by Obscene Dreams » Wed Feb 29, 2012 10:29 pm
She shivered slightly, they seemed serious, it was different from before, not too mention the fact there were several of them including the lewd eyes of those watching from behind the glass. She had too take a chance, her body shaking from the nerves, as watched him edge closer, her eyes catching a glimpse of the pistol he holstered on his waist, the standard edition it seemed, her father was a military man, she knew well enough how too use such a little pea shooter. Thrusting her hand too the side she'd plunge the majority of the pen into the thigh of the approaching cop, watching as the tip easily pierced the skin, allowing the poison from the ink too spread throughout his body. Her quick reactions continued, jumping from her seat during the commotion, grabbing the pistol as her fingers wrapped around the grip, flicking the safety as she cocked the gun against the side of the cops head, standing behind him in a defensive manner, using him as a shield, threatening his life as she'd creep towards the door.
" Stay the fuck away from me... And open the fucking door or his brains are gonna paint the walls!.. "
She seemed too be losing it, shaken from the events that seemed too continue too occur in this mad little city.
Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.