(Yeah, sorry man, it just...well, I was trying to emulate a realistic reaction, and I guess I overdid it...

For a time, Jill just lays on the road, twitching and sobbing from her nightmarish experience. She looks up at the skies, her mind silently asking a question to no one in particular:
(Why? Why did this happen? How many times will it happen? Jon...why aren't you coming to save me?) She then notices that the skies are getting dark...and it's at night time that...oh shit.
Perhaps from self-preservation, Jill hurries to her feet as fast as a recently-violated, jizz-soaked girl can, and sees Lia nearby. The burst of energy she used to get up doesn't last too long, though, and she's already dropped back down to her knees. She calls out to Lia in a weak voice:
"P-please...help me...help us...!" she pleads, looking over towards poor Lilia in regret and pity. She doesn't care what Lia looks like...she just wants to get herself and Lilia off the streets and back to the hotel's safety, before those...things come out to play.