Seeing that the other doctors are busy, apparently tending to more critically-injured people, Jon just maintains his seat next to Kath, taking comfort in knowing that his efforts could save at least one life, especially hers. With her clearly dozed off, he chooses to take a little time to update his journal:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
<<Operation Azdar, Day 1 update>>
At the arcade, I met a young woman by the name of "Kaythleene." Much to my surprise, she's the famed gamer known as "FallingStar," and a top-level pro in the fighting game division. Of course, we never got to have our little 1-on-1, as things went topsy-turvy right when we were about to start it. Power went out, we headed for the shelter...and then some creatures popped in out of nowhere and started tearing people up. From the looks of them, they're the enemies I'll be facing, though they seemed more from the grunt-ranks than anywhere else...considering how I downed one with just a few SMG bursts.
I hadn't even met the recruiter that I sent my application to, and things have already gone to Hell...the city got ransacked, God knows how many people died, and there wasn't jack I could do to save them...except for Kath. Having boarded the passenger freighter Masa, along with countless evacuees, I can at least take solace in knowing that Pilon Dome's population wasn't completely wiped out...not to mention that my efforts protected at least one person...
--End of Log Entry--
At this point, Jon's primary focus is to keep himself and those near him alive. He has no intention to just go sacrificing himself, however...he can't help anyone if he's dead, and Sue would be devastated to hear of it...