by Thee Pie Man » Thu Mar 29, 2012 7:16 pm
Merp. This topic is so random. I went into it for the same reason as trunks, realized that there's actually more YES then NO. Which was strange in a way to me given it wasn't talking about "furry" but actual beastality, then it evolved into a "Are Homosexuals born with being Homosexual or not?"
On topic: As far as beastality goes I am not into it, and I have never even thought of any kind of sexual stoof with an animal.
I do think it's wrong when people get dogs and teach them to fuck them.
I also really like horses so the people that do that stuff like fucking them, I would love to be in a room alone with them to tell them off. and trying to be cum showered seem ridiculously stupid, not attractive in the very least.
I don't see how it's not Illegal on the net, you think they would put out a ban wagon for all those "zoo" sites or whatever, stupid money. Money should not put sites over the physical and mental states of animals. e.e
Off topic:Personally for awhile I saw it as a personal preference, then I thought of how there is bi's they are in the middle liking both correct?
So what makes the human be homosexual, straight or bi?
There's been a lot of theories on it, honestly I think it comes down to a major change for gender in whatever persons when they are in their fetus stage. Where, if I am correct, they go through a change from female to male or male to female. Likely the brain doesn't apply the change rapidly enough, giving the person the natural instinct to go for etc etc. Which also explains why most Males that are homosexual (not saying all but from what I have seen) are more feminine while the woman that are lesbian's often show traits of being strong (not that normal woman aren't strong in their own right) but stronger willed and more into being like guys (again not that some woman that are straight don't show this. ((also from many personal experiences with many of my closer friend's being lesbians)
I don't think it comes from genetics per say or a birth "defect" I think it comes from what I said above.
Like most theories I can't really test this. At all. It's just my two cents
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