by Zender_Solarheart » Sat Mar 03, 2012 9:02 pm
"Looks like the coast is clear..." Jill whispers to herself, then heads up to her room door, darts in, and locks the door behind her. With her safety finally set, she gingerly walks over to the bed, and falls on top of it, laying on her side. She grips the sheets tightly, curls into the fetal position, and quietly sobs as tears stream down her face.
She's only been this distraught once before in her life...and that was right after she had walked into her house as a pre-teen girl, and found her mother sprawled on the floor...naked from the waist down, cold, and marked dead by the bullet hole in her chest. According to the police, a robber broke in while her and Jon were away at summer camp, and after their mom managed to stab him with a fork, the man shot her right in the heart, and raped her corpse in a fit of rage. She can't recall how many times she many times Jon tried to comfort her, even as he poured out his own close she came to suicide...she doesn't want to end up like that. No one deserves that one.
After about 30 minutes of bawling her eyes dry, Jill exhausted all her remaining energy, and went to sleep without fully realizing it.
Certified Determinator and Japanese Technique Namer of the LoK forums. Also, the eternal nemesis of Razajin.