Thee Pie Man Wrote:makes an orgasming spasm over and over
Lucky777 Wrote:Thee Pie Man Wrote:makes an orgasming spasm over and over
The repeated scream in that one particular loop JUST before the "Be ready to fuck the next time I come back" set of dialogue is actually kinda cacophonous.
: O
Thee Pie Man Wrote:Would it be to hard to do both? Not like I really detested the shorter haired one after all xP I just like a certain line of what's the word...I don't know something to do with it being the same as the actual pokemon? I can't remember the word
Thee Pie Man Wrote:-3- Ah I see, could you not put a delay so it switches only so many on then waits, boom like along the lines of "toggle on- turns two blocks, delay, next two, delay" and so forth if you understand me. It's not that I hate the cartoony/game style I just like uniform stuff lol. personal preference. Although you are the programmer so I can't really say "DO THIS OR I WON'T PLAY!~" Lol
-4- Oh lol I see, makes sense to me ^.^
-5-Oh well not like my Rosalina is making much progress...Lol.. there's the photo i promised lol
Thee Pie Man Wrote:Edit: I tried testing the "can't save so you get an entire free gallery open" option by turning off my local storage, idk if that's basically the same thing. or not but I couldn't get the gallery unlocked. I clicked save game, denied access to my computer for the storage needed to save said game. No gallery unlocked. Also I lol'd at the last scene where princess peach was riding on Mortan and a glitch occurred where unless you pressed the next button she makes an orgasming spasm over and over. I think it was due to the fact that some of the scenes needed to be stopped so you could actually read the text before the next scene used to auto start (I am assuming you had known about this because that is one of the biggest part's in the game and given it's technically fixed now.) I am just assuming this came from fixing that particular problem.
Digging on the new Blaziken thank you for putting that one up.
Edit 2: Sweet Bloopers are awesome. Look at what they did to My princess O: Made her cum after latching onto her. Need to make it face the other way though. Otherwise it looks like it's screwing her backwards :O
Lucky777 Wrote:The repeated scream in that one particular loop JUST before the "Be ready to fuck the next time I come back" set of dialogue is actually kinda cacophonous.
: O
Thee Pie Man Wrote:Glad I wasn't the only one that had this bug. Oh I wasn't saying it was a good sound "Spasm" Was kinda the indicator for that. Although I like your word a lot better "Cacophonous" never even heard of it until today. Looked it up. I likes it xD
Thee Pie Man Wrote:I can't wait until the water level is done ^_^ Looking forward to it Blargh. How's it coming as far as the way you were going to try for the bloopers? Oh and great job with the animated ? Mark blocks you the man!
Captain Twinkie Wrote:When is the water level going to be done?
Blargh Wrote:I'd have to make a whole new character just for the hair at the moment. Like when you make the new Rosalina, if she's radically different from LuftMallow's design I'll be adding her as a new character instead of replacing the old one.
Blargh Wrote:3) No, but even with that code it will try animating all of the blocks at the same time anyway and lag it for the time they're active.
5) The colors that should be on the lips are: normal color, outline, bubble (light reflection), and center hole (if different from the norm). Pixel by pixel coloring isn't necessary. On any given piece, it should be normal color, shaded color, even darker shade for three-tone pieces, and outline.
Blargh Wrote:You probably had a save from before, so it's reading that and saying "LOL, nice try. You can save, so no unlocks for you." >_>
I'm working on fixing the Morton sound glitch, so I'll re-post once I've got it fixed up. Flash decided to just up and break showing Text for no reason, so that might take a while. -_- I set the scene to stop there and wait for input because it was jumping past it too fast before and it wasn't sexy.
Blargh Wrote:There's a fixed version up now. Thanks for pointing it out. I needed a reason to fix some layering issues. <_<![]()
Blargh Wrote:I haven't started on the programming yet, other than a little bit of planning for how it will work logically.
Animated ? Mark blocks, though? Uh, thanks...I guess? Only thing I did with those was to stop them when the quality is stopped, but there's no hit to performance because the main block is already animated, just in case you were holding out some hope. >_>
Thee Pie Man Wrote:4-The colors were different pixel by pixel when I got it from your post lol. Oh well I guess it saves me time haha XD
Thee Pie Man Wrote:I never save it so I can test for bugs lol. No previous saves on said computer, I have a new one remember?
Grawh Evil Flash lol, Oh yeah I know what you mean ^^ it wasn't very sexy at all x.x glad you fixed it as i said before
Thee Pie Man Wrote:Alright, yeah I made that teaser post for no reason what so ever while I was waiting for replies x3.
Hahah Well I never had animated ? Mark blocks on any quality for whatever reason so I didn't know they already existed xD and hey there's always other areas to implement said hit actions to blocks right?
Blargh Wrote:The colors probably got messed up when they were converted from Flash to a picture. The vector graphics in Flash prevent pixellation inside the program, but outside it seems to lose quality.
Blargh Wrote:Not saving isn't the same as not having a save. Right when you load the game (after clicking that first Play button), it attempts to make a save file for the game regardless of whether you ever click a save button or not. But I'll switch the unlock to a button next time so that you can visibly see it if you don't have a save.
Blargh Wrote:Your teaser was lol-worthy. >_>
If I do add an action to hit a coin box, it'll probably be for a switch/puzzle. Maybe something with a hard
ANooB Wrote:DOWNSIZE MAY'S TEETS, NAO!! Most of her appeal comes from her youth. She looks prego with those behemoths.
FlashOfSonic Wrote:If I remember what I heard right, there was a swimsuit contest and James is using inflatable breasts. That episode was cut from the dub.
Surskit Wrote:
Different head for the poke girls. I liked the size luftmallow presented in the preview pic, this smaller size makes the head look funny (Even though it's probably more proportional to the body). The sideview has the same eye, but again, I have to differ to what was in the original preview.
LuftMallow Wrote:I'm still trying to balance the faces between actually looking like Pokemon characters and fitting the game's current art style. I would like to say that as a compromise that the current faces get reverted back while keeping the hair. Smaller tits will have to be an option for all the character choices so outfits don't look misfitted. Changes to Misty's top will come eventually.
Stevie 1derp Wrote:Thought I could give a couple ideas for future enemies or animations.
these are gifs made with photoshop and a gif creator, sorry, I don't own flash, these are just concepts. ... gif?171878 ... gif?171818
ANooB Wrote:DOWNSIZE MAY'S TEETS, NAO!! Most of her appeal comes from her youth. She looks prego with those behemoths.
Thee Pie Man Wrote:Oh alright I will see if I can work on it today if I find the time. It seems a lot easier now that I do not have to go pixel by pixel unless adjusting details such as for example the fringe and longer sleeves.
Thee Pie Man Wrote:Yeah well it kept asking for local storage permissions and I denied it every single time. I thought that would be enough.
Thee Pie Man Wrote:Haha yayyy for worthiness of some Lols.
Ohhh...Construction outfit? "A handy princess" should be the title of that level/Puzzle.
Thee Pie Man Wrote:On topic: Blargh, how have you been lately? I thought I should ask because I don't think I have ever done so and I feel incredibly rude.
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