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Re: MiM (hacked) - Updated (fix) Mar. 9 (10), 2

Postby SpectralTime » Thu Mar 22, 2012 4:48 am

You know, I played through Playshapes original today. And, after I'd beaten it, I reflected for a minute on exactly how much you've accomplished, how much you've expanded on the original version, how much better you've made the game.

Thank you, Blargh. You deserve it.
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Re: MiM (hacked) - Updated (fix) Mar. 9 (10), 2

Postby Thee Pie Man » Thu Mar 22, 2012 9:31 am

^Thumbs up to the person above me I whole heartily agree.

Oh oh oh oh oh!!! I figured out what is going wrong!!

Okay I went into extensive testing and whatever you save as her "naked" outfit is what she is wearing when you start the game.
and and and and!!! I found out that the "default" suits (the bug is still there) are the suits that are in order with skins to match.

Wrong outfits.PNG
Wrong outfits.PNG (21.25 KiB) Viewed 2939 times

So as it shows above first is naked and peach, which is correct.
then it shows Peach zero in princess outfit which isn't correct BUT it's reading it for whatever reason from the code that has it ordered in the character selection as it is when you click the arrow to change character's and suit's it will first go to Peach Zero and the princess peach outfit, and it applies to everything. The fire peach and fire peach's outfit actually are perfectly matched next, then it goes Daisy Character, and Raccoon outfit and etc etc. Basically for some reason it's taking the source from the character "storage" whatever that is called I don't know the technical term. And applying it to the outfits as defaults. AND the naked mushroom for whatever reason is applying itself to your starting selection.
(I have been having this issue for so long, I can't tell if other people have experienced the same issues but I think I cracked it!)
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Re: MiM (hacked) - Updated (fix) Mar. 9 (10), 2

Postby Blargh » Fri Mar 23, 2012 3:04 am

SpectralTime Wrote:You know, I played through Playshapes original today. And, after I'd beaten it, I reflected for a minute on exactly how much you've accomplished, how much you've expanded on the original version, how much better you've made the game.

Thank you, Blargh. You deserve it.

Thanks. I appreciate it! ^_^

Thee Pie Man Wrote:^Thumbs up to the person above me I whole heartily agree.

Oh oh oh oh oh!!! I figured out what is going wrong!!

Okay I went into extensive testing and whatever you save as her "naked" outfit is what she is wearing when you start the game.
and and and and!!! I found out that the "default" suits (the bug is still there) are the suits that are in order with skins to match.

So as it shows above first is naked and peach, which is correct.
then it shows Peach zero in princess outfit which isn't correct BUT it's reading it for whatever reason from the code that has it ordered in the character selection as it is when you click the arrow to change character's and suit's it will first go to Peach Zero and the princess peach outfit, and it applies to everything. The fire peach and fire peach's outfit actually are perfectly matched next, then it goes Daisy Character, and Raccoon outfit and etc etc. Basically for some reason it's taking the source from the character "storage" whatever that is called I don't know the technical term. And applying it to the outfits as defaults. AND the naked mushroom for whatever reason is applying itself to your starting selection.
(I have been having this issue for so long, I can't tell if other people have experienced the same issues but I think I cracked it!)

Ah, sorry. That's due to the starting array being set to defaults of 1st character in one list with the 1st suit in the other list, 2nd character with 2nd suit, etc. What's you'd be looking for is a point when the Emo Rosalina and/or the Biker Orange (or any of the characters/outfits for that matter) is listed as 'undefined'. That's when it's going to go spastic and mess up.
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Re: MiM (hacked) - Updated (fix) Mar. 9 (10), 2

Postby Kuu » Fri Mar 23, 2012 3:50 am

Would it be possible to add renamon as a playable character?
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Re: MiM (hacked) - Updated (fix) Mar. 9 (10), 2

Postby zeldafreak1 » Fri Mar 23, 2012 3:52 am

Kuu Wrote:Would it be possible to add renamon as a playable character?

o.o! why have i never realized that i want this before? i agree.
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Re: MiM (hacked) - Updated (fix) Mar. 9 (10), 2

Postby Thee Pie Man » Fri Mar 23, 2012 3:54 am

Blargh Wrote:Ah, sorry. That's due to the starting array being set to defaults of 1st character in one list with the 1st suit in the other list, 2nd character with 2nd suit, etc. What's you'd be looking for is a point when the Emo Rosalina and/or the Biker Orange (or any of the characters/outfits for that matter) is listed as 'undefined'. That's when it's going to go spastic and mess up.

lol well I don't have flash or anything I can't really find the "undefined" points :P I was just taking uneducated guesses with the observations and tests I could do with just playing the game, will it be fixed for the next updatearoo or is it just something wrong with my computer? :L

Kuu Wrote:Would it be possible to add renamon as a playable character?

I bet it is but someone would have to make it lol, I would like if Renamon was in the game
~Life is fragile thing, but also it can be hardening, it can be enduring, it can be sad, it can be happy. If things don't seem to be going your way at first, look forward and hold on to what you believe in, it can be one of the strongest things of all~
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Re: MiM (hacked) - Updated (fix) Mar. 9 (10), 2

Postby Kuu » Fri Mar 23, 2012 4:41 am

Thee Pie Man Wrote:
Blargh Wrote:Ah, sorry. That's due to the starting array being set to defaults of 1st character in one list with the 1st suit in the other list, 2nd character with 2nd suit, etc. What's you'd be looking for is a point when the Emo Rosalina and/or the Biker Orange (or any of the characters/outfits for that matter) is listed as 'undefined'. That's when it's going to go spastic and mess up.

lol well I don't have flash or anything I can't really find the "undefined" points :P I was just taking uneducated guesses with the observations and tests I could do with just playing the game, will it be fixed for the next updatearoo or is it just something wrong with my computer? :L

Kuu Wrote:Would it be possible to add renamon as a playable character?

I bet it is but someone would have to make it lol, I would like if Renamon was in the game

I think Yawg made one for LoK, not exactly the same but its a start, I tried adding it my self to the latest fla but failed miserably.
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Re: MiM (hacked) - Updated (fix) Mar. 9 (10), 2

Postby Residentlover2 » Fri Mar 23, 2012 5:15 am

i think that you could add as a intro a sex scene with mario because she appears with cum so i want to see what happened that nigth that would be great
English is not my main language :P
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Re: MiM (hacked) - Updated (fix) Mar. 9 (10), 2

Postby Urahara » Fri Mar 23, 2012 1:37 pm

hey, I'm wondering if you could edit the Virgin and Whore endings, so there is an ejaculation part, instead of just an animation loop.
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Re: MiM (hacked) - Updated (fix) Mar. 9 (10), 2

Postby Blargh » Sat Mar 24, 2012 1:40 am

- The Unlock Gallery button is now usable by anyone. If you have a save, I hope you feel guilty. o_o
- Added a button to the menu list to restart the game. Make sure to save first.
- Second Blooper scene is done (still no sound on either scene)
- Added the Frog suit costume (after Raccoon) and Adriana-111.
* Let me know if the characters/costumes are still going spazzing out
PS: This update's FLA is here: http://www.mediafire.com/?i7nrdh6ga5aefek.

Ugh. I didn't get a lot done this time, did I? -_-

Um, worldismine, waitaminuteputdownthebrickIcanexplain!. m(_ _)m So I was going through and trying to figure out why the costumes were breaking for some people when I noticed that a bunch of parts in the corta templates didn't match up to the lists outside. So while I was matching those up, I figured I'd add in the spartan girl since she was basically just a head, and all the other pieces could be copied from Samus, and the original person who requested the spartan probably wasn't thinking about just getting the spartan armor costume, so I thought I'd be making fully good on that request by putting in the spartan girl too. >_>

Kuu Wrote:Would it be possible to add renamon as a playable character?

zeldafreak1 Wrote:o.o! why have i never realized that i want this before? i agree.

Blargh Wrote:Damn, Renamon be teh sexay! Blargh, you need to put her in there! >.<

Thee Pie Man Wrote:I bet it is but someone would have to make it lol, I would like if Renamon was in the game

>_> <_<
Kuu Wrote:I think Yawg made one for LoK, not exactly the same but its a start, I tried adding it my self to the latest fla but failed miserably.

Do you still have the FLA handy? As much I don't want to do anymore resizing, for Renamon it can be done. <_< Of course, I think there's a few choice characters and outfits that it'll have to stand in line behind (no bricky! >_<).

SuperDodoman12 Wrote:i think that you could add as a intro a sex scene with mario because she appears with cum so i want to see what happened that nigth that would be great

Who are you and what have you done to the real SuperDodoman12? o_O Surprised I was able to figure it out? Well, the real SuperDodoman12 would never ask for a scene not involving lesbians! XD

Well, I don't want to add anything that's going to cause a big delay before gameplay, even if it is for another scene. But I could make a little prologue scene for when the game sits on the title screen too long, I suppose?

Urahara Wrote:hey, I'm wondering if you could edit the Virgin and Whore endings, so there is an ejaculation part, instead of just an animation loop.

It's in my to do list. It just keeps getting buried. >_>
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Re: MiM (hacked) - Updated Mar. 23, 2012

Postby zeldafreak1 » Sat Mar 24, 2012 2:10 am

i dont know if anyone else is getting the same problem but i cant access the gallery at all! even with my old save. ive already beaten the game. i tried to relock the gallery but it doesnt work.
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Re: MiM (hacked) - Updated (fix) Mar. 9 (10), 2

Postby Kuu » Sat Mar 24, 2012 4:33 am

Blargh Wrote:Do you still have the FLA handy? As much I don't want to do anymore resizing, for Renamon it can be done. <_< Of course, I think there's a few choice characters and outfits that it'll have to stand in line behind (no bricky! >_<).

Right here download/file.php?id=1728.
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Re: MiM (hacked) - Updated Mar. 23, 2012

Postby Kreptyne » Sat Mar 24, 2012 1:06 pm

Unlock gallery isn't working for me, when i click it nothing happens.
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Re: MiM (hacked) - Updated Mar. 23, 2012

Postby Blargh » Sat Mar 24, 2012 3:22 pm

zeldafreak1 Wrote:i dont know if anyone else is getting the same problem but i cant access the gallery at all! even with my old save. ive already beaten the game. i tried to relock the gallery but it doesnt work.

Kreptyne Wrote:Unlock gallery isn't working for me, when i click it nothing happens.

Sorry, I screwed up. m(_ _)m It's working now (albeit a little glitchy, but on the keeping parts of it unlocked side so it's not exactly a bad thing).
Just for the record, RE-locking the gallery will delete the progress you had from before (not the area you made it to, but all of the records like beating Morton and seeing the Bowser/Ending scenes). UN-locking the gallery (now that it's fixed) doesn't harm your saved data.

Kuu Wrote:
Blargh Wrote:Do you still have the FLA handy? As much I don't want to do anymore resizing, for Renamon it can be done. <_< Of course, I think there's a few choice characters and outfits that it'll have to stand in line behind (no bricky! >_<).

Right here download/file.php?id=1728.

Thaaaaank you! ^_^
Edit, :/ That's going to be a LOT of re-drawing. :?
Last edited by Blargh on Sat Mar 24, 2012 3:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: MiM (hacked) - Updated (fix) Mar. 9 (10), 2

Postby Thee Pie Man » Sat Mar 24, 2012 3:24 pm

Blargh Wrote:- The Unlock Gallery button is now usable by anyone. If you have a save, I hope you feel guilty. o_o
- Added a button to the menu list to restart the game. Make sure to save first.
- Second Blooper scene is done (still no sound on either scene)
- Added the Frog suit costume (after Raccoon) and Adriana-111.
* Let me know if the characters/costumes are still going spazzing out
PS: This update's FLA is here: http://www.mediafire.com/?i7nrdh6ga5aefek.

Ugh. I didn't get a lot done this time, did I? -_-

Well it's mostly my fault by taking up all your time with it frizzing out on here.

Edit: A bunch of secret hush hush stuff has been taken off as commanded by the pie gods, on a minor note. You have to reclick the button every time to open those thingies but guess what? ITS THERE AND IT WORKS :D SO ITS WIN!!! (the gallery) XD
Noticed you didn't change the date so I am assuming it wasn't a major update...Otherwise though..: the character thing for me at least is still not working. Although you know I don't see it as much as an issue *shrugs* could just put on there "Set your "naked" to whatever you want or the "peach outfit" since it's right in the beginning and then set everything else thusly and henceforth lol. *shrugs* just saying it doesn't bother me either way (the two main buggaroos) nice job on the bloopers and everything else is working to perfection as per usual (at least for me.) and I am guessing eventually you are going to work on making a "hat" selection so you can have the frog suit actually over the head and not hanging behind the head or behind the hair and head lol?

Blargh Wrote:Damn, Renamon be teh sexay! Blargh, you need to put her in there! >.<

Thee Awesome Guy with Pies Wrote: holy cheese nips answering questions with my quote? YOU SIR ARE A Creator of an awesome game ;D xD

Blargh Wrote:>_> <_<

Ha I see what you did there (making correction thusly!)
~Life is fragile thing, but also it can be hardening, it can be enduring, it can be sad, it can be happy. If things don't seem to be going your way at first, look forward and hold on to what you believe in, it can be one of the strongest things of all~
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Re: MiM (hacked) - Updated Mar. 23 (fix 24), 20

Postby Blargh » Sat Mar 24, 2012 3:34 pm

Thee Pie Man Wrote:Well it's mostly my fault by taking up all your time with it frizzing out on here.

(Stupid gallery being updated before my post Imma check but this is what i had from a few moments ago: Tests it, results (If the new swf is with the Fla again let me know and I will get that xD Noticed you didn't change the date so I am assuming it wasn't a major update...Otherwise though..: Gallery doesn't work as others have said, for everyone since Blargh was just giving the Gallery away anyways, just click tab, when it centers on the name click enter and it will open the gallerias for you sub gallerias with locks are exactly the same process just click tab key until you get to the one you want and it centers on the "lock" and press enter and it will give you a secret back door (and Blargh time to fix it ^^) and the character thing for me at least is still not working. Although you know I don't see it as much as an issue *shrugs* could just put on there "Set your "naked" to whatever you want or the "peach outfit" since it's right in the beginning and then set everything else thusly and henceforth lol. *shrugs* just saying it doesn't bother me either way (the two main buggaroos) nice job on the bloopers and everything else is working to perfection as per usual (at least for me.) and I am guessing eventually you are going to work on making a "hat" selection so you can have the frog suit actually over the head and not hanging behind the head or behind the hair and head lol?

Gallery, I screwed up. I guess I must not have tested it and just ass'med it would work. Now that your secret cheat is finally out, though....I won't fix it. Too much effort. >_>
So, when you say the character thing is still not working, what's happening and when?
There probably will never be a hat because the characters' heads don't line up. Peach's hair is way too big, and some of the non-human characters have really short heads.
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Re: MiM (hacked) - Updated Mar. 23 (fix 24), 20

Postby Thee Pie Man » Sat Mar 24, 2012 5:47 pm

Blargh Wrote:Gallery, I screwed up. I guess I must not have tested it and just ass'med it would work. Now that your secret cheat is finally out, though....I won't fix it. Too much effort. >_>
So, when you say the character thing is still not working, what's happening and when?
There probably will never be a hat because the characters' heads don't line up. Peach's hair is way too big, and some of the non-human characters have really short heads.

Curse you >_> I was just trying to buy you time Lazy pants xD

I am still referring to the things that were happening before. Everything still is how it was before the update. All the classes are still defaulted to the character selection stuff and still works the same X.X
~Life is fragile thing, but also it can be hardening, it can be enduring, it can be sad, it can be happy. If things don't seem to be going your way at first, look forward and hold on to what you believe in, it can be one of the strongest things of all~
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Re: MiM (hacked) - Updated Mar. 23 (fix 24), 20

Postby Blargh » Sat Mar 24, 2012 6:14 pm

Thee Pie Man Wrote:
Blargh Wrote:Gallery, I screwed up. I guess I must not have tested it and just ass'med it would work. Now that your secret cheat is finally out, though....I won't fix it. Too much effort. >_>
So, when you say the character thing is still not working, what's happening and when?
There probably will never be a hat because the characters' heads don't line up. Peach's hair is way too big, and some of the non-human characters have really short heads.

Curse you >_> I was just trying to buy you time Lazy pants xD

I am still referring to the things that were happening before. Everything still is how it was before the update. All the classes are still defaulted to the character selection stuff and still works the same X.X

Do you mean the defaulting? I changed it so that Raccoon suit default to Raccoon power and Frog suit defaults to Frog power. What more do you want? :p
But really, is the costume select breaking for you? Is there a point where the costumes just start changing rapidly?
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Re: MiM (hacked) - Updated Mar. 23 (fix 24), 20

Postby Thee Pie Man » Sat Mar 24, 2012 10:16 pm

Blargh Wrote:Do you mean the defaulting? I changed it so that Raccoon suit default to Raccoon power and Frog suit defaults to Frog power. What more do you want? :p
But really, is the costume select breaking for you? Is there a point where the costumes just start changing rapidly?

I am telling you that it was doing what it was doing earlier. As in all the defaulting hasn't changed, it's still all weird, and when I try to choose anything I have to set it to the naked suit for it to appear as my starting suit/character lol

Example: I want to be "pikachu" with pokeranger's outfit, I select those and don't even touch the outfits, I click new game and it starts me naked <_< and the outfits aren't reset to what should be their defaults. Lol eventually i will stop complaining about it and just change the naked suit or use the ingame keys to change myself because I don't know if it's worth it at this point xD
~Life is fragile thing, but also it can be hardening, it can be enduring, it can be sad, it can be happy. If things don't seem to be going your way at first, look forward and hold on to what you believe in, it can be one of the strongest things of all~
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Re: MiM (hacked) - Updated Mar. 23 (fix 24), 20

Postby peaches'n'cream » Sun Mar 25, 2012 3:51 pm

My entire screen is too big, and the right half is completely cut off. This has been happening for a couple of months now... What's going on??? :shock:
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