This is the place to post your own creative works for other to play or give feedback on!
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This forum is for posting and collaborating upon third party work. Please do not post request-threads, and avoid posting artwork that is not your own unless it is being used as a reference.
Ok thanks for the eight men glitch ill fix those and fix the weapons as well expect those to be up on Monday. As for the dark knight the status effect I mentioned are going to be mainly debuffs so just stat dropping ie lower speed attk drain man ect.
Also there is more then 1 h-scene in the castle, and there are some items. The garden you can leave just go to the wall to the left, where the path leads, and hit space it should take you right back to the inside. Also on the health bar. If I can find a script that will show one then I will implement it, but it wont be for a whil, unless I get luck.
Awesome game! really love it! But I cant seem to get through the snow plane.. I can get quite close to the 3 chests but then get warped back... There is a path right? Can't find the map either..
@yillsemkcef (something like that) I fixed the gitches that you pointed out thanks.
@pineapple1029 I dont mind the map but for anyone who likes an invisible maze feel free to try and figure out. If not CHEEEEAAAAT so go ahead and use the map.
Hi, just happened to notice that Medallion is misspelled. I first noticed it in item screen for the " 'Medalian' of the Night", not sure if the spelling error comes up anywhere else. Just an FYI, sorry to be a grammar nazi. I haven't found any other bugs so far, since the V.04a fix/patch
Darko666 Wrote:But I cant seem to get through the snow plane.. I can get quite close to the 3 chests but then get warped back... There is a path right? Can't find the map either..
You can make the map yourself, it's easy: you just walk and count until warped, then write down the location, then repeat.
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
snow_chests_map_path.png (9.63 KiB) Viewed 4074 times
Well done so far. I had a list of bugs earlier, but you seem to have fixed some things so I'll have to play through it again and see what's been fixed lol.
To rant a little this is an RPG and one of the most important things in an RPG is information. If you have trouble getting further in the game, then talk to people someone will usually tell you where to go next.
P.S The game is going to be on hold for a week or so, so everyone who is waiting for an update, just hang in there.
P.S.S Still looking for a h-scene writer so once again if you're interested PM me or send some work to [email protected]
i think im making a massive mistake some where... every time i start the game my char hits the left wall and stays there... and nothing i do gets them away from it i realize this has nothing to do with the game but any help would be apprieciated...
Finally everyone I'm back from my vacation and believe it or not I must have found a muse. The next update will be in a week or two and now everyone is going to finally get an understanding of the actual story. Thanks for everyone's support.
P.S @axmanjack you sent me an email with your application, pressia I think it was, if you email me again at the email account above I'll send you some info and a list of scenes I need a writer for.
In response to your PM: you can make your own CGs using a program by Tech Arts called 3D Custom Girl (3D カスタム少女). Despair Labyrinth uses the same method.
Hey everybody sorry for the wait, but the new update should be up by tomorrow. The update will expand the game, you can check the description when the update comes around.
the only bug i encountered is if you leave the snowy area, the "snow effect" persists to the other towns, idk if you meant to do that or not, just thought id let you know
Two bugs I've seen so far: 1) The entrance to the church in the starting village is not blocked, so you can enter it as soon as you start the game (which is definitely what you intended) 2) Once in the church I kept running past the slimes until I got in some room where the same message keeps repeating: The door locks behind you with a click. My guess is you used an Autorun event, but forgot to put a "Erase Event" command of said event, so it keeps repeating, making it impossible to continue with the game