C.D.H.S. ~ Crimson Dawn High School, Sex RP!

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Re: C.D.H.S. ~ Crimson Dawn High School, Sex RP!

Postby Reapergod36 » Fri Apr 27, 2012 12:46 am

"Try to keep yourself under control if you want to keep it a secret." Natasha took her high heel off her crotch.
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Re: C.D.H.S. ~ Crimson Dawn High School, Sex RP!

Postby Cliff Racer » Fri Apr 27, 2012 12:55 am

Reapergod36 Wrote:"Try to keep yourself under control if you want to keep it a secret." Natasha took her high heel off her crotch.

"Yes ma'am... I-I usually don't wear skirts because of it... You can probably see why." Subtle bragging, very classy, Alexes.
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Re: C.D.H.S. ~ Crimson Dawn High School, Sex RP!

Postby Reapergod36 » Fri Apr 27, 2012 1:10 am

"Yes.. Well... Try to keep it wrapped up okay? Do you need anything else?" Natasha said.
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Re: C.D.H.S. ~ Crimson Dawn High School, Sex RP!

Postby Zender_Solarheart » Fri Apr 27, 2012 1:18 am

(So the teacher just ignored Ryoto altogether, despite him waiting in line to voice his concerns? I see how it is...)

Ryoto's a bit annoyed about how Natasha seems to have ignored his very existence. After all, he's been waiting to talk with her, and she just walks over to Alexes and breaks the order. Ah well, "ladies first," as they say...

Then, he notices Natasha putting her high heel on Alexes' crotch (doesn't catch a glimpse of the "special goods" therein, though), and decides enough is enough. He marches over to the pair, clears his throat, and says: "Sorry to interrupt, Ms. Slavic, but I can't sit idly by any longer. First you puff nicotine all over the class, despite how someone may have asthma or an allergic reaction, and now I see you putting your foot up on a student like she's a stool. Whatever happened to 'work ethics' around here?"

Be it due to his samurai ancestry or simple innate morality, Ryoto's been having serious doubts about this teacher. If she's concerned about her position, then the Principal's office isn't where she wants to send him. After all, that's where he could voice his complaints to the higher-ups, and then it escalates to another level entirely.
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Re: C.D.H.S. ~ Crimson Dawn High School, Sex RP!

Postby That_One_Guy » Fri Apr 27, 2012 3:13 am

Garian shook his head at Claire, "No excuse, I said you can walk a bit, but you decided not to do anything." He scolded.
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Re: C.D.H.S. ~ Crimson Dawn High School, Sex RP!

Postby jayjaycaps » Fri Apr 27, 2012 3:14 am

Jason stops running and heads into the change room. After changing, he heads to his locker to grab stuff for his next class.
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Re: C.D.H.S. ~ Crimson Dawn High School, Sex RP!

Postby TheDaughterOfHades14 » Fri Apr 27, 2012 3:16 am

"You wanted me to walk for two laps then run as fast as I can! I hardly can run, regardless of my leg!" Claire shouts.
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Re: C.D.H.S. ~ Crimson Dawn High School, Sex RP!

Postby kaibunny94 » Sat Apr 28, 2012 8:58 am

Emily had dressed that morning in the uniform for the first time. He had added to it with grey leggings and brown High heel brogues. His long red hair tied back showing his immaculate make up. He sat outside the Head's office anxiously playing with his skirt and waiting to see her.
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Re: C.D.H.S. ~ Crimson Dawn High School, Sex RP!

Postby Reapergod36 » Sun Apr 29, 2012 12:39 am

Natasha glared at Ryoto, "Really, well how else am I to calm down. When my job is on the line for one of you to pass this class. I will use a student as a foot stool, if it keeps their attention enough to pass! So Ryoto I would think about who controls your grades in this class. I am overly stressed, and barely have anytime to myself. I have a resturant watress job where my ass is grabbed by crude fools! So before you challenge my authority and work ethics in a class room. I suggest you really re-think if its worth failing. Now get on your hands and knees. I'll show you where your place is..." Natasha takes her foot off Alexes crotch, and pats him on her on the head. And lets her legs dangle over the side of the table. "Now Ryoto, or i'll fail you." Natasha says in a stern tone. It seems you hit a nerve, and she isn't playing around.
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Re: C.D.H.S. ~ Crimson Dawn High School, Sex RP!

Postby Zender_Solarheart » Sun Apr 29, 2012 1:14 am

Struck nerve or otherwise, Ryoto isn't one to just let things like this slide. "This isn't about the grades, Ms. Slavic, this is about integrity. Specifically, your integrity as a teacher...and for the record, I could just as easily have gone to the higher-ups, and explained the situation to them. Had I done that, then your job would really be in jeopardy. I approached you first, because I wanted to see if you were willing to correct things yourself. If you're going to treat us students like this, then I see no reason why the 'education' you offer would be beneficial; respect is something that is earned, you know, and there are other ways to alleviate stress." Like Natasha, Ryoto also means business. He's standing firm in both posture and statement, and his voice matches that determination, without even the faintest hint of uncertainty. Teacher or otherwise, he's not budging on this one.

"So, what'll it be? Will we make amends here? Or do I need to get the school board involved?" Ryoto asks, with utmost seriousness. Regardless of the reasons, a teacher should know better than to use the classroom as her metaphorical stress-ball, and if things go further south, he's willing to take it all the way to the Supreme Court, if he must.
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Re: C.D.H.S. ~ Crimson Dawn High School, Sex RP!

Postby Reapergod36 » Sun Apr 29, 2012 1:27 am

Natasha gestured for him towards the floor. She knew the principle well, she was willing to risk it. "A student should respect its teacher, regardless. I am the teacher, and you are the student. You want to run to the principle, go ahead. No job is worth being talked down to by a uppity male. Now, you're the only one trying to piss me off. Like I said, down. I tried to be reasonable with you, but I asked to see two students after class. Not you, if you want to see me. Be patient and wait, but now its too late. If you still want to see me, and pass this class. I suggest you get down on your hands and knees sideways."
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Re: C.D.H.S. ~ Crimson Dawn High School, Sex RP!

Postby Zender_Solarheart » Sun Apr 29, 2012 1:37 am

"Trying to piss her off?" Well, that seals the deal. Time to take this one up a notch.

"And I tried being reasonable with you, but clearly you think of me as your pet dog. Well, seeing how this is going nowhere, I'll just take this up with the higher authorities." Ryoto scoffs as he walks towards the door, then turns around just in front of it, revealing a tape recorder he had been keeping in his pocket. He normally uses it for studying, but it now serves as evidence to back his claims.

"We'll see how long this remains 'your class.' Enjoy it while you can." With that, he starts out the door, but keeps his senses tuned. Ryoto knows that the teacher might be quite pissed off by now, and anger does cloud judgment, so he's ready in case she tries to snag his recorder...though, if she tries to stop him physically, then she's in a lot more trouble...
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Re: C.D.H.S. ~ Crimson Dawn High School, Sex RP!

Postby Reapergod36 » Sun Apr 29, 2012 1:47 am

Natasha never minds it, looking to an empty space of the room. "I guess you'll fail then. You haven't done anything I've assigned anyway.." Natasha says loud enough for him to hear. Natasha looks to Alexes, "So, like I said, tell me what I can do. So you can pass." Natasha said in a delightful tone. She wasn't a bad teacher. She was just not too keen on the idea of a student yelling at her. And demanding things from her. She would not sacrifice dignity.
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Re: C.D.H.S. ~ Crimson Dawn High School, Sex RP!

Postby Cliff Racer » Sun Apr 29, 2012 1:57 am

What... what just happened? Alexes scratches the back of her head. "U-umm... I'm not really sure. I think I am doing good already... I was planning on studying with Kaythleen, though." Yeah, Alexes isn't terrific when it comes to the whole 'planning ahead' thing.
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Re: C.D.H.S. ~ Crimson Dawn High School, Sex RP!

Postby Reapergod36 » Sun Apr 29, 2012 2:02 am

Natasha goes to a lower tone. "I mean about dealing with your secret so no one finds out." Natasha puts her high heel on her crotch again. "I'm willing to help."
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Re: C.D.H.S. ~ Crimson Dawn High School, Sex RP!

Postby Cliff Racer » Sun Apr 29, 2012 2:49 am

Help? God, why does she have to be so vague? Alexes gets a face as if she were thinking a little, then bites her lower lip, her eyes travelling back to Natasha... Well, her chest, anyways. "I'm... Not really sure how you could help, though, ma'am... Besides..." Her eyes travel down, partially against her will.
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Re: C.D.H.S. ~ Crimson Dawn High School, Sex RP!

Postby Reapergod36 » Sun Apr 29, 2012 2:53 am

Natasha makes sure you everyone has left the room. And locks the door.
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Re: C.D.H.S. ~ Crimson Dawn High School, Sex RP!

Postby Cliff Racer » Sun Apr 29, 2012 6:19 am

Anyone with half the libido of Alexes could've understood what was going to happen, and Alexes is quick to understand. Her skirt is already rising in front again and a blush rises to her cheeks. She takes her bag off, as well, deciding she won't be needing it right now.
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Re: C.D.H.S. ~ Crimson Dawn High School, Sex RP!

Postby Reapergod36 » Sun Apr 29, 2012 6:28 am

Natasha looked at Alexes sensually, "I won't tell anyone your secret. If you keep mine as well.." Natasha went under her desk, which couldn't be seen under from the front. Then she took off her clothes except for her thigh high stockings, while putting on a skin tone strip to cover her pussy... She came out, revealing her dick. And then showing her ass. As far as Alexes knew, she was just a very femme boy.

"So... What do you want to do?" Natasha said giggling a bit.
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Re: C.D.H.S. ~ Crimson Dawn High School, Sex RP!

Postby Cliff Racer » Sun Apr 29, 2012 6:54 am

Alexes was very suprised at what she was now seeing. Natasha was a futa as well... She really wasn't expecting that! Alexes fidgets a bit, not exactly knowing what to do... So, she raises her hand and says "Ma'am, I haven't... done it before." Ahhh, yes, one of the time-tested ways of relieving anxiety. Humor!
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