by MelissaB » Fri Mar 02, 2012 2:14 am
Bethan went to her knees out of view behind the counter and went to work licking at the woman's pussy. "Erm... what's your name?" She asked for of shear wonder of why she hadn't asked anyone else yet. before she got an answer her run her tongue around the outer folds of the woman's cunt moving up and down slowly. making sure to run her tongue over her clit in every cycle of her tongue's movements. She sucked on the woman's clit affectionately before driving her tongue into her pussy using it to esplore her depths as best she could.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl
"Beware the Users of "Yo" I've got a big hammer to hit you with upon it's use" - Mel