by Rooiehaan #2 » Wed Feb 22, 2012 10:16 pm
act nice, it might help :3
so yeah, slow posting all over the forums today.
i guess wishing for more sleep sorta had a jinxing effect. oh well~ :3
Now introducing: the fire elemental!
A living flame in the form of a female, able to toss fireballs and to pretty much heat things up!
They'll be found in the desert region, basking in the sun and trying to turn sand into glass; just because they're that hot!
A living flame, wrapped in black charcoal armor to give them feminin features; in what other form would the mighty sun send its heralds to earth?
Be sure to bring some sun-tan and some sunglasses with you because their emotions might be cold, their appearance will melt anyone from sheer hotness :3
Breathe easy, the doctors are about to arrive.