Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.09 (4/18/12)

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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.08 (1/7/12

Postby redgod » Mon Feb 27, 2012 3:22 am

KITAmaru Wrote:Goldteddy- The original idea (quite a few pages back, probably towards the beginning) involved reusing the dungeon and fighting 'good guys' instead, but ah... just with all of the events already there, it looks like that might be more difficult than I originally planned it to be. So it's likely going to have its very own maps. However, I can't promise a due date on this as there are things I gotta focus on first, unfortunately.

You could just make a copy of the map, delete the old events and plug in the new ones. As long as you block off the ability to revisit the 'original' zones, this should work fine. I'm thinking of doing this in my game to separate and clarify the work flow. For example, having a version of the first village before EVENT and a version after EVENT, and just using a flag to switch which version the world map square or transit square teleports you to. That way every single NPC doesn't have to have dialogue change flags, and I can easily do a few other subtle changes.

Also, I'll remind you one last time to see if you could throw some backgrounds and such up for me to use. I don't want to harass you or anything, so I won't mention it again if you don't have time. ;) It would be a real life saver though! Thanks, in any case.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.08 (1/7/12

Postby Desuka Kira » Mon Feb 27, 2012 11:45 am

Kita, another thought, should you feel like it.

Why not make a third route, alongside the main and Syndicate? I was thinking of possibly having an unlockable game mode called 'Escape', where you play as the princess, trying to get free from the Syndicate.

Lol, all these ideas have probably been brought up, haven't they?
Desuka Kira
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.08 (1/7/12

Postby kronos » Tue Feb 28, 2012 1:56 am

well making the syndicate path would be like making a second game... making a third?... lets wait till kita at least finishes the first path, and only if he feels up to it.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.08 (1/7/12

Postby KITAmaru » Tue Feb 28, 2012 9:17 am

Yes, thank you. These are all very good ideas; I'll C&P them onto a random text file for later. For now I'm... almost done with the personalization on one scene, and then gotta work on the other. Juggling this with some huge final papers, soo bear with me here. :)

As far as the foreshadowing of the powerful enemies, well, there are a few, and one I wish to take out. I'll say this much: None of the guys in the chambers (outside of the obvious Xanrud and perhaps that one character-exclusive NPC) are Division Leaders. And no, that's a bug on Phantom Mirage atm; I've been repairing a lot of skills recently so thanks for bringing that up.
The twins and Gwyn huh... that's one neat suggestion, along with Gwyn + Illia, Gwyn + the maid threesome, and so on. Noted.
The plants not passing that one point was me forgetting to set 'Through' option on the event, and I just fixed that, so they'll be able to do it in the next patch. Also, if you enter the teleportation room and come back out, their positions will be reset, which is actually fine by me since it might help if you accidentally wind up 'trapped' by them.
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Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Update: 0.09 (4/18/12):
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.08 (1/7/12

Postby Desuka Kira » Tue Feb 28, 2012 10:34 am

I'll let you know if I come up with any other ideas, Kit, though most of them will be for future projects. I can't find anything to improve on with the game, as is, though I'll be looking into the CG creator your using, I still refuse to believe there are no animal models.
Desuka Kira
Joined: Mon Feb 20, 2012 5:40 am

Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.08 (1/7/12

Postby coy47 » Tue Feb 28, 2012 8:27 pm

Just one question on 3d custom on earth did you get the normal models penis to just will not work for me even with the uncensor upsets me greatly :(
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.08 (1/7/12

Postby coy47 » Thu Mar 01, 2012 9:07 pm

Desuka Kira Wrote: though I'll be looking into the CG creator your using, I still refuse to believe there are no animal models.
No pure animal models you have to make them as a girl which is the akward part I mean you can have a bear as a model and one Kita should look into is the skeleton as the NPC is in the game so that should help...problem is if your a torrent hater like me or you want specific mods like me it is hard to find the specific mod torrents and DL wise the media fire war chest is quite outdated now although still very good for building up your collection.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.08 (1/7/12

Postby Sync » Fri Mar 02, 2012 7:15 am we get another "special" image of the girls when they reach 150 votes...? ;)
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.08 (1/7/12

Postby KITAmaru » Fri Mar 02, 2012 4:06 pm

Mm, the uncensored penis is actually part of a male mod that's a pack of different penises (though it maintains the same semi-transparent guy). I believe the file is called MAN_S. Can send it to you if you want, but I haven't gotten on my comp with the 3DCG program in a while, so I would say it'll be another 3 days or so until I can get to it.

Desuka Kira-
Oh, there are definitely animal models and I have quite a few, but there are no DOGS in particular; even in Japanese-made CG sets (which tend to boast the biggest wealth of mods, since they can actually navigate the damn maze of the Japanese 3DCG mod scene), I haven't seen a single dog. Wolves, sure. Bear, sure. Pig, sure. Horse, okay. But DOG? No, and I don't know why, seeing as it's pretty much included in the 'basics' of the bestiality fetish. Though if anyone spots one, please point me in the right direction.

Ahahaha, just maybe! I'm still workin' on personalization but I will probably be opening up some 3D Custom Shoujo early next week to generate the CG's, and you know how I can get when I open that program up. We'll see.
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Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Update: 0.09 (4/18/12):
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.08 (1/7/12

Postby coy47 » Fri Mar 02, 2012 5:55 pm

KITAmaru Wrote:coy47-
Mm, the uncensored penis is actually part of a male mod that's a pack of different penises (though it maintains the same semi-transparent guy). I believe the file is called MAN_S. Can send it to you if you want, but I haven't gotten on my comp with the 3DCG program in a while, so I would say it'll be another 3 days or so until I can get to it.

It's ok managed to get uncsensor working just want the dungeron background now as media fire mods just stop before the mod but thats it as I have the bondage room just in red but not really after that just need dungeon and a bar background. However if your looking for a dog try making a request in hongfire forum or I can do it for you if you don't have an account or if you cba getting an account and see if anyone does it...I would I just suck at modding.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.08 (1/7/12

Postby killzone1012 » Mon Mar 05, 2012 2:17 am

is there any new about a update for this game im at the end of the game where a guy meets you and tells you hes searching for someone and after that theres a room up ahead and it has a chair in it and it says thanks for playing the demo
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.08 (1/7/12

Postby mafagafe » Wed Mar 07, 2012 12:04 am

Are you guys alive? 4 days and none messeges about the game :lol:
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.08 (1/7/12

Postby oni-san » Wed Mar 07, 2012 5:27 am

oh wow. this thread died for a few days, haha. Might as well attempt to revive it with a question of how you're faring, KITA?

Current Project: None, really.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.08 (1/7/12

Postby Kr0min » Thu Mar 08, 2012 2:05 am

Wow, its been 2 months already? haha

So Kita, how's the progress with Version 0.09 going? and when do you plan to release it?
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.08 (1/7/12

Postby KITAmaru » Thu Mar 08, 2012 4:05 am

Sorry about being so out-of-touch recently, just came down with a bit of sickness and what not. Been doing schoolwork and actually managed to RP a bit; don't mean to keep you guys waiting longer, but thanks to the ideas garnered from the sessions, I was able to come up with possibly the most in-depth division in the entire Syndicate (hint: it's not the Arcane).
Anyway, I'm back to pluggin' away at it a bit; obviously the ETA is pushed back a few, but like I said, it's not like I'm ever actually completely ceasing to work on this thing. Just that some stretches of time have a bit slower progress than others.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.08 (1/7/12

Postby Darthan » Thu Mar 08, 2012 5:24 am

I don't know about anyone else, but as long as you give us a heads up every so often I don't mind having to wait. Your health is first and formost so don't feel bad about it. Just glad to hear you are feeling better.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.08 (1/7/12

Postby Craftcrafter » Thu Mar 08, 2012 5:48 am

Hooray for progress!

Personally I like big distant updates rather than frequent minor updates so take your time as far as I'm concerned.

If I play the same thing over and over I tend to get burned out on it so I like the really big updates that come every few months.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.08 (1/7/12

Postby Desuka Kira » Thu Mar 08, 2012 7:43 pm

I was recently ill as well, Kit. I know how it feels to have to juggle life around, and as always, you come first and foremost above all else. I know it's a really selfish thing to think, but Number 1 always does come first.

Oh, and if you need any proofreading done for the scenes and what not, you can send them my way. I enjoy doing that kind of stuff.
Desuka Kira
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.08 (1/7/12

Postby Lucky777 » Thu Mar 08, 2012 8:11 pm

I'd have wanted to say that the term "selfish" only applied when it's not "obvious good sense", but dictionary-wise, that doesn't strictly appear to be the case. Ah well.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.08 (1/7/12

Postby el_nino13 » Fri Mar 09, 2012 9:58 pm

Don't want to push u or anything but i think it's time for u to update :D just CAN'T wait but if u want to work on it a little more ( not more than that lol! ) so just tell us we can take it
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