by Zender_Solarheart » Fri Mar 02, 2012 5:46 pm
*(Son of a bitch, why must all the posts I need to keep up with happen while I'm sleeping? >.< Let's just say that Jill taunted the guys as they ran off, and this leaves off after she left the store herself, and is now walking back into the hotel, but not yet at her room...)*
"Mother-fucking nut-jobs...they try to gang-rape me, then they run off when the sun starts setting, like there's vampires out or something...and I didn't even get my Big Ace burger..." Jill grumbles to herself, annoyed and confused by everything she's found out in her time here thus far. On top of that, she's found out that this isn't Pheasant Town...apparently, there was a bit of grime on the signpost that made the "l" in "Pleasant" look like an "h." She decides it's time to ring up Jon and let him know about all this...maybe even get some help. She sends him a text for now, opting to wait until she's in the safety of her room before an actual call is made.
Im in the wrong town...very wrong. call u l8r w/ details.
She tries to be discreet about it, in case any more creepers try to jump at her. It's been a long while since she's had fear like this plaguing her mind...
Certified Determinator and Japanese Technique Namer of the LoK forums. Also, the eternal nemesis of Razajin.