MiM (hacked) - On Hiatus since Feb 17, 2013

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Re: MiM (hacked) - Updated Mar. 23 (fix 24), 20

Postby Blargh » Sat Apr 07, 2012 4:51 am

Lucky777 Wrote:Ah well. I hope you can get Flash to obey you eventually. Also thanks for the advance warning; little touches like that are certainly appreciated.

Me too. I'm giving it one more shot. If it isn't done by Tuesday night (Wednesday's the next day I'll have to work on anything), I'll just try to work with the ripped stuff. If I start from the Feb 3rd version and copy over the resources from the ripped version, I might be able to save the majority of the work.

LuftMallow Wrote:It's not the the full game and It doesn't have all the characters/outfits currently, but here's a CS4 FLA with all you need to make stuff:

I figured I at least try to help get something like this to the public, just so Blargh doesn't stress himself out too much.

Thanks a bunch, LuftMallow! My stress is lowering already. ^_^

Also, I don't remember if I've asked before, but could you tell me how long it takes you to copy a Goomba from the main timeline (in the Feb 3rd CS4 FLA) and paste it into, say, Morton's castle area? I just want to know because, like I said before, it takes me literally 5 minutes or more to copy and a similar amount of time to paste in CS5 (it's a lot faster editing objects that aren't contained in other objects), but I've never been able to find any posts through Google about other people having the same issue.

scarykitties Wrote:Glad to see that Blarg's efforts are going into expanding the scope of the game now. While having different characters is nice, I suppose, it really doesn't add a whole lot, unless you're just really bad at imagining different people in similar situations.

Excited to see things expand!

I consider expansion as content and costumes as extras. Content will allow the game to grow and eventually become complete. Extras are the little things that can improve the experience or provide replayability. Working in both at the same time ensures (usually) that the extras aren't going to break the game, although it does slow down content additions. Most of my time spent on either, though, is just bug fixing because few things ever go the way I think they should. >_>
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Re: MiM (hacked) - Updated Mar. 23 (fix 24), 20

Postby LuftMallow » Sat Apr 07, 2012 5:26 am

Blargh Wrote:Thanks a bunch, LuftMallow! My stress is lowering already. ^_^

Also, I don't remember if I've asked before, but could you tell me how long it takes you to copy a Goomba from the main timeline (in the Feb 3rd CS4 FLA) and paste it into, say, Morton's castle area? I just want to know because, like I said before, it takes me literally 5 minutes or more to copy and a similar amount of time to paste in CS5 (it's a lot faster editing objects that aren't contained in other objects), but I've never been able to find any posts through Google about other people having the same issue.

I just timed it, takes about 2 minutes and and 15 seconds to do that. Most likely the Peach objects are the most time-consuming thing that gets copied over.
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Re: MiM (hacked) - Updated Mar. 23 (fix 24), 20

Postby Blargh » Sat Apr 07, 2012 5:03 pm

LuftMallow Wrote:I just timed it, takes about 2 minutes and and 15 seconds to do that. Most likely the Peach objects are the most time-consuming thing that gets copied over.

Okay, thanks. That's good to know. I've noticed that anything with a lot of objects within objects within objects really takes a long time to do anything with (especially if I'm editing from higher objects). I was using the coins from the kingdom area to match up the boundaries of the water level, but even those were taking a couple of minutes to copy over. The last straw for me ended up being trying to insert a keyframe into the blooper and having it take not only 20 minutes when it worked but also crashing twice before that on the same operation. -_-
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Re: MiM (hacked) - Updated Mar. 23 (fix 24), 20

Postby Zeus Kabob » Sat Apr 07, 2012 7:49 pm

Gah. That's excessive.

Why does it take so long? It seems to me like there are only a few things to do; copy the image, copy the hitbox, change the location, and link it.
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Re: MiM (hacked) - Updated Mar. 23 (fix 24), 20

Postby Blargh » Sun Apr 08, 2012 4:25 pm

Zeus Kabob Wrote:Gah. That's excessive.

Why does it take so long? It seems to me like there are only a few things to do; copy the image, copy the hitbox, change the location, and link it.

It's a copy and paste job combined, and then it calculates the new animation since it's making the tween longer and might need to (doesn't in this case) adjust the position for every non-key frame between the frames, and then it seemingly has to re-calculate every width, height, angle, x, and y position, etc. of every single object inside it and every object inside of those for the new angles which it seems to do from scratch instead of just comparing the old and the new first to see if there's any difference before doing all of that. After all, inserting a keyframe in the middle of a tween actually takes very little time comparitively, so they don't seem to re-calculate everything for that when it's been done before and isn't changing anything.

I can accept it taking some time with all of the re-calculations and everything, but it's just so frustrating to have to stop and wait every time, or even worse to have to think back about when the last time I saved was in case it crashes again (been happening a lot lately) because even if I've only done a few things it can still mean up to half an hour or more lost. Even more frustrating is when I'm searching for a possible solution and nobody else is complaining about it, so it just seems like no one else has to wait so long (or everyone else has just accepted it and I'm the only whiner left >_>).
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Re: MiM (hacked) - Updated Mar. 23 (fix 24), 20

Postby worldismine » Mon Apr 09, 2012 4:07 am

Now that Playshapes offered his new stuff on one of the threads; by any chance we would see them in this hacked version?
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Re: MiM (hacked) - Updated Mar. 23 (fix 24), 20

Postby Blargh » Mon Apr 09, 2012 7:10 am

worldismine Wrote:Now that Playshapes offered his new stuff on one of the threads; by any chance we would see them in this hacked version?

Absolutely. Krystal's forward-facing head is a dream come true, and so is Katt for that matter. Also, the other characters from Bowser's Castle, and maybe Tifa and Aerith too. Oh, and Yoshi and Luigi models, too! ^_^ *breathe in* *breathe out* *breathe in* *breathe out* Okay.

I haven't really had a chance to get into the FLA (all the saving and all >_>), but from what I could see the models from Playshapes' MiM2 look to be about the same sizes/shapes as MiM. Part of it comes down to that sheen of brightness over the parts that give a sort of rendered look to them? I don't really like that, personally. <_<
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Re: MiM (hacked) - Updated Mar. 23 (fix 24), 20

Postby zeldafreak1 » Mon Apr 09, 2012 7:59 am

Blargh Wrote:
worldismine Wrote:Now that Playshapes offered his new stuff on one of the threads; by any chance we would see them in this hacked version?

Absolutely. Krystal's forward-facing head is a dream come true, and so is Katt for that matter. Also, the other characters from Bowser's Castle, and maybe Tifa and Aerith too. Oh, and Yoshi and Luigi models, too! ^_^ *breathe in* *breathe out* *breathe in* *breathe out* Okay.

I haven't really had a chance to get into the FLA (all the saving and all >_>), but from what I could see the models from Playshapes' MiM2 look to be about the same sizes/shapes as MiM. Part of it comes down to that sheen of brightness over the parts that give a sort of rendered look to them? I don't really like that, personally. <_<

Personally guys, I dont care, as long as you make a kickass game. (Like you have thus far) Keep up the good work!
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Re: MiM (hacked) - Updated Mar. 23 (fix 24), 20

Postby falcon » Tue Apr 10, 2012 10:26 pm

Could it be possible to add a normal sling bikini? Basically the frog suit but pink and without the boots and frog hood.
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Re: MiM (hacked) - Updated Mar. 23 (fix 24), 20

Postby Blargh » Wed Apr 11, 2012 3:00 pm

zeldafreak1 Wrote:Personally guys, I dont care, as long as you make a kickass game. (Like you have thus far) Keep up the good work!

Thanks, I will. ^_^ I'm a little more grounded now after looking at the FLA's (the MiM CS4 save didn't work out, by the way :/ ), so I noticed that everything but MiM2 is based on a different style of objects. Re-drawing is probably definitely going to be required for some of the new characters. And I also realized there's already a Luigi model in MiM. >_>

falcon Wrote:Could it be possible to add a normal sling bikini? Basically the frog suit but pink and without the boots and frog hood.

Prooooobably! I'll just tuck it in under the stuff I need to add for worldismine. <_<
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Re: MiM (hacked) - Updated Mar. 23 (fix 24), 20

Postby worldismine » Wed Apr 11, 2012 3:04 pm

Blargh Wrote:Prooooobably! I'll just tuck it in under the stuff I need to add for worldismine. <_<

Oh my... ehehehe.... Thanks.
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Re: MiM (hacked) - Updated Mar. 23 (fix 24), 20

Postby DoggieDog52 » Wed Apr 11, 2012 4:46 pm

Blargh Wrote:Prooooobably! I'll just tuck it in under the stuff I need to add for worldismine. <_<

Oooh! Can that costume be barefoot as well? I mean it would only make sense :P
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Re: MiM (hacked) - Updated Mar. 23 (fix 24), 20

Postby Mr Wilson » Thu Apr 12, 2012 1:44 am

ive kept up with this game and this forum for a while now and its about time i post something, first thing to say is that this game is pretty much the only reason why i come to this site and you've done a great job since the original work. But the important part of this post is to suggest to you to separate this game into different posts. idk how this game works as far as creation goes /designing but is seems like there is too much information and operations going on in one setting and becoming impossible to work with. idk if this would work but maybe you can try to make the map of peaches bedroom to browsers castle one game, then make a new game with a different map. for example, take out the underwater place from here and make it the beginning of a different game. a mario missing hack 2 part w/e or something like that. idk your the game maker lol. im just suggesting to separate this game into different games/ different post to help distribute all the information/data that is used into this game so that copying and pasting dosnt take forever
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Re: MiM (hacked) - Updated Mar. 23 (fix 24), 20

Postby Zeus Kabob » Thu Apr 12, 2012 3:46 am

@Doggiedog: IIRC, no. There seems to be a dearth of flat feet in the models, so it's not likely that we can have barefooted models.
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Re: MiM (hacked) - Updated Mar. 23 (fix 24), 20

Postby Urahara » Thu Apr 12, 2012 6:51 pm

I found another bug in-game - sometimes the Bombs will "catch" your character without actually getting close - this usually happens to me when I'm cleaning my char in the spot at the front of the castle - even though my char is standing at a considerable distance from the spawn point, sometimes (not always, but sometimes) it starts a scene on it's own. Sorry for making problems (again), considering how much time and effort it takes to fix the already present ones.

Also, will you maybe be updating this Friday? or will the next update be on the next one?
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Re: MiM (hacked) - Updated Mar. 23 (fix 24), 20

Postby DoggieDog52 » Thu Apr 12, 2012 10:14 pm

Zeus Kabob Wrote:@Doggiedog: IIRC, no. There seems to be a dearth of flat feet in the models, so it's not likely that we can have barefooted models.

They don't have to be flat. There are a couple characters with Naked outfits who already are barefoot. Samus for example is one of them.
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Re: MiM (hacked) - Updated Mar. 23 (fix 24), 20

Postby Thee Pie Man » Fri Apr 13, 2012 1:02 am

Mr Wilson Wrote:ive kept up with this game and this forum for a while now and its about time i post something, first thing to say is that this game is pretty much the only reason why i come to this site and you've done a great job since the original work. But the important part of this post is to suggest to you to separate this game into different posts. idk how this game works as far as creation goes /designing but is seems like there is too much information and operations going on in one setting and becoming impossible to work with. idk if this would work but maybe you can try to make the map of peaches bedroom to browsers castle one game, then make a new game with a different map. for example, take out the underwater place from here and make it the beginning of a different game. a mario missing hack 2 part w/e or something like that. idk your the game maker lol. im just suggesting to separate this game into different games/ different post to help distribute all the information/data that is used into this game so that copying and pasting dosnt take forever

Not that I don't see value in the idea in a sense. The point of the game (in my opinion) is to be ONE thing and not multiple tiny projects that don't go anywhere. That seems to be the problem with a lot of the people on this forum lately. They kinda do what you are suggesting just to have it not go anywhere. It's not that it isn't a good idea but in reality I think it seems to be harder to keep track of the multiple projects VS one Big project.

If however someone is able to keep track of everything while working on multiple projects then they can probably be pretty rocking :P

I am still working on Rosalina's Dress and stuff. I am in the middle of some crisis's that aren't fun (Financial aid decided not to come in which means I gotta drop all my classes, babysitting constantly. Friend's being jerks ETC) Point is I don't have time at the moment otherwise I would probably be able to do it. e.e I actually like luftmellow's head sorta. I might use that as a base template (With his permission to sample) and then make the hair more like I want it to be. There's just some things I would like to see that I do not currently x3. I hate how long it takes to do everything for me and I apologize. Not that there is a set date but it just seems like I made a kinda promise and it went all bleck because I am lousy at trying to redo things and make them look the way they need to look. I guess we shall see what happens when I get more time lol. All I have been able to do is roleplay here and there and that's for only a few moments. Take care Blargh. If I can I will see what I can do. Otherwise I will always be your test monkey :L

Adieu~ Thee Pie Man
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Re: MiM (hacked) - Updated Mar. 23 (fix 24), 20

Postby Blargh » Fri Apr 13, 2012 3:26 pm

worldismine Wrote:
Blargh Wrote:Prooooobably! I'll just tuck it in under the stuff I need to add for worldismine. <_<

Oh my... ehehehe.... Thanks.

Please don't take it as I'm working on the costumes now, sorry. I'm still piecing together a new FLA since the last save didn't work, so most of what I'll be doing for the next update will be minor. I'll try, though.

DoggieDog52 Wrote:
Blargh Wrote:Prooooobably! I'll just tuck it in under the stuff I need to add for worldismine. <_<

Oooh! Can that costume be barefoot as well? I mean it would only make sense :P

Zeus Kabob Wrote:@Doggiedog: IIRC, no. There seems to be a dearth of flat feet in the models, so it's not likely that we can have barefooted models.

DoggieDog52 Wrote:They don't have to be flat. There are a couple characters with Naked outfits who already are barefoot. Samus for example is one of them.

Actually, yes I can make her barefoot. The Peach model in Playshapes' MiM2 is barefoot, and I would use a Midna foot recolor if that doesn't work out.

Mr Wilson Wrote:ive kept up with this game and this forum for a while now and its about time i post something, first thing to say is that this game is pretty much the only reason why i come to this site and you've done a great job since the original work. But the important part of this post is to suggest to you to separate this game into different posts. idk how this game works as far as creation goes /designing but is seems like there is too much information and operations going on in one setting and becoming impossible to work with. idk if this would work but maybe you can try to make the map of peaches bedroom to browsers castle one game, then make a new game with a different map. for example, take out the underwater place from here and make it the beginning of a different game. a mario missing hack 2 part w/e or something like that. idk your the game maker lol. im just suggesting to separate this game into different games/ different post to help distribute all the information/data that is used into this game so that copying and pasting dosnt take forever

Mostly, I've considered removing all of the bits and pieces that don't have a use count in the FLA library (which tracks how many frames a particular object is used in). At some point, I might have to learn how to import movies so that the archives can be separated to keep the size down. But I won't be separating each area into its own game, no. I know the project end is probably years off this way, but it's not like it's going to shorten the amount of effort I'd have to go through just because everything gets separated into different games. Primarily, though, I'm trying to build it as an adventure game. It makes it hard to adventure if you have to load a new game every time you enter a new zone. ;)

Urahara Wrote:I found another bug in-game - sometimes the Bombs will "catch" your character without actually getting close - this usually happens to me when I'm cleaning my char in the spot at the front of the castle - even though my char is standing at a considerable distance from the spawn point, sometimes (not always, but sometimes) it starts a scene on it's own. Sorry for making problems (again), considering how much time and effort it takes to fix the already present ones.

Also, will you maybe be updating this Friday? or will the next update be on the next one?

Okay, I'll check into that. It sounds like the hit box from it's explosion is getting carried back to the start before it resets. Bug fixing now or bug fixing later isn't going to change anything, so thanks for reporting it. :)

The next update will be next Friday.

Thee Pie Man Wrote:I am still working on Rosalina's Dress and stuff. I am in the middle of some crisis's that aren't fun (Financial aid decided not to come in which means I gotta drop all my classes, babysitting constantly. Friend's being jerks ETC) Point is I don't have time at the moment otherwise I would probably be able to do it. e.e I actually like luftmellow's head sorta. I might use that as a base template (With his permission to sample) and then make the hair more like I want it to be. There's just some things I would like to see that I do not currently x3. I hate how long it takes to do everything for me and I apologize. Not that there is a set date but it just seems like I made a kinda promise and it went all bleck because I am lousy at trying to redo things and make them look the way they need to look. I guess we shall see what happens when I get more time lol. All I have been able to do is roleplay here and there and that's for only a few moments. Take care Blargh. If I can I will see what I can do. Otherwise I will always be your test monkey :L

Adieu~ Thee Pie Man

More good luck to you! ^_^ Just don't stress over the character. Sounds like you have enough to go around already.
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Re: MiM (hacked) - Updated Mar. 23 (fix 24), 20

Postby Thee Pie Man » Sat Apr 14, 2012 9:17 am

Thank you Blargh I really needed that. :) *shrugs* as far as my life goes, it has always been hard. My perseverance is what makes a lot of things possible in terms of what I am doing each day and etc. I don't think I have a limit to how much stuff can be going on before it's a real overload. It stresses me out obviously which can effect the labors of my work sometimes. But I will try to take it easier. Maybe just relax and lurk for awhile and find any might be bugs for you and other programmers on the site. As I said before, we shall see.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Crazy ninja edit: although in all honesty I am having second thoughts of being on this forum. Morally I am having issues and I feel like I am a bit out of place lol.
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Re: MiM (hacked) - Updated Mar. 23 (fix 24), 20

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Wed Apr 18, 2012 9:49 pm

I hope I will keep my post small :shock: :ugeek:

I came from the wild west past! :lol:
Stuck in June 2011 :o
Most preciselly, Page 24 of 79.
I explain: I delayed my programming in flash due to the work needs, and in order to train myself to ride long distances using a bicycle. But I havent finished. After this, a bit of depression cames out... And I needed to rest and think about other things. I've meet many friends from america. 60% completed the challenge.

Now I´m back to help, as I really want it :) Mostly with to-do things and features!
I need to create a new post about my version, as it now have pipes, dynamic blushing (peach blushes more when naked, and blink as she walks), eyes blinking, 4 boob sizes (then you did it without me, even a smaller size!), 3x zoom in (I did a nearer zoom, as I figured out a bit how cam work), moving coin box with sound (and some coins animation goes above it), and some caveats.

The version will be a game with peach only (MiMae). I would like to let the version this way. I've thought a lot (a lot lot lot really) and I let this decision happen.
But I'm thinking the mario enemies which can be in a Mim version: Piranha Plants, Bloopers, Shy Guys, pokeys, wendy koopa, gombella, birdo and daisy .

About your gem version :) I still need to download the swf and play. I'm anxious!

And I see 'Mario is Missing 2' (more paralel programming) by Hattorihanzo, LuftMallow and other efforts (sorry if I forgot someone).
And I became so happy about Playshapes releasing his Mim2 (however, did he lost Mim1 FLA? He didnt mention it).

Now to the responses!
- I'm with Allsop2604, who said "may include the option (automatically included or separate button) to have the enemies not die after an interaction. ... ROR (Run or Rape) type of feel to your game".
I Agree. So she could stomp on it (but goomba/koopa/etc will not die) It will be 'stunned mode' (more below). If done so, may she get some points (like super mario games), but she will not fulfill the requirement of the toads, and if she does that will all the gombas (stomping), she will get the virgin ending but she will be punished in a given way.
- An eureka thought I plan to implement in my version and I think it should be very nice in your version, Blargh. Of course it does not need to be done 'tomorrow' by you, or even be done at all. But of course I could help. Even if I do this version first :)
Its about avoidment of sex: peach (or other character) , during a sex scene, can skip / try to evade, before cumming.
It could have a <- and -> directional keys for that (like Shinobi Girl) button that needs to be pressed in a given occasion, or a couple of them (instead of pressing tons of times). Just imagine, three gombas at her, then you try at best to evade.
Two bars are shown during sex scenes: the 'avoid sex' bar (when pressing directionals) and horny bar (if they're more than 70% full they will be red
and the female character will be locked on it until cum!)
Its not meant to be burdensome or 'more bloat code'. Just think that a movie clip could be halted if a given variable (avoid_cum) is 30, for example.
This variable will increase in +1 increment at each key press, but will decrease +10 each second (so if you dont press the variable, the bar will be soon zeroed).

It should add a ecstasy sensation. Its like the female character dont want to make sex with that creature at a given time :) (its like 'OH, NOT NOW', or 'NOT AGAIN').
Following the idea above, I just think the game would be more interesting to play if actually the sex scenes are things to be avoided.
Just imagine... with more hard levels coming, the character WILL be fucked many times, so she will try to avoid it,
because it could have so many creatures! Like in underwater levels :)

Hand solo said:
"What if the game had a little action/penalty theme to it? What if you can lose lives not just by falling into pits(which doesn't exist right now), but you can also lose lives by being raped from the enemies?"
I follow his idea, but with the joint of 'Shinobi girl' mechanics. We do know any girl character NEED to fucks enemies (its a goal of the game, because she awakes naked and with cum, and toads tell her about the need to save mushroom kimgdom), but if, say, she fucks 'a lot' (5 enemies at once), she will lose a powerup (the mechanic of peach and mario games that of course its important to keep). So, If she is using 'clothing', she will be naked (lose a powerup) after the sex scene. If she is naked, she will lose a life. So she needs to refresh herself (maybe waiting some time). It could be a small bar ('energy'). We can even forget about the horny bar. The energy bar (more important) will regenerate if she dont fuck for a while. If she fucks someone 'fully', 20% of the bar is gone. Why to add this bar? Only because its so nice (and I mean it!) to TRY TO AVOID sex. Peach is not a whore all the time. She is also shy (a virgin), thats why there is a possibility (virgin end scene). :)

The only problem is that it requires some brainstorming, because it may require to change '10 gombas to whore ending' thing to a more challenging amount. But this will add more gameplay IF added with some shinobi girl engine (I will talk about it).

I like that Hand solo said too -> "it should be nice to see stun animations (can be only a 'statue' animation like), take it a requirement for the princess to jump on the heads of the enemies to flat then, then they will be stunned. While they are stunned, walk into them to activate the "sex scene".
In this case, it could be a 'SAFE' sex scene, when the energy bar does not go down. Goomba is stunned, so she make sex and he dies.

Hand solo said "If the character comes into contact with the enemy while it is moving around(non-stunned), then a "rape scene" will activate instead."
Great! So the 'shinobi girl mechanic' of avoiding sex could be applied here, as the energy bar is decreasing!

So those are so interesting, at least for me :) A thing, of course, to be 'brain washed out'.
- T.O.B. said before: "maybe the occasional Yoshi are all potential enemies/bosses".
Actually, Yoshi could be her friend. An horny one. He can appear in a given time (can be a random time), and guess what? He is Horny!
Yoshi then run to grab the female character and have sex in some positions (to diminish amount of work, two positions at least).
Of course its not a thing we 'have to do 200% of programming' to do ALL animations and even her mounted in Yoshi. No. It just happens with time :)
The interesting thing is to see yoshi in the level, and some interaction. Its only a idea for now, as I would love to HELP, creating the yoshi. Its not nice to program (like the java gurus), with tons of coffe, with amazing difficulties with algorithms, and yet worried with making art at the same time :/
- Some also said about three or four steps in sex scene (speed change). Could be really nice and exciting. Okay, ActionScript2 dont change FPS, but
a workaround is possible and I will study it and share with you! An idea I have is to copy frames, creating 'speed 2' label for it (then copy again making speed 3 lavel), then cutting some frames in speed 2, and cut many more frames in speed 3 to increase its speed.
- I saw in the former posts two or three people asking about pregnant peach.
Well... she should be pregnant after 10-20 cums (a random number) then she would walk slower and give births to eggs, who breaks to a random enemy!! :)
The nice thing with pregnant, is the 'walking awkward' thing that let some excited :) And the fact that, yes, she IS pregnant (unprotected). So she have to hide somewhere, until giving birth.
-Blargh said about butt sizes:
'Unfortunately, the whole leg is one object, so any resize made to the ass also affects the thigh and the knee.'
Well, how about creating a new layer of only the butt? Then, if they god resized, the 'former butt' will be nicely hidden :)
The impression will be 100% a new butt and untouched legs, flawlessly :) Ok, I can make it (a template, a png)...
- Im just thinking with enthusiasm about what some said before: about fire-flowers and plants in deserts and others maps that can act with its tentacles (branches): it can rape her if she's naked. If shes not naked, the plants will move in a simplistic way (a small movie clip), like they' not noticed. Its very exciting to see enemies more anger to sex with a naked female running around the level :D
- How about peach umbrella? It could be a powerup to let her fly for 5 seconds, or at least increase her jump.
Or do a animation where her umbrella fucks her when angry or something like that (like a very nice erotic pic I saw in gambooriu)
- I like this also: 'if peach/any character falls on the floor with puddle of cum, she will be stuck, having to free herself in order to get up.
So a pass-by enemy could fuck her if she does not get out soon.

Blargh has said in page 45 (lol, I was tired to read everything from page 25) that its not hard to add :)
About CS5 and CS4: I will see here about those large times to copy an object to other place.
Could you please give me the name / place of the object and where to move to? So I can compare times here.
I also prefer CS4. Its a much better version. A non bloatead one. It reminds me of MSN 9.0 x MSN 8.0.

I think those above will, in the present or future, increase the replayability of the game. Again, thank you for all the work put into this!!
Blargh, please, forgive me for this brainstorm, and please, lets change ideas :) Calmly :)
I will find time to up my version I the other post, so you can see what i've done! :)
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Sat Mar 23, 2013 7:06 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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