Kal's old work

Discussion about Legend of Krystal. For now this also includes any feature-requests or other ideas.

Kal's old work

Postby trunks2585 » Sat Sep 11, 2010 3:03 am

Since he's basically disappeared on us, the team has decided to show what was going to be used before we got ptoon on board. We're not going to dump everything on you at once, but I figure this should make you all happy, this is what Kal had krystal looking like. We'd like some thoughts and feedback so we don't totally ruin what you guys want krystal to appear as.
kalskrystal.png (268.26 KiB) Viewed 13482 times

Remember Ptoon is the lead artist now, and he posted a very nice blazikin in a bikini image so that should give you an idea of what his style is like. There's a lot i could say but I'm just going to keep my mouth shut for now and see what you all have to say.
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Re: Kal's old work

Postby maxy93 » Sat Sep 11, 2010 3:59 am

this just looks awesome . cant wait for the game to come out !
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Re: Kal's old work

Postby Crossbow1701 » Sat Sep 11, 2010 5:02 am

How far back did that put the game?
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Re: Kal's old work

Postby Xananos » Sat Sep 11, 2010 5:54 am

Her thighs and hips are too small in relation to her calves.
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Re: Kal's old work

Postby deadlyfire » Sat Sep 11, 2010 6:04 am

Looks great Hope to see more
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Re: Kal's old work

Postby 肉まんマン » Sat Sep 11, 2010 6:50 am

Like the guy above me said, her legs look weird. Especially the hips.

I thought the project would go to ruin with Kal suddenly disapearing but I saw ptoon`s blaziken pic and all I can say his HOLY SHIT. I love his style.
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Re: Kal's old work

Postby hornguy6 » Sat Sep 11, 2010 7:27 am

Xananos Wrote:Her thighs and hips are too small in relation to her calves.

Maybe I'm weird but I think it looks sexy. Idk, just my opinon.
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Re: Kal's old work

Postby maxy93 » Sat Sep 11, 2010 7:48 am

creation of playshapes . how does this one look ?
206685_Kry.gif (53.62 KiB) Viewed 13310 times
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Re: Kal's old work

Postby TheProcrastinator » Sat Sep 11, 2010 10:45 am

I agree with Xananos about her legs, they definitely need more work. Her torso area also seems a little off to me and that curve above her upper lip looks like it needs to be eased into a little more. No offense to Kalypso -love the breastplates BTW- but I'd really like to see a version of Krystal done by pToon-T.

Something I'm curious about, does -insert team member's name- just create something and submit it to the project or are other members of the team given the chance review their work and provide constructive criticism? I understand that this project can only benefit from people like Kalypso and pToon-T and, to put it bluntly, we really don't want to piss/chase them off, but the project is a group effort and I can only assume that it is still treated as such.

Also, will Kalypso's disappearance substantially impede the development of LoK 3.0 or will pToon-T be filling in? With that said, how involved is pToon-T in the current development of LoK 3.0 and is it likely that the project will go pear-shaped if he, too, decides to go play hermit?

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Re: Kal's old work

Postby trunks2585 » Sat Sep 11, 2010 11:00 am

Ironically, it seems Kal leaving isn't going to affect a lot, although ptoon will feel a lot of the burden that was on Kal's shoulders, on his now. The advantage is ptoon is an artist, Kal was mostly for vectors and got forced into doing character sheets.

I commented on that sample playshapes made for his bowser's castle game, i really don't care for it. The way krystal's head is to her shoulders makes her neck seem too long or her head is disconnected, and the expression just really bugs me. I'm not digging the lipstick either.

I can't show you what Ptoon has done but I will say what we've seen of his Krystal is beautiful.

We don't really have any real way for people to join, if people post stuff with potential in creative corner we go 'hey should we bring this person on board?' Right now If ptoon leaves, the project is screwed unless we scrap using new models and just use what playshapes gave us.
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Re: Kal's old work

Postby TheProcrastinator » Sat Sep 11, 2010 11:41 am

I'm both relieved and worried shitless. I kinda figured that Kalypso was more of a vector-dude and remember reading as much in some "old" posts. Glad to hear that pToon-T is still cracking, and especially glad to hear he's making/made a Krystal sprite. Perhaps someone could throw a sneak peek our way sometime soon, eh ;)

Another thing that's just crossed my mind is that everyone, myself included, appears to focus a lot of their attention towards the artists of the project, e.g. Toon and Kal, but not so much to other members? Doesn't that bother the rest of you guys/girls in any way? Out of curiosity, what is your involvement in the project comprised of, Trunks?

Anyway, here's wishing good luck to Toon, Kal -wherever you are-, Trunks, and the rest of the LoK team!
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Re: Kal's old work

Postby Renara » Sat Sep 11, 2010 4:19 pm

Well, I'm doing the fiendishly over complicated (though also very capable) game engine, and if I do my work right it's something you'll never ever notice (unless you're a fan of game development) :)
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Re: Kal's old work

Postby Xananos » Sat Sep 11, 2010 6:25 pm

You're like god, then! Or the matrix, Renara. If you do it right you don't know anyone's done anything at all." Great job.
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Re: Kal's old work

Postby Power » Sat Sep 11, 2010 6:54 pm

I would say simular to what some said above already,
bigger hips and smaller boobies would look better on that sprite.

Tali from mass effect has the sexiest body I have ever seen. =3
(would be awesum if krystal had a simular body methinks)
I found pic on rule34.com and there source was ghostfire at deviantart.com .
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Re: Kal's old work

Postby tbprod » Sat Sep 11, 2010 7:02 pm

the pic of krystal is amazing, but like the other have been saying the thighs and legs look small compared to the body. plus gotta lurv that ghetto booty
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Re: Kal's old work

Postby trunks2585 » Sat Sep 11, 2010 7:21 pm

Ebonizza covered my duties here pretty well, I'm also an artist but not confident enough to try and make sprite sheets, however I can offer critique and feedback. That Krystal, kal was still tweaking before he disappeared, but it would have been a lot rougher without feed back from me, QQ, a few other members, and playshapes himself. Heh ask any of the members, I probably bitch at Kal the most to change things. (never did get around to the hips/legs issue though). I've also had my hand in just tossing about gameplay ideas and stuff like that, we all have over on the team.
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Re: Kal's old work

Postby Aarronn » Sat Sep 11, 2010 9:44 pm

one word; HAWT :)
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Re: Kal's old work

Postby MrBear » Sat Sep 11, 2010 10:05 pm

Looks a little too skinny, but other than that, good artwork. Lmao @ the nipple playing hide and go seek.
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Re: Kal's old work

Postby Surskit » Sun Sep 12, 2010 1:39 am

Yeah, she's just too skinny. I don't have any problems with the hips or legs, but it's angle that she's in that makes things look a bit off. Angle aside, her torso is like a twig.
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Re: Kal's old work

Postby LouDiamonds » Sun Sep 12, 2010 6:28 am

This model is fine... Please don't let us preview the final model, it'll just give us time to convince each other that it looks like garbage.

Trunks: I have some simple concepts that address replay-ability and customization if you're interested.
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