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Metroid Prime Cave Bug

PostPosted: Mon May 23, 2011 10:22 pm
by Demon
In the cave where you first encounter alien pirates, if you switch to freeze ray and stand on the floor over the Mother brain, in case the alien approaches you and begins an animation after or before the mother brain uses her weird attack that summons a flying sphere to rape you, 2 models of samus will appear. After either animation ends, you will be able to control one of the models while the other is still in the animation.After the animation ends, the extra model will vanish.
Another thing happens if the mother brain begins to charge her rape attack and you switch to armor mode before it hits you(you will appear as if armourless)

Re: Metroid Prime Cave Bug

PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 11:11 am
by Renara
Hi there! This forum is for LoK bugs; I think the game you're referring to is this one, so you may want to post the issue there.