Last Stand: Azdar P.R.I.M.E. ~ IC

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Re: Last Stand: Azdar P.R.I.M.E. ~ IC

Postby Reapergod36 » Thu Apr 12, 2012 2:48 am

Reaper looked at himself, checking if he had his gear. And looked around the house, for a picture of who the person might be.
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Re: Last Stand: Azdar P.R.I.M.E. ~ IC

Postby Zender_Solarheart » Thu Apr 12, 2012 3:25 am

Fifteen full minutes of kissing, and Jon had enjoyed every second of them. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end, as indicated by Kath gently pulling away upon those 15 minutes' conclusion. Those final two kisses provide a little bonus of comfort, and he takes her advice - and her request - to heart. "I will, Kath, don't worry...after everything else I've lived through, those space-ape things will find me one tough guy to bring down."

Jon chuckles lightly, then slowly rises to a standing posture. "Remember, this isn't an eternal good-bye; you can still message me, after all." He adds with a smile, then gives her one last wave good-bye, and steps out into the lobby.

If her doctor is around, he tells him/her to take good care of Kath, then finds a more secluded area, and dials up the recruiter's reference number with his PDA, on a secure frequency. If that guy was worth his words, then this'll get him a direct line to the organization he signed up for...
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Re: Last Stand: Azdar P.R.I.M.E. ~ IC

Postby Lady Foxy » Thu Apr 12, 2012 8:23 pm

ALPHA BASE ~ Alicia's Quarters .. Dreaming~!
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Reaper would find that he currently was wearing casual clothes, mostly to his liking.. However, he'd find that the apartment looked pretty.. 'Lovely and comfy' by the looks of it.. There would be pictures on a table, although they were blurry and it seemed he needed to be closer to them.. The person in the shower was still busy..

Skies ~ 'Masa' Freighter
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Kaythleen had settled back on the bed, breathing calmly but looking blissful as she had her first kiss and a couple of more.. Her doctor would nod as Jon passed by.. Although there seems to be a small *Beep* as Jon dials up the number..

''Jonathan Edge, nice to hear from you! Waiting for instructions?'' The voice said, apparently some kind of secretary.
Atton Rand: "Feels like my last time on Telos."
Bao-Dur: "Crashed a shuttle that time, too?"
Atton Rand: "No, pazaak.''
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Re: Last Stand: Azdar P.R.I.M.E. ~ IC

Postby Reapergod36 » Thu Apr 12, 2012 8:56 pm

Reaper gets closer to the pictures to examine them.
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Re: Last Stand: Azdar P.R.I.M.E. ~ IC

Postby Zender_Solarheart » Thu Apr 12, 2012 8:56 pm

The voice of the secretary startles Jon at first, but he quickly regains his composure. "You could say that. Turns out that I got caught up in a raid on Pilon Dome, courtesy of those space-ape things. I'm on the Masa freighter right now, and have been taking care of a...good friend." He doesn't reveal Kath's name, or how exactly he "took care of her." "Anyhow, I could use a person or place for a rendezvous. Is there someone on this freighter I can link up with, or do I need to find a way off?"

Whether one of his friends' operatives are on-board or not, Jon knows a few covert ways on how to sneak off of the freighter, if need be. The old escape pod trick still works surprisingly well, and even if not, he doubts this freighter's headed far from where he needs to link up.
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Re: Last Stand: Azdar P.R.I.M.E. ~ IC

Postby Lady Foxy » Thu Apr 12, 2012 10:12 pm

ALPHA BASE ~ Alicia's Quarters .. Dreaming!
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As Reaper approached the pictures.. He can see the images still being blurry, until the dream and his sub-conscious begun to build off images based on memories and thoughts; making the pictures contain multiple scenes with Reaper and Alicia, mostly paired up as a couple.. The shower stopped, but the figure inside still isn't done leaving the bathroom..

Skies ~ 'Masa' Freighter
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''You might want to use one of the small emergency shuttles located in that freighter, our scans say they will be able to be maneuverable. We'll appreciate you use one of them than an escape pod, you might pick up some others on the way. Hurry up, we've lost their signals but we have a specific location.'' The secretary said in a bitchy voice, possibly she wasn't so nice and all by the little 'superiority' voice she had.
Atton Rand: "Feels like my last time on Telos."
Bao-Dur: "Crashed a shuttle that time, too?"
Atton Rand: "No, pazaak.''
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Re: Last Stand: Azdar P.R.I.M.E. ~ IC

Postby Reapergod36 » Thu Apr 12, 2012 10:26 pm

Reaper's eyes widened, he spoke lowly to himself. "What the- What the fuck.....?" Reaper stood there a bit stunned, he gripped the picture. Rubbing his eyes making sure he wasn't seeing things.
Death Is Inevitable.
Humanity Destroys Itself.
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Re: Last Stand: Azdar P.R.I.M.E. ~ IC

Postby Zender_Solarheart » Thu Apr 12, 2012 10:30 pm

The rather crabby voice of the secretary stings at Jon's ears for a moment, but he bears through it. For all he knows, that secretary may be having a bad day. Either that, or she's just a bit authoritarian, but he's dealt with both cases. "Copy that." He says, while securing his equipment pack on his back, and starting on his way to the shuttle bay, being sure to appear non-suspicious while doing so.

Then he hears about those "others" who got their signals lost. "Others, you say? Affirmative, just need the intel on where to find them." To think, he just got out of the ransacking of Pilon Dome, and gave Kath some well-deserved comfort, and now he's on yet another rescue mission...well, he signed up to protect people, so he might as well consider this something of an "entrance exam."
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Re: Last Stand: Azdar P.R.I.M.E. ~ IC

Postby Lady Foxy » Thu Apr 12, 2012 10:40 pm

ALPHA BASE ~ Alicia's Quarters .. Dreaming!
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Reaper would see the picture fading, now that he wasn't sure it was real.. However, the bathroom door would open and a recently showered Alicia was walking up to him with a towel wrapped up above her cleavage, reaching all the way to her mid-thighs.. Smiling at him, although it all seemed to fantasy-like.. It seemed she mouthed something, as if she were talking but he couldn't hear..

Skies ~ 'Masa' Freighter
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''I send the data onto your PDA. Now, be on your way.'' The secretary said before severing the link, only giving Jon a conclusion that she was indeed; one of those young bitchy secretaries.
Atton Rand: "Feels like my last time on Telos."
Bao-Dur: "Crashed a shuttle that time, too?"
Atton Rand: "No, pazaak.''
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Re: Last Stand: Azdar P.R.I.M.E. ~ IC

Postby Zender_Solarheart » Thu Apr 12, 2012 11:01 pm

Jon sighs, and while the link does appear to be severed, he isn't willing to say what he wants to out loud right now, in the event she calls back for something. Instead, he just thinks to himself some statement about a plank needing pulled out of her ass, and moves along to the shuttle bay. Along the way, he keeps his walking pattern casual and his eyes forward, to avoid drawing attention to himself. He also checks his PDA, to make sure she actually sent him the data on where the "others" are.

Once in the shuttle bay (or as close as he can manage without entering a restricted area), he gets himself a bit more covert, trying to avoid being seen at all if he can, but certainly to avoid anyone getting suspicious and/or making a scene.
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Re: Last Stand: Azdar P.R.I.M.E. ~ IC

Postby Reapergod36 » Thu Apr 12, 2012 11:28 pm

Reaper's eyes kept wide, he was speechless, and checked his ears real quick.
Death Is Inevitable.
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Re: Last Stand: Azdar P.R.I.M.E. ~ IC

Postby Lady Foxy » Fri Apr 13, 2012 12:09 am

ALPHA BASE ~ Alicia's Quarters .. Dreami- Not anymore..
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Reaper would see Alicia's form bring up her right fist, but he would find himself unable to move.. Thus receiving the punch to his face..

Which would bring him to reality, waking him up..

''F-For God's sake! Daithi! You huge creep!'' Alicia cried out before pushing him off the bed, herself jumping onto the other side before staring at him; angrily, shocked and a bit confused as to why she was so comfortably and 'closely' snuggled up to him on the bed.

Skies ~ 'Masa' Freighter
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Jon would find no one nearby.. A couple of noises, but nothing man-made.. At least not particularly man, since the whole freighter was built by humanity.. The data was actually uploaded, but something tells Jon that the secretary probably would have chucked the data down his throat if she could..
Atton Rand: "Feels like my last time on Telos."
Bao-Dur: "Crashed a shuttle that time, too?"
Atton Rand: "No, pazaak.''
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Re: Last Stand: Azdar P.R.I.M.E. ~ IC

Postby Reapergod36 » Fri Apr 13, 2012 1:21 am

Reaper growled under his breath insults. "Can we go one fucking day without you hitting me! I was laying there on the bed, because I couldn't get out of the room. You snuggled up TO ME. I didn't do shit." Reaper crossed his arms and looked away from Alicia.
Death Is Inevitable.
Humanity Destroys Itself.
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Re: Last Stand: Azdar P.R.I.M.E. ~ IC

Postby Zender_Solarheart » Fri Apr 13, 2012 1:40 am

Seeing the shuttle bay strangely vacated, Jon breathes a soft sigh of relief, then picks out the shuttle that looks to be the best balance of speed and endurance. Once that's done, he does what he has to in order to get the shuttle lifted off and out of the ship. If that means opening bay doors, he does so. If it means hot-wiring the ignition switch for the shuttle, he does so. If it means getting in front of a security camera and dancing the macarena, he does so. When Jon has a mission, there ain't much short of killing him that can be done to stop him.
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Re: Last Stand: Azdar P.R.I.M.E. ~ IC

Postby Lady Foxy » Fri Apr 13, 2012 5:40 am

ALPHA BASE ~ Alicia's Quarters
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Alicia seems to be fuming, glaring at Reaper with a glare that would have incinerated entire forests; and maybe some glaciers too.. In this case, ripped Reaper to shreds.. But all she did was walk up to Reaper and slap him, once..

''And isn't there one 'bucking day you don't do something stupid, or creepy? No, apparently there isn't. Now.. There you go, the door's open. Now get, OUT.'' She slammed the wall with a fist in response, blushing very-very lightly since it was actually painful, but kept her glare at Reaper nonetheless.

Skies ~ Shuttle
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Jon would find that the location of the pick-up was not so far.. Actually, it was a bit close.. But not so close, more medium-like..
Atton Rand: "Feels like my last time on Telos."
Bao-Dur: "Crashed a shuttle that time, too?"
Atton Rand: "No, pazaak.''
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Lady Foxy
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Re: Last Stand: Azdar P.R.I.M.E. ~ IC

Postby Zender_Solarheart » Fri Apr 13, 2012 6:21 am

Using his PDA and the on-board navigation systems as guides, Jon makes his way down to the pick-up location, keeping his flight pattern steady. After all, he learned how to fly from his father, who was quite the ace in his own right. Hell, the old man once completed a Split-S below safe altitude levels, without G-diffusion, no less.

Once he gets within visual sight range of the pick-up zone, Jon starts glancing out towards where the "others" should be, trying to catch a glimpse of who he'll be dealing with.
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Re: Last Stand: Azdar P.R.I.M.E. ~ IC

Postby Reapergod36 » Fri Apr 13, 2012 8:25 pm

"Yeah, there has been days. But you hit me anyway." Reaper grumbled, and walked out.
Death Is Inevitable.
Humanity Destroys Itself.
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Re: Last Stand: Azdar P.R.I.M.E. ~ IC

Postby Lady Foxy » Fri Apr 13, 2012 9:38 pm

Skies ~ Shuttle
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Jon easily sees the small clouds of smoke forming up.. Coming from a badly wrecked escape pod.. If he uses the scanner of the shuttle, he might find three 'life forms' on board.. All showing signs of being alive, but not awake for some reason..

ALPHA BASE ~ Alicia's Quarters
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''Yes, yes I did hit you.. And God, was it a good punch. Now, step out of my room.. Would you, perv?'' Alicia said mockingly, chuckling at Reaper before giving his behind a loud smack; probably as a payback before waving at him innocently from inside her quarters, just before the door closed and Reaper was cut-off from having any response.
Atton Rand: "Feels like my last time on Telos."
Bao-Dur: "Crashed a shuttle that time, too?"
Atton Rand: "No, pazaak.''
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Re: Last Stand: Azdar P.R.I.M.E. ~ IC

Postby Zender_Solarheart » Fri Apr 13, 2012 9:55 pm

(That must be them.) Jon thinks to himself, as he carefully lands the shuttle near the crashed pod, but not so close that he'd cause any harm (such as the exhaust pushing the pod off a cliff, or something). Unsure of whether hostiles are around, he gears up with his armor, SMG, and Konami machete, then heads on over to the pod to help the survivors. He only hopes they're all able to move, or at least able to survive in this climate until any additional help they need arrives. If there's one thing that really wrecks his confidence, it's working hard to save lives, only for them to be lost regardless.

Well, first thing's first, and that's getting the pod open. So, once he reaches the pod, he quickly uses the door's controls to get it open (or, if the controls are busted, examines the pod for other ways of rescuing the occupants).
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Re: Last Stand: Azdar P.R.I.M.E. ~ IC

Postby Reapergod36 » Sat Apr 14, 2012 2:39 am

Reaper shook his head, and tried to head off to the mess hall. But checked himself, and Damnit.... He left his machete in her room.. He knocked on the door, "Sergeant.. I forgot something in there..."
Death Is Inevitable.
Humanity Destroys Itself.
I Destroy All, But How Can I Do This.
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