK (by the law of fair use) just to flourish our fantasies about what certain games would have. A thing that could actually never leave a house of friends (in this case, those would be happy and no corporations would be bugging them). Something 'cult'. Anyway, completing this game or not, I am preparing myself another game in Unity who will be like PUT but with unicque characters. It will be a big leap just like I did between Flash AS2 and AS3.

I (who am JUST an indie small programmer, as tons of others in the globe) don't care if this game gets 'prohibited', as I can keep dreaming about it (our brains are free, lawless, anyway). Actually games like that are more of a real reproduction of that we imagine or dream, alone in our homes, than else. But I want creations like those games to live and to be enjoyed, not to 'let corporations angry'. We are not 'bad people', we are good ones that were a child in the past and played tons of games. This game only wants to say: 'hey, its possible to make a huge game which is free, playable and it can entertain us without affecting other market share', 'hey, look at this, a game who is REALLY a game, not a small 5-minute demo', 'hey, look, if you have dreams, we can implement it, even if it's only for us to play, or just to make internet a bit happier'. That's it. Thank you, and if someone has ideas on how to make this game 'more accepted' (let's say Nintend0 could allow it If I do something), I would do it. Just contact me (personal message in LOK), or answer this thread (EDIT: I am checking the transformative work and fair use). Now, if corporations just keep DMCA'ing everything that could be actually good for them, like attracting adults to play its games, just like I did when I've bought Super Mario RPG for an old SNES, I really don't know what to do but to ask whether we really have any freedom to fantasize about a given character we loved.

NEWS (2020/03/13): With the urgent cases of COVID-19, I am safe and checking my schedule to continue the game
NEWS (2019/08/01): Still alive and THE PROJECT IS NOT ABANDONED! I declare a Hiatus since APRIL 2019 and I want to return soon!
NEWS (2019/06/01): Vacation! I'll find time to release 3.49 (finally), with Vivian scene (Blargh finished it). Then I'll answer everyone!
NEWS (2019/03/26): Yes I am alive! Most of my time was spent fixing bugs and counter attacking some stressful events. I'll upload a newer version and I'll answer people sooner or later, thank you!
NEWS (2019/02/06): Version 3.49 RETURNED to production. Stalled since december. Working non stop in the game. Added Shyguy scene from Blargh to be shipped with 3.49 as well.
NEWS (2018/12/04): Version 3.49 being worked on
NEWS (2018/11/28): Kasaix, from Doujins site, interviewed me about Peach Untold Tale here !
NEWS (2018/11/02): Version 3.48 DONE! Now, making level 8-4

=>PUT links are now down, I prefer to stay in the rules and not to share any links until taking further actions to make the game more FAIR USE (even if I have to re-skin everything). Of course I am not responsible if other people shared links elsewhere.

=>My patreon page is HERE!
=>You can get the latest XML files HERE! You can also help translating them. Please read the README file in that page and create a GITHUB account if you want to contribute.
=>I need someone to write Peach's discoveries in her diary! Instructions HERE!
=>I need someone that can make new outfits. Instructions HERE! Thank you!

=>We're rushing to the 320th sex scene mark with creatures (counting solo scenes). With the help of everyone, we can reach 350!
=>You can play this game with a XBOX360, PS2 or other USB controller! This requires Padder. More instructions here, and a great post about a profile that doesn't require a mouse here!

=>You can check the last (now a memorial) process of the conversion here!
Here you can see why I converted the game (and the advantages of AS3).

ATTENTION: In the game window below, if its WHITE background / blank, please wait a bit. The 'WHITE' thing is now a problem with certain versions of CHROME that makes the preloader shows up only when its fully loaded. Use Firefox or Explorer or Edge. If it still loading after many minutes or even an hour, please COPY THE GAME LINK and just PASTE IT in your browser's address bar. It might be a temporary problem. You can also try to right click and download it locally.

AS3 - Tested with Flash Player 11, 17 and 21 with IE 11 and Firefox 43.0b8 (and earlier).

Click to Play
(Javascript Required)

Mario is Missing PUT AS3.swf [ 39.87 MiB | Viewed 21476 times ]

To download, RIGHT click on the link above (PUT.swf) and put SAVE AS or SAVE LINK AS.
=> If its not appearing above, download it from Aedler site Here!
=> EXE version (zipped Windows .EXE VERSION - virus free) HERE - If any problem, just to my GITHUB site HERE!

-Enemies/Friends designed so far: 84. Remaining: 7 (+ possibly Axem Rangers) = 96. Click to see: http://www.legendofkrystal.com/forum/vi ... 00#p196906 - Creatures I'm creating in spoiler:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Flying turtles, Ostro, Broozers, Tub-O-Troopas, Urchins, Boom Boom and I might create the Knight Koopa (from SMRPG, basing him from the Koopa I already have)

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

CHEAT CODES.jpg (97.79 KiB) Viewed 33078 times

CREATURES the princess can get pregnant with so far
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Mushroom Dicks

Lost your SAVES?
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

PLEASE SEARCH FOR YOUR 'MiMPUTSAVE2.SOL' SAVE FILE (flash cache DIR) and overwrite the newer one with the older. If problems persist, please download and use the game locally (not through web-browser) and have the downloaded flash game have the same name every time. I recommend a STANDALONE flash player (projector version), AND DONT CHANGE THE PUT.SWF name, neither the folder its in! Then, after saving the game, you can make a copy of MiMPUTSAVE2.SOL file in case it's erased later due to CACHING or programs like CCLEANER. In Windows Vista/7/8, type in the explorer bar: %appdata%\macromedia\ . Or go to C:\Users and try to find them. Or go to C:\Documents and Settings. Then you have to find a MiMPUTSAVE2.SOL file inside the folders. You can save it after playing the game, and if it gets erased, you can go there again, check the new file name, and overwrite the NEWER one with the OLDER one. It should work. Also remember that if you play from this site (LOK), it assigns random names to the save file and the folder that it sits in. It's in an obscure spot. So the save file will not be MiMPUTSAVE2.SOL. It will be a random name, though it will be a .sol file. You can still retrieve that savefile later. In Chrome for windows, it should be in that folder structure in your Documents and Settings or User folder: 'google/Chrome\User Data\Default\Pepper Data\Shockwave Flash\WritableRoot\#SharedObjects'. Blame Flash, not me. Sorry again.

If BUGS appear in, Instructions below:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

1) open the game.
2) go to the starting screen (the animated title)
3) right click -> settings -> put the slider at 0 and click CLOSE.
4) exit the game
5) play it again
6) go to the starting screen again. It will ask to use the new cache. Click OK, YES, or ALLOW.
7) It the message doesnt show up, right click -> settings -> put the slider at 100k or more and click CLOSE.
8) play it normally.

THE BUG PERSISTS? Please give detailed information, activating the DEBUG MODE ON (Page Down Key), then taking screenshots that you can do in your screen (ALT+PRINT SCREEN key will only save the ACTIVE WINDOW, not the entire screen), then you can upload here. If the problem is with a certain area, like her arm, put an arrow there, if possible. Then register those info HERE! You can also inform me posting in this thread. Thank you! I'm a programmer, no magician :mrgreen: Saying 'Peach became red jumping in a given brown block next to a big mushroom in level1' means nothing. I can still try to find the bug, though, but it might be a lot longer to fix. For a more detailed information for the ISSUES link above, please FILL UP the questionaire:
Q: Which operating system?
Q: Which browser were you using? Or if you are using the standalong Flash Player, which version?
Q: Is your Flash Player fully updated?
Q: Have you deleted your Flash cache (right button, options and GLOBAL options) recently? If the problem continues, have you cleaned your entire BROWSER cache?
Q: Which Keyboard setup were you using? (1, 2, 3, 4, QWERTY or AZERTY?)
Q: Which power-up were you using?
Q: Did Peach die, did you load a saved game, or start a new one?
Q: Did you beat a level prior to the one the bug happened on?
Q: Explain what happened, as detailed as possible, with screenshots while DEBUG mode is on (Page Down key) if possible.
Q: Can you reproduce the bug yourself?


If the game is laggy or acting weird, first test the game in another browser (Firefox, Explorer, Chrome, Opera, Safari and even Irfanview Flash Player). If the problem goes away, then erase your cookies/cache of your affecting browser (in GLOBAL flash settings -> erase/delete all). This will destroy your save games. Also check if Flash is with Hardware acceleration on (right click in the game -> settings). Sometimes it's a program in the background taking much CPU (so check control + shift + ESC).
Remember: in order to play flawlessly in all situations, use a QUAD CORE system (or better). Sorry, current Adobe Flash requirements actually shreds P4 or lower. Dual Core may be fast if you have a good CPU and L1/L2 cache. You can use a normal P4/AMD, but you will need to lower quality in some situations (if not all). We are waiting for a true GPU accelerated flash version. That will make games flow at blazing speed even on a old 3dfx voodoo 2mb PCI.
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Fri Jan 01, 2021 3:57 am, edited 4736 times in total.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX)

Postby stryke » Thu Apr 26, 2012 6:07 pm

I haven't noticed many changes apart from the dialogs to the other versions so far, but i still like it. :)
And I found a little bug. Every time peach loses a life, the game speed increases...
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX)

Postby Destrocto » Thu Apr 26, 2012 6:15 pm

The bricks and ? bricks hit boxes are very weird still. I see you removed the cum stain function. I highly suggest dude that instead of doing this you collaborate with blargh, Once he finishes customizations, you can then start trying to add a You can die difficulty to his version of the game. If you made a very long and good game with his setup I bet many people would gladly donate for the work you two would do. But yeah Didn't make it to morton, flames are a pain... Also, when I went up the brick stairs to the high up place with the pipe right in front of the castle door, when I fell down, I fell through the bricks down there and landed on the mushroom below them. But anyways this is my glitch report and Suggestion to you. Do with it as you please.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX)

Postby montesat » Thu Apr 26, 2012 7:12 pm

When you get into the mood can you add other characters later. No rush.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX)

Postby BlueBody » Thu Apr 26, 2012 8:45 pm

I like this idea. A customized version is something I look forward to! Keep up the developments! :)
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Thu Apr 26, 2012 9:26 pm

stryke Wrote:I found a little bug. Every time peach loses a life, the game speed increases...

Interesting enough, it does increase the speed, but only in the castle area. I will check that.

Destrocto Wrote:The bricks and ? bricks hit boxes are very weird still.

Thats because of the lack of ceiling hit test. It requires to be added in the entire game engine. Blargh also has this problem. The correct is to make her hit the block with her head (blocking the full jump height). So the blocks need to be higher and Peach may need a crouching function in certain areas. Anyway, its like she's not right below the block, but a bit in the front of it, touching with her back. We can think of a different style here. Not a 'destroy-gameplay' one. Yet.

Destrocto Wrote: I see you removed the cum stain function.

No, no. Its because its an older version.

Destrocto Wrote: I highly suggest dude that instead of doing this you collaborate with blargh, Once he finishes customizations, you can then start trying to add a "You can die difficulty" to his version of the game.

Yes, I'm on it with him ;) I'm just posting the initial version I started working with. I'm entirely open to help him. Thats because I will need some time to fork his version with mine, and check if all is okay. Its much more than 'copy and paste' as there are tons of movie clips inside others, and lines of code in hidden actions, so it will take some time. However, this starter version will be worked on parallel to be improved, test new funcionalities, and even experiments like allowing level customization with external .FLA, for example. Its also a faster (CPU less intensive) version ;)

Destrocto Wrote: But yeah Didn't make it to morton, flames are a pain...

Really a pain :lol: I will use the way Blargh did and I will post the update.

Destrocto Wrote: Also, when I went up the brick stairs to the high up place with the pipe right in front of the castle door, when I fell down, I fell through the bricks down there and landed on the mushroom below them.

Huhh, its a glitch that can also occur in newer versions of the game. The bricks need to be put more close and the code for hit detection need to be broader.
For about the pipes not working yet, I need to figure out how to make a nice fade-in, fade-out transition, as the current implementation (and the newer versions too) just moves the screen around, which can be ugly because it shows some parts that Peach are not supposed to go (like incomplete tiles of walls). I will also put some labels (under construction) :geek:

Thanks, I will keep the progress ;)

montesat Wrote:When you get into the mood can you add other characters later. No rush.

My plan is to make only princess characters from Mario universe. We only have Peach this time:
EDIT: I come back to the future to say that ghostalker7734 might ask for pokemon girls, when this game gets to 3.46 version (yes, the game already have almost 40mb this time, and 310 scenes!)
2018 is incredible, we have decacore mobile phones! Well, the game has Peachy character, and, as said since this year of this post (2012), I will keep only the princess characters of Mario universe.
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Mon Mar 05, 2018 1:49 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX)

Postby Blargh » Thu Apr 26, 2012 9:32 pm

It looks good, and the difficulty is still easier than the original. ^_^ The to do list definitely makes it look like a completely different game already, and I had some fun trying to destroy as many of the blocks as I could. The background ? blocks were also a surprising source of new coins. :lol:

Destrocto Wrote:The bricks and ? bricks hit boxes are very weird still. I see you removed the cum stain function. I highly suggest dude that instead of doing this you collaborate with blargh, Once he finishes customizations, you can then start trying to add a You can die difficulty to his version of the game. If you made a very long and good game with his setup I bet many people would gladly donate for the work you two would do. But yeah Didn't make it to morton, flames are a pain... Also, when I went up the brick stairs to the high up place with the pipe right in front of the castle door, when I fell down, I fell through the bricks down there and landed on the mushroom below them. But anyways this is my glitch report and Suggestion to you. Do with it as you please.

He tried to collaborate directly, but there were some things that I couldn't or wouldn't do. There's no need for him to be stuck using my version, anyway. He can do a lot of things that I can't, simply by virtue of not being committed to the same resources that I am. But we've both said we're going to help each other out on our different versions, if need be.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Thu Apr 26, 2012 10:54 pm

Hi Blargh! I'm glad you liked it (oh darn.....I didnt check the background coins) :lol: :lol: :lol: I'll order all background coinboxes to not act like they're onipresent :mrgreen:

Blargh Wrote:He can do a lot of things that I can't, simply by virtue of not being committed to the same resources that I am

The truth is that I was so locked in the initial playshapes version, with only four (or less) sex scenes (remember, Blargh?) Oh, those ancient times... :mrgreen:
So I wanted to help, improve and, why not, burn some neurons here ;)

Yes, the game will be in a different flavour, but the most I expect to (its one of the main goals, really) is to help and share new features ;) I'm still calibrating so I can join Blargh 100% (in parallel) to his version, while doing my version. Some time is needed yet.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX)

Postby Zeus Kabob » Fri Apr 27, 2012 3:00 am

One thing I noticed: 's' makes her jump.

Also, you can get outside the level.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX)

Postby dudelikeporn » Fri Apr 27, 2012 3:54 am

Noticed something minor;
After getting the first red mushroom, Peach's nipple sticks out a bit beyond the dress layer. After the last "expansion" it becomes really obvious.

Also, I'm impressed how smoothly it runs. Liking the plans too, as nobody has really added any new enemies or levels, other than Blargh.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Fri Apr 27, 2012 12:09 pm

Zeus Kabob Wrote:One thing I noticed: 's' makes her jump.

Thats because of 'WASD' configuration. Yes, you can play with directionals and WASD.

Zeus Kabob Wrote:Also, you can get outside the level.
Could you tell me where that occurs, exactly?

I've been fixing some bugs and adding new items (like the bean plant which peach can climb) but she will not be climbing yet.
Also, the red platform which falls when the player stands on it, will be working.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) v0.7

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Fri Apr 27, 2012 12:56 pm

New update (0.7):

-added more blocks (those which breaks) in the first level, and new ones (light brown) which does not break, as well as clouds, vines (Peach still cant climb them), cloud platforms and those red platforms who 'trembles' and fall. I also added spikes (spines) in some areas of the castle.
(I still need to do some tests in red platforms because Peach is falling through them at times)
-correction in some graphics (mushroom houses and toad's large head) and some caveats in the two levels.
-'a block' who gives a mushroom when touched is now animated (you hit it, then the life mushroom arises). But it does not 'walk alone' yet. You can test it next to the cocoon suit, in the roof.
-Graphics: more colorful coins, Peach body and hair color updates, and a more 3d feel to some objects.
-background coinboxes no more helps the player to be rich :mrgreen:
*(the problem with this fix : it was necessary to create a new '?' box which does not give coins, as I dont' know how to make a 'tag' (variable 'outside' the main timeline of the '?' block), like in the external action menu, which should configure the movie clip not to have coins in those cases. When I create a variable in the outside 'action area' (right click menu), Its not being accessed it inside the movie clip.)
-(fixed) speed does not increase anymore, when she is hit by the fire stick, or when she fall in the lava in the castle level.
-fixed breasts peeking in the dress
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Sat Dec 13, 2014 3:43 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) - UPD 27 april 2

Postby Ninn » Fri Apr 27, 2012 2:20 pm

Very good job.

I like the turn of the game against the other I think we need just two size tits.

Because with the big tits sex scene are less readable.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) - UPD 27 april 2

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Fri Apr 27, 2012 3:02 pm

Ninn Wrote:I like the turn of the game against the other I think we need just two size tits.

I noticed some people really love these ballons :mrgreen:
I will make a way to diminish boob sizes when masturbating, for example, or when she loses a life.
So you can use the less sizes in the scenes.
EDIT: made it when Peach lactates.

Also, try not to take the big mushrooms anyway :mrgreen:
I can also make a configuration of 'boob size quantity' in setup area. I wil put these in my todo list.
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Sat Dec 13, 2014 3:45 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) - UPD 27 april 2

Postby Sync » Fri Apr 27, 2012 3:27 pm

Suggestion: don't put breakable bricks right outside the castle doors at the start of the game. If you've done as I did (because the game was too slow in responding to my cursor taps) and break those ones while trying to get a move on through the level, you then are not able to make the jump from the first checkpoint.

//EDIT: when using WASD to move around, the S key is mapped to the Jump function. I'm playing in-browser/in-forum, and I am frustrated by the fact that the controls don't respond quickly enough for me...thus the number of breakable bricks is killing me (I can't jump over gaps so Peach is committing suiicde by taking a dive even though I'm hammering the Jump key...)

// EDIT #2: please give us the option for smaller boobs...I dislike boobs so big that the laws of physics are broken simply by her walking without falling over...
Last edited by Sync on Fri Apr 27, 2012 3:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) - UPD 27 april 2

Postby Allsop2604 » Fri Apr 27, 2012 3:38 pm

Hmmm... I guess I'm the only one who can't break any of these bricks? Can someone please elaborate on how I would go about doing so?

I've tried jumping at them from every angle I can think of, multiple times. I've tried holding down space, S, and other keys with no luck.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) - UPD 27 april 2

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Fri Apr 27, 2012 4:02 pm

Sync Wrote:If you've done as I did (because the game was too slow in responding to my cursor taps) and break those ones while trying to get a move on through the level, you then are not able to make the jump from the first checkpoint.

You're right! I've found it. I will change some blocks for the non-destructing ones.

Sync Wrote:S key is mapped to the Jump function (instead of W).

I will change that.

Sync Wrote:The controls don't respond quickly enough for me...

Because of the awkward position of 'S' or because of low frame rates?

Sync Wrote:please give us the option for smaller boobs...I dislike boobs so big that the laws of physics are broken

Okay, It will have a smaller boob size option ;) And I will disable the 'immediatelly big mushroom respawn', because you will find many more, as the level progresses.
She will start with the least boob size, and you have to find mushrooms to make her with those sexy (or not so sexy for some) udders. If you dont want big boobs or has taken some mushrooms by mistake, you will have to let peach masturbate to diminish breasts size. Or you will have to lose a life.
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Sat Dec 13, 2014 11:33 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) - UPD 27 april 2

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Fri Apr 27, 2012 5:07 pm

Allsop2604 Wrote:I've tried jumping at them from every angle I can think of, multiple times. I've tried holding down space, S, and other keys with no luck.

Just jump like you're bashing her head. Its those brown bricks. Some aren't destroyed, like in normal Mario games. They will break when Peach's chest touches them (not the head), due to the way it was implemented (collision is in her center). In the first jump, the brick will only crack.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) - UPD 27 april 2

Postby mando » Fri Apr 27, 2012 5:09 pm

Yea, with the brick breaking it doesn't seem consistent to me. Sometimes they crack/break from me jumping up at them. Sometimes they crack/break from me jumping on them. Also is there any way you can make a collision or something so that when you hit the breaking bricks and the coin bricks it stops your upwards momentum, kinda like the original mario games? It would make it more obvious when you are hitting them.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) - UPD 27 april 2

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Fri Apr 27, 2012 5:50 pm

mando Wrote:Also is there any way you can make a collision or something so that when you hit the breaking bricks and the coin bricks it stops your upwards momentum, kinda like the original mario games? It would make it more obvious when you are hitting them.

Yes it's possible. I will check on that. It will require a new collision area which cancel the jump animation.
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