Zender_Solarheart Wrote:On the subject of old cartoons that kick ass...who else knows which source this fan-art references?
zeldafreak1 Wrote:but then Toonami bombed and took everything with it.
talin Wrote:What happened to the field of battle? Peace treaties? friendly debate and reminiscing? I thought this was WAR damnit!
back on... er off... topic. I used to watch a few of those old cartoons. never got the chance to actually sit down and catch them every week but I remember samurai jack, avatar, and a few others. although something else, does anyone else here remember watching the really old (like 12-13 years ago) DBZ shows? I might be wrong but I could swear the "new" series my brother watches looks just like the same episodes I used to watch as a little kid. I swear to god I watched cell pull the same crap about a century ago and the androids fight those same battles. I haven't checked it lately but last I saw they where fighting in the tornement that four aliens where suppose to be in after the main thing if my memory is correct.
zeldafreak1 Wrote:well talin, since you want moar pics here:
if you cant read this one heres the link: http://static.fjcdn.com/pictures/Childh ... 261410.jpg
and this is about the same.
talin Wrote:Actually just understood what happened in the first one. That's kinda sad tbh. Her whole world is a lie...
haloman Wrote:I remember this show... i never saw the final episode though. Was it really like that? o.o
zeldafreak1 Wrote:just found this posted to my fb page.....
http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash ... 4791_n.jpg
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