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Re: Escape!

Postby TheLegendaryChosenOne » Sun Mar 11, 2012 9:15 am

You removed the tab trick my ass,i pressed tab and i got yellow outlines like normal,i dont if ir just my navigator or something,but still,my game is broken,it ends after i get bateries,promising to get the dildo,a useless key,fixing a wire stuff,get a paper,talk to the guy for 12th time and nothing,so your game has to be navigator especific?
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Re: Escape!

Postby Atriya » Sun Mar 11, 2012 6:22 pm

This Game Wrote:"Good your finally awake."
"Dont believe what your told."
"I dont even care if your standing right there"
"then your going"
"if your telling"
"your lying"

I know someone mentioned this before, but can you please go over the dialogue and fix these things? Maybe it's the grammar nazi in me, but little mistakes like that just look sloppy. And not just the you're/your thing, either. There's a handful of other little problems, including punctuation and at least one case of misusing "too."

You know, aside from the dialogue being kinda stale to begin with.

Moving on, most of the puzzles seem alright. The whole flashlight in the basement thing was pretty hard to believe, but eh I'll take it. Couple things threw me off, though. When I first got the wire, I just kinda assumed it could be used to get whatever's down in the sink. Of course, I can't figure out how to get the damn thing. And I'm fairly certain it isn't the useless key, since after you use the wrench to get that out, the shiny thing is still sitting in the drain. But aside from that, there weren't many points where I flat out ran out of ideas, which probably means you know what you're doing.

As for the characters... Yeah, they need some work. Not so much in the graphics department as in personality and, well, story. For girls who are both so aggressively opposed to going down on this guy (especially given the circumstances), they seem awfully eager to shove a dildo in their cooch. Maybe they're both supposed lesbians or something, but that'd be such a goddamn cop-out. Or maybe they're just the lame, typical aggressive badassettes, but, well, refer to my comment about them being lesbians. I can understand the protagonist being determined and trying to figure a way out while everyone else just lies back and accepts that they're trapped, but ye gods I'm finding it rather hard to like any of these characters.

Not that every game needs to have an epic plot behind it (hell, LoK itself is pretty much just "crash, fuck your way to safety"), but there's too many questions and all anybody can tell Ms. Blondie is that they can't get out and this is her new home and blah blah blah. If at all possible, it'd be nice if there was a bit more dialogue options. Like the obvious things. We already hear in the intro that the place is called "The Compound," and Mr. Couch can tell us the place is probably a genetics lab. That's actually handled pretty well. You know what else would be nice? Being able to know just who the hell these people are, how long they've been here, and maybe some stuff they figured out.

I mean, it IS kind of a point and click game, and generally that sort of thing really relies on the story to drive it. And at the moment, I think the story's just a bit too drunk to be doing that. Of course, that's probably just because the thing isn't finished yet, but eh. All I can suggest is expanding the dialogue and characters for now. I can guess you've got some grand story to tell us, but we need to be able to hear it, you know? I want to know these people as characters, not just "that guy on the couch" and "the chick on the top bunk."

...Oh, I suppose I can comment on the artwork too. It's alright? I mean, it's about what I expected, and for a game with such a large scope as what I assume this one has, it's probably best that you keep it simple and then go back to refine things later. I'd offer to help a bit, but my computer's kinda screwing itself at the moment.

Mr. Bingo Wrote:It says you added two sex scenes. What is the other one?

Not using the dildo in the basement and then giving it to Ms. Lazy triggers a scene in which she just uses it by herself.
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Re: Escape!

Postby bob12321 » Sun Mar 11, 2012 8:43 pm

TheLegendaryChosenOne Wrote:You removed the tab trick my ass,i pressed tab and i got yellow outlines like normal,i dont if ir just my navigator or something,but still,my game is broken,it ends after i get bateries,promising to get the dildo,a useless key,fixing a wire stuff,get a paper,talk to the guy for 12th time and nothing,so your game has to be navigator especific?

Yeah I'm not sure how your still doing that because when I test the game on the site I don't see anything. Also I have played the game completely through to the end on the site as well so it might be that you need to update your flash player software. Or it could be the browser your using. Whatever it is your the only one that seems to be having this particular problem so its not the game thats not working.
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Re: Escape!

Postby Mr. Bingo » Sun Mar 11, 2012 8:55 pm

TheLegendaryChosenOne Wrote:You removed the tab trick my ass,i pressed tab and i got yellow outlines like normal,i dont if ir just my navigator or something,but still,my game is broken,it ends after i get bateries,promising to get the dildo,a useless key,fixing a wire stuff,get a paper,talk to the guy for 12th time and nothing,so your game has to be navigator especific?

Heres a hint, after you do all that go the sreen where the door is. Theres part of the floor you can click on.
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Re: Escape!

Postby bob12321 » Tue Mar 13, 2012 7:20 am

Atriya Wrote:
This Game Wrote:"Good your finally awake."
"Dont believe what your told."
"I dont even care if your standing right there"
"then your going"
"if your telling"
"your lying"

I know someone mentioned this before, but can you please go over the dialogue and fix these things? Maybe it's the grammar nazi in me, but little mistakes like that just look sloppy. And not just the you're/your thing, either. There's a handful of other little problems, including punctuation and at least one case of misusing "too."

You know, aside from the dialogue being kinda stale to begin with.

Moving on, most of the puzzles seem alright. The whole flashlight in the basement thing was pretty hard to believe, but eh I'll take it. Couple things threw me off, though. When I first got the wire, I just kinda assumed it could be used to get whatever's down in the sink. Of course, I can't figure out how to get the damn thing. And I'm fairly certain it isn't the useless key, since after you use the wrench to get that out, the shiny thing is still sitting in the drain. But aside from that, there weren't many points where I flat out ran out of ideas, which probably means you know what you're doing.

As for the characters... Yeah, they need some work. Not so much in the graphics department as in personality and, well, story. For girls who are both so aggressively opposed to going down on this guy (especially given the circumstances), they seem awfully eager to shove a dildo in their cooch. Maybe they're both supposed lesbians or something, but that'd be such a goddamn cop-out. Or maybe they're just the lame, typical aggressive badassettes, but, well, refer to my comment about them being lesbians. I can understand the protagonist being determined and trying to figure a way out while everyone else just lies back and accepts that they're trapped, but ye gods I'm finding it rather hard to like any of these characters.

Not that every game needs to have an epic plot behind it (hell, LoK itself is pretty much just "crash, fuck your way to safety"), but there's too many questions and all anybody can tell Ms. Blondie is that they can't get out and this is her new home and blah blah blah. If at all possible, it'd be nice if there was a bit more dialogue options. Like the obvious things. We already hear in the intro that the place is called "The Compound," and Mr. Couch can tell us the place is probably a genetics lab. That's actually handled pretty well. You know what else would be nice? Being able to know just who the hell these people are, how long they've been here, and maybe some stuff they figured out.

I mean, it IS kind of a point and click game, and generally that sort of thing really relies on the story to drive it. And at the moment, I think the story's just a bit too drunk to be doing that. Of course, that's probably just because the thing isn't finished yet, but eh. All I can suggest is expanding the dialogue and characters for now. I can guess you've got some grand story to tell us, but we need to be able to hear it, you know? I want to know these people as characters, not just "that guy on the couch" and "the chick on the top bunk."

...Oh, I suppose I can comment on the artwork too. It's alright? I mean, it's about what I expected, and for a game with such a large scope as what I assume this one has, it's probably best that you keep it simple and then go back to refine things later. I'd offer to help a bit, but my computer's kinda screwing itself at the moment.

Mr. Bingo Wrote:It says you added two sex scenes. What is the other one?

Not using the dildo in the basement and then giving it to Ms. Lazy triggers a scene in which she just uses it by herself.

For the misspelling of words and grammatical errors I figured I would fix that when I change the speech boxes. Just don't like them the way they are right now and I decided I was going to change them.

For the character design, yeah I know I'm no Picasso. I know they aren't that good but like I say right under the game, (if anyone thinks they can draw my images better than me then I might swap your images out for mine). I wasn't saying that just to say it.

For the personality of the main character, I'm sure there are guys that chicks don't want to have sex with out there. And in all seriousness if you were told to give a blowjob as your only option to possibly escape a place I'm sure you would be pissed about having to do it too.

For the game play it will be changing throughout the levels. If you had seen the game before I had updated it recently, I did allow the player to roam around in a beta of the level 2 area after escaping.

And yes there will be more information about the story told throughout the game, and I'll give a hint to the future of the game. Certain things must be found to fully escape, like certain history of the compound, character backgrounds, etc.

As for you helping out with the drawings I'd love to see what you can do when you get your computer to stop screwing itself.

And yes there are currently 3 sex scenes in the game right now. There will be a 4th for the first level area, although right now I only have a place holder for it.
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Re: Escape!

Postby Atriya » Wed Mar 14, 2012 4:28 am

bob12321 Wrote:For the character design, yeah I know I'm no Picasso. I know they aren't that good but like I say right under the game, (if anyone thinks they can draw my images better than me then I might swap your images out for mine). I wasn't saying that just to say it.

...To be honest, the characters look fine to me. Couchman's neck is a bit huge, but aside from that they're good. Everything has a simple design to it, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. It just shows you can keep a consistent style, which is always a plus.

bob12321 Wrote:For the personality of the main character, I'm sure there are guys that chicks don't want to have sex with out there. And in all seriousness if you were told to give a blowjob as your only option to possibly escape a place I'm sure you would be pissed about having to do it too.

Probably more annoyed, but if it came down to either being confined in a tiny room for the rest of my life or blowing some lonely passive-aggressive power hungry moron? Yeah, there's worse things in life. I'd go for it.

There's more responses other than just plain ol' violent anger, though. Not saying everyone in the game has to be a complete perv, but they shouldn't all be aggressive psychos, either. Maybe it's just because not much of their personalities have had the chance to be established, but they're just too damn predictable. Blondie at least gets some credit for being determined when everyone else has given up and shit, but the constant wave of anger she seems to have for everyone she meets makes her a bit unlikeable. And beyond that, it still strikes me as a little bit weird how both Topbunk and Blondie have enough control over themselves to refuse Couchman, but at the sight of a dildo they don't even friggin' hesitate. Well, Blondie has the option to, but Topbunk just gets right to it. I can sorta understand Blondie's reluctance, seeing as how she just got there and firmly believes there's a way out, but...

Well, again, I think it just comes down to what we don't know. Like, why is it that Couchman hasn't just jumped on Topbunk and flat out raped her? Especially given that he can most likely physically overpower anyone in the room. And why did he go to such great (and elaborate) lengths to seal off the room? Have either of them even tried to explore outside the room? Because it's a little obvious that anyone with any sort of survival instinct would turn the entire room upside-down in an attempt to get out, and between Couchman and Topbunk I'm pretty sure they would have managed to at least make it out the door. I can only guess that there's something right outside the room and they keep it sealed on purpose, but dadgadfhadfhdfhdfh.

It just raises too many questions. I guess I'll wait for you to actually, you know, finish the story before I criticize it. This is basically the first chapter, so I suppose I kinda jumped the gun in expecting a full storyline right off the bat. Shutting up about that now. Although I would have to suggest trying to make Blondie less of a bitch. Determined is nice, try to roll with that.
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Re: Escape!

Postby dantathedevil666 » Wed Mar 14, 2012 7:11 am

In my opinion you should of never removed the tap trick till the game was completely done. Now this game has turn too fun too pure bore fess, I can't even get pass the first room, I get the paper with 4 on it,grab the screwdriver, unscrew the light switch and all the wire, get the plunger from the sink and use it too get the batters. Use them on the the flash light, Talked too the girl who wants me too find her dildo but after that there's no where to go I clicked the screen so many times and nothing. Sorry man I know you may think its a good idea but it clearly wasn't since people want too see it. Well can anyone please place a walk through here? It would be very helpful.
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Re: Escape!

Postby bob12321 » Thu Mar 15, 2012 4:42 pm

I just posted a new character design for the main character, tell me what you think.
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Re: Escape!

Postby kuja » Thu Mar 15, 2012 5:41 pm

bob12321 Wrote:I just posted a new character design for the main character, tell me what you think.

Where is it? Already in the game?
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Re: Escape!

Postby bob12321 » Thu Mar 15, 2012 6:00 pm

The new character design is at the main menu. The old character is still in the game.
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Re: Escape!

Postby Lucky777 » Thu Mar 15, 2012 6:27 pm

I prefer the clothes on the new one but the proportions on the older one - the new one has lopsided tits.
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Re: Escape!

Postby kuja » Thu Mar 15, 2012 6:55 pm

I couldnt really find the old one, but the one that is on the main menu looks nice
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Re: Escape!

Postby bob12321 » Thu Mar 15, 2012 7:55 pm

kuja Wrote:I couldnt really find the old one, but the one that is on the main menu looks nice

I just put the old main character on the start page for reference.
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Re: Escape!

Postby kuja » Thu Mar 15, 2012 7:59 pm

Now I can affirm that the new model is much better than the previous one. Gj and sorry for all the trouble, lol.
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Re: Escape!

Postby Atriya » Thu Mar 15, 2012 9:31 pm

Looks like my previous post STILL hasn't been approved of, so chances are this'll be a double-post. Or not *eats foot*

What Lucky777 said. The new design's proportions are all kinds of messed up. The new suit's kinda nice, but yyyyeah the misaligned crotch, huge neck, microscopic hands, and ridiculously long thighs aren't quite worth it.
Last edited by Atriya on Fri Mar 16, 2012 2:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Escape!

Postby Belmorn » Thu Mar 15, 2012 10:01 pm

As Lucky already said; the clothing of the new girl's better indeed, but I voted for the old one, because she had a more natural look in my opinion.
What i really don't like to see is that her hair's even longer than it was before, and that was already too much if asking me.
However, great work, keep it up.
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Re: Escape!

Postby bob12321 » Fri Mar 16, 2012 12:46 am

Ok well I'm a little confused then, because I have compared this new character against other popular characters on this site when creating her. Show me exactly what is wrong.
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I'd like to give credit to gorpete for the screen shot that I'm comparing one of my characters too.
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Re: Escape!

Postby zeldafreak1 » Fri Mar 16, 2012 1:04 am

ah i knew there was something familiar about the character image... any great job. im jelly. i dont even know how to use flash :p
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Re: Escape!

Postby killzone1012 » Fri Mar 16, 2012 1:21 am

this game is broken in a way that you cant use the items you find in the room you start in and in the instructions menu for the interaction is the space bar and when ever i press it nothing happens so how do i use items??
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Re: Escape!

Postby the lost angel » Fri Mar 16, 2012 2:15 am

love the detail update but if i might put forth my opinion into the ocean of replies arnt the breast a little off like they look like the clothings tucked up and under them just doesent look right to me other then that i love your work it has alot of promiseing aspects to it :D
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