by talin » Wed Mar 21, 2012 8:06 am
I believe that what the instinctive turn on for furries, and possibly even regular animals, is that they have certain physiological traits that allow their offspring to survive better with less external dependance. Thus if the race became more intelligent (logically provided by a human's natural intellect), it would make for a suitable mate as the theoretical offspring created would have a fair chance at inheriting the mental capacity of a human while gaining things like fur (allows for higher temperature tolerance and light damage resistance), claws (natural self defense), a tail (improved balance), and various other animistic traits that would improve the survivability of us "bald, semi-fragile, monkeys." Our minds are working in a "forget genetic incompatibilities, those genes are better and I want them in my gene pool" state. This makes us more open to ideas such as that.
The problem is that some have a weak moral compass and do not consider the possible psychological trauma that could occur as an effect of mating with an animal (both to them and the animal). While there might be certain animals that have the similar gene logic as someone into furries or even bestiality but THERE IS NO WAY THAT THIS CAN BE PROVEN BEYOND A THEORY WITHOUT CAUSING UNDUE STRESS AND SUFFERING TO THE ANIMALS THEMSELVES for something that might not even be true in any case. I personally don't find animals themselves very attractive as mates because of their naturally inferior minds when yield primitive and stupid (by human standards) children and I want my children to be excessively intelligent while still being physically adept at survival (probably the reason I like Krystal, intelligent enough to walk, talk, and operate space-age equipment yet physically capable in various ways.)
This mind set of liking anthropic creatures probably originated (sadly to say) from bestiality as someone realized it wasn't the animal itself they found attractive but rather found that they wanted their kids to be able to survive both in society and in the wild quite easily and the physical aptitude for wilderness survival held by many woodland predators and larger animals seemed to appeal to them. After hearing legends of people who could turn in to beasts, the first "furries" thought that a person with both social capabilities and raw survivability made for a much better mate than a mere beast alone. This eventually evolved into the modern furry fetish and spread from mere survivability traits to anthropic that looked "cute " and "pretty" as well.
I actually believe I have explained this enough where even a "furry hater" could at least get a basic understanding of why we find them attractive provided they read through it all without simply looking for something to point out as a "flaw" so that they feel more secure about their own sexuality.
What is a goal but an attempt to gain a purpose? We don't really want the goals and advancements for themselves, we want them because it gives us a reason to act.
RP DnD roller: