Why is life worth living?

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Re: Why is life worth living?

Postby fould12 » Sat Mar 31, 2012 2:12 am

Reapergod36 Wrote:Heh, thanks for the support guys. And smackman, my own father has told me to do the world a favor and kill myself. That was the second time I've hit him.

If by 'hit' you mean physically hit him, that's probably why he hates you so much. If you want love from your family, give them love.

Also, the more you obsess over death, the more you consider death as an option; take your profile picture as an example. And to answer your question, life is worth living because life is everything, and death is nothing.
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Re: Why is life worth living?

Postby Maryann93 » Wed Apr 11, 2012 12:27 am

Reaper, im in the same situation... (but WAY more complicated) I'll resume it as, my father abused from my sister and me, I got raped many times, my ex-girlfriend still abuse from me sometimes since she got a lot of control on my mind and theres no one to help me... Else then strangers I meet on games or forums.

Ive though a lot about suicide (still do) and try to have as much support as you can, It really helps when you really need it. And dont mind stupid peoples that says you should suicide or that what you say is shit... Just fight against it.
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Re: Why is life worth living?

Postby Thaedael » Wed Apr 11, 2012 1:14 am

If you are going to do it, then do it. If you aren't going to do it, then don't do it. I have thought about suicide many times, never about committing it but just my whole stance on it. Last weekend my friend from high-school committed suicide, he was going somewhere with his life but decided to end it all. When I was in grade school, one of my best friends committed suicide because he was bullied every day. He was going to go somewhere with his life, but took away all that possibility. As long as you are alive, you can change, things can change. When you selfishly decide to end it, that it, it's over. Gone are the days of waking up to a beautiful sunrise, gone are the days of feeling the wind on your back, gone are the days of feeling the long prarie grass blowing in the winds, tickling your hands as they sway to the never ending dancing wind from the mountains. No more will a single thing inspire you, no more will emotions be felt. So what, your dad told you to kill yourself? If you sit around a mope around about it all day, I too would probably say it though mockingly and not so seriously. Step back, look at your life, where you have come from, where you are going. What is done is done, and that will never change, congratulaitons, the past has shaped you as you are, and it will never, can never change. However the present, the future, where you are going, we are all masters of our destiny, we make our own luck, we make our own fate, and if you are a pragmatic realist that doesn't believe in fate and destiny, well then you make your own happyness. Life is more than just about focusing on the bad, chase happines and you will find it, even if it is the smallest of flowers breaking up through the ground of an asphalt paved city where the skies are constantly over cast. Or the homeless man with a funny sign smiling on the side of the street.

Suicide is never the answer.

Reinhold Niebuhr Wrote:God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Do us all a favor, go live your life.

Re: Why is life worth living?

Postby Maryann93 » Wed Apr 11, 2012 1:39 am

Those are beautiful things, brings a lot of hope but, what happens when you can't change neither your present nor your future... and when your past haunts you.
Im 19, I barely have enough money to pay school, my apartement and food for the whole week, due to my parents. My ex gf keeps abusing for now 2 years. I had to take a stripper job, which I hate, just to eat properly. How can I change this!!! Take a job? Im still at studies. Ask my parents? They said I only bring problemes, that I should kill myself. Ask friends? I dont have a real one. Im in a major depression for now a month and nothing makes me happy...
Sometimes, you can't find other solutions then suicide, and im on the edge...
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Re: Why is life worth living?

Postby Thaedael » Wed Apr 11, 2012 1:45 am

You are on a forum, talking about your problems, already you are seeking help instead of suicide, which leads you to believe suicide isn't the answer. What do you want to do with your life, what is your dream and where do you see yourself in 15 years, 25 years, 35 years? What are the steps you need to take to realize these dreams. There are a thousand better uses for your time and energy than to despair. Break up with your gf or tell her outright, abusive relationships do nothing for you. If you want to be with her, sit down, go to counseling or have a talk. Go to your university, ask them if they have a work-study program, most universities will accommodate you by supplementing work to your studies, and can even go about accrediting your for it as well. Like I have said, look at the things you can change, and worry focus on that, instead of the things you can't change. There is always something that makes you happy, instead of focusing on every single defeat of each day, focus on the small victories, someone smiled at you, a flower in bloom, the sunshine, your favourite song on the radio. Surely you can't live in a world without happiness.

Re: Why is life worth living?

Postby talin » Wed Apr 11, 2012 10:31 am

A change of scenery might help. If you come to that last resort and think "death is the only way" then instead of embracing that thought, pack your things and take off to a new town. Something cheap perhapes like a rented room out of a house. Post an ad somewhere asking for a roommate and leave your bad life behind. The more positive your outlook, the better things will slowly get.
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Re: Why is life worth living?

Postby Reaver » Thu Apr 12, 2012 2:58 am

Life is worth living because life is about learning things and experiencing stuff and if someone tells u to kill yourself you should be like Fuck you and keep on living and prove them wrong by doing something that will blow their mind like making a teleporter so i dont have to drive cross-country.
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Re: Why is life worth living?

Postby BlueLight » Thu Apr 12, 2012 4:22 am

ikechi Wrote:Life is worth living because life is about learning things and experiencing stuff and if someone tells u to kill yourself you should be like Fuck you and keep on living and prove them wrong by doing something that will blow their mind like making a teleporter so i dont have to drive cross-country.

Sorry but your basically saying "You should keep living because just because"? That's what it sounds like to me. can you please explain?
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Re: Why is life worth living?

Postby talin » Thu Apr 12, 2012 4:57 am

This is why people invented religion, gives them a purpose when they can't find one for themselves. Partly why there are so many wars over them because people don't want to admit that their reason for living is a lie. I did some research and Scientology was ok for a while up until the founder went nuts and started claiming "it was aliens" which quickly caused it to be labeled as a cult. Still based off some interesting theories though. Christianity and it's similar clones all have problems and while the people are still holding to the ideals behind it, their beliefs are starting to fall apart at the seams. Kinda sad cause the churchy ones are generally nice due to their doctrine. Buddhism and Hinduism are more body/mind/spirit centric and are generally stress free as far as religions go. Do a little research and figure out if one of them speaks to you. Even if you don't believe in their story on "how everything was created", most have some interesting ideals and practices that you could adopt to make you life better. If you do go for one of their stories, more power to you. That in itself might make everything worth it.
What is a goal but an attempt to gain a purpose? We don't really want the goals and advancements for themselves, we want them because it gives us a reason to act.
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Re: Why is life worth living?

Postby BlueLight » Thu Apr 12, 2012 5:03 am

talin Wrote:Partly why there are so many wars over them because people don't want to admit that their reason for living is a lie.

I would like to state my disagreement over this. Crusades were political moves for the church and however else to gain power and money. People fought in the war because of belief, but to also escape execution.

But i do thank you for your open mindedness about the subject and i agree with your over all message.

Stupid spelling mistake. I replaced fault with fought.
Last edited by BlueLight on Thu Apr 12, 2012 8:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Why is life worth living?

Postby talin » Thu Apr 12, 2012 5:37 am

Hmmm... your right, I probably could rephrase that better but I was counting a few other wars as well, the war in Iraq for one started as a disagreement between the Shiites and the Sunni over who could be the next religious leader or something like that.
v(more details)v
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Shiites believe only a blood relative of the original prophet (Muhammad if I remember correctly) could take the position and the Sunni believed that anyone of great faith could take over as their chosen leader. I'm not sure if I got all the details right but that is roughly how it started, then politics got involved and America pissed off the Shiites somehow and they decided that they would try and "teach America a lesson" which gave the government more than enough cause to basically rape Iraq and clear the way (whether it was intentional or not) for big oil companies to come in and start drilling with little resistance.

There where several others as well ranging from deranged twisted interpretations (Joseph Kony in Africa) to simply needing more power (the "holy" crusades) and arguably to the roman expansion into "Pegan" lands although that was as much a play by power hungry politicians as it was the temples and religious leaders.
What is a goal but an attempt to gain a purpose? We don't really want the goals and advancements for themselves, we want them because it gives us a reason to act.
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Re: Why is life worth living?

Postby Axel » Thu Apr 12, 2012 7:51 am

To be simple, since I have a tendency to over-complicate a message, I believe life is a process. To be more specific, think of life as a factory, and the living are the creations. Since we're made in this factory, and at the end of that assembly line is our grand destination (use whatever beliefs you have to fill this void), we do little else than follow the flow of the belt, waiting for our packaging to be done.

This is were I get most cross, you see, for I think that there should be no 'ultimate destination,' as we have inferred from the end of the assembly line.

We are all built to be, grown to resist, taught to teach of, learned of what is taught about, and pretty much shoved head first into life's walls to test our durability. Some of us don't make the cut; we can't all make it through, and we are given the chance to live the lives of those who don't.

But...we don't.

Life's worth should not be in living your life because you're alive, as would those who settle for their final packaging. Life, as I should so be fortunate enough to see it, should be for living to your fullest, enjoying your steps, and never keeping count of them. If one must break down and end their journey, or be forced to join that wrapping process, so be it, but don't count the seconds until you're shipped! People focus solely on the numbers of 'time' and 'age' that by the moment they're done counting, they're cleaned neatly for shipping or tossed aside for disposal...

Hold your hand to you heart, friend, and feel the beat of it. Does that feeling strike you as 'limited?' Does it strike you as 'weak?'
If so, you've not taken even one moment so far to look forward in your own journey, and have been walking backwards, looking at the steps in the sands of time.

Gaze forward, turn around! Don't mark your own journey short long before you reach your destination, lest you fall to the wayside like the sightless schmucks that can't achieve thought, let alone the sight you have!
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Re: Why is life worth living?

Postby Axel » Thu Apr 12, 2012 7:57 am

I can say, most certainly myself, that any need to take one's own life would be a most vain effort...
I've given up on any chance of offing myself, friend. You'd do well to do the same, lest you fail so many times like myself, ahahahaha~
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Re: Why is life worth living?

Postby fould12 » Thu Apr 12, 2012 8:10 am

talin Wrote:Christianity and it's similar clones all have problems and while the people are still holding to the ideals behind it, their beliefs are starting to fall apart at the seams.

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Re: Why is life worth living?

Postby talin » Thu Apr 12, 2012 8:29 am

Are you attempting to troll? If so, that was a hilarious fail!
Erp... never mind, I just read a few troll posts somewhere else and your post sounded really memeish.
By "problems" I mean that scientists are starting to disprove certain things and people are starting to criticize cristian beliefs a bit more. It doesn't seem to be as bad anymore but for a while everyone was like...
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What is a goal but an attempt to gain a purpose? We don't really want the goals and advancements for themselves, we want them because it gives us a reason to act.
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Re: Why is life worth living?

Postby Zeus Kabob » Thu Apr 12, 2012 8:45 am

Gah! Persistent Capitalization Is The Bane Of My Existence!

It's pretty common, and it gets under my skin a lot more than it should.
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Re: Why is life worth living?

Postby BlueLight » Thu Apr 12, 2012 9:00 am

So i would like to nip this in the butt before it starts. Let's not debate where we started form and where we end of up.
I personally don't care if you believe in a god or something else. I don't mind if you talk about your faith so long as your not shoving it down some one's throat. I don't mind you walking about your beliefs or how they can help others.

Let's not debate over them however.
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Re: Why is life worth living?

Postby talin » Thu Apr 12, 2012 12:48 pm

jk, agreed, we should stop this fight before it happens for the sake of everyone who might get involved.

@ Zeus: right there with ya, I've actually considered changing that pic so that the capitals just went away but I got lazy and now that it makes the exact point I want to make I'm regretting my laziness.
What is a goal but an attempt to gain a purpose? We don't really want the goals and advancements for themselves, we want them because it gives us a reason to act.
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Re: Why is life worth living?

Postby Smackman » Thu Apr 12, 2012 4:15 pm

religion isnt a good substitute for therapy. i know almost all of the people who convert to a religion as opposed to being born into it are there for that reason. Hell scientology basically markets itself as a better alternative to therapy.
my opinion is that anything organized like that will eventually brainwash you. the rules in religion are usually very strict with no actual room for individual opinion. for example mormons discourage secularism. secularism is what all of those atheists who choose to fight religious people are pushing for, noone gives a shit about what man in the sky an individual worships, its the fact that theyre trying to put their doctrine into the lawbooks.
Suraru Wrote:Hey smackman, I've decided your a douchebag :P

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Re: Why is life worth living?

Postby Zender_Solarheart » Thu Apr 12, 2012 5:46 pm

I find this topic quite close to home, as I too once struggled with suicidal tendencies. I won't bore/shock you with all the details, but in my elementary and middle school years, I was a big mess on how I dealt with the nuisances and trials of daily life. What pulled me out of the dark, bleak hole I had found myself dug into, was that I had something in life that I wanted to accomplish. A driving, top-of-the-list goal for what I wanted to do with my life, that would leave something significant to be remembered by.

I can't guarantee this'll work for you as well as it did for me, Reaper, but if you wish: think back to the most recent long-term goal you made, whatever that may be.

Now ask yourself: why did you make that goal? Was it to escape from something? To get a more flexible budget? To have a little more frivolity at hand? If I may be so bold, I'm guessing it was to try and improve your life's circumstances, beyond what they were at the time you made said goal. Am I right?

If so, then you've found what I believe to be the true value of a person's life: the potential to improve, to become more than what we are. That old saying "everything happens for a reason," to me, also applies to why humans aren't perfect. Think about it: if we were all born absolutely perfect, unable to do wrong or make a mistake, life would be a whole lot more boring. The very spirit of competition would be an oxymoron, and we wouldn't be so much "living life" as we would be walking around like a bunch of perfectly-designed robots, beep-booping our way through the day for no real reason other than self-preservation.

And about what your father said, he can just piss off. Your life is yours alone, and he has no right to say whether or not it has meaning; that meaning is something only you can determine. If your community turns against you, find another one. If the system tries to put you down, fight it. Despite what Smackman might say, we're not just a bunch of poor-pocketed losers who get off on RP-sex. We're all human, just like you, and from one human being to another, I say this to you:

If life doesn't seem worth living right now, then make it worth living. The only person who can stop you is yourself.
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