by Gorbaz » Sun Apr 01, 2012 11:47 pm
Your LRM and PPC volley clips the leg of one of the Ryokens, tripping it up and causing it to collapse forward. Unfortunatly, as there are no repair bays anywhere nearby, you'd have to travel back to the main base for repairs.
The laserfire from your mech melts off the rear armour of the fallen Ryoken, exposing it's reactor core to the open air. The poilot struggles to right his mech, but it's slow going
PPC fire rakes across the arm of one of the Ryokens, causing it's attention to focus on you. Your erratic movement puts off it's pilot, and the only shot that hits is a larhe laser hitting your left arm, but only damaging the armour. Thankfully, the weapon systems still seem to be working as normal
Autocannon rounds thud right into the breach that Talin's lasers had made and, in a catestrophic explosion, the core melts down. The mech is vapourised, although the pilot managed to eject in time
There are two Ryokens left on the battlefield. Both appear shaken
One way, or another, I'm going to find you, I'll get you, I'll get you!