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Noob's new style.

PostPosted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 6:21 am
by ANooB
So, I've been on here for the past few days submitting my work. It gets ok reviews and a fair amount of post views. I got the formula down. I know how to set bones, just my models looked a bit eerie. So, I'm goin on Youtube searching for how to model ppl in Blender, when I stumble upon this group that brings up an idea that was, then, revolutionary to me. They post a link to a site called bluprints. There, you can download profile views of everything from ppl to inanimate objects. So I believe this site deserves a bit of credit and I recommend it to anyone making sprites:

Allz you gotta do is browse for what you're looking for

Next, I'd like to show you all my first work under the guidance of random blueprint provider. Wouldn't be right to post anything non-Krystal, so here she is. Took me 'bout 3 hours or so:

K.Fox.swf - 0.01MB

Tell me what you think and give any requests for any girl. I'll make males, too. Just tell me what you guys want, cuz I got the basic doll set up. Also, any opinions to help make it better would be way cool.

Re: Noob's new style.

PostPosted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 12:08 pm
by Eggplants
well I really like it, but if you'd like my criticism though I'd probably like to see a slightly broader jaw but pointier jaw fur spike things because the fur currently just looks like the sides of her head but if you took them away then that'd probably make her head look a little too pointy. that's just what I think anyway, if this is just the style your going for then ignore what I just said and go for it!

looking forward to the finished product.

Re: Noob's new style.

PostPosted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 7:32 pm
by ANooB
Sounds doable, I see your point about the broad fur spikes. It should probably look more like her hair.. Thanks for your thoughts. Expect a few walking animations in the next few days.

Re: Noob's new style.

PostPosted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 7:14 am
by ANooB
Here's the updated front profile along with a close-up:

K.Fox.swf - 0.01MB
Kfoxclose.swf - 0.01MB

Here's a walking animation:

KFoxWalk.swf - 0.05MB

Re: Noob's new style.

PostPosted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 11:12 am
by Valaska
No criticism! Looks good!

Re: Noob's new style.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 6:07 am
by ANooB
Aight, foos. Here's my plans. It's a game I'm starting to work on and need anyone's help if they can build backgrounds and scenery. Nothing too detailed as it is flash. I Would like a dungeon, right now, that way you guys aren't looking at a black screen all the time. I'm working on Jill, Misty, and Tifa, right now. If you guys want me to make Rikku and others, you gotta start replying and saying stuff. I got like thousands of lurkers with nothing to tell me. I'm losing encouragement :(. NEWAYS, here it is: ... slaves.swf">Nintenslaves.swf

Re: Noob's new style.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 10:57 pm
by Kryger
Reminds me of a game I have. Called SlaveMaker. If you need some ideas, I would look that up.

Re: Noob's new style.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 1:25 am
by ANooB
Kryger Wrote:Reminds me of a game I have. Called SlaveMaker. If you need some ideas, I would look that up.

Hell yeah, that's what inspired me to do it this way. Gonna be kinda hard. I just realized that anime studio doesn't do tweens and keyframes. So I gotta find a way around that to make it smaller and stuff. But thx for the advice, brah.

Re: Noob's new style.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 5:06 am
by NeerHeer
Do Want.

as for a dungeon, do you just want stone walls or would some carvings/windows be preferable? any "torture" devices lying around? A bar layer for the foreground?

Re: Noob's new style.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 12:40 pm
by DemonFiren
Spreader bar. And wrist/leg irons for hanging her up mid-air. Also, something for Fox (the look on his face turned the K scene in Bowser's Castle into something...near-perfect) or, if you use other girls, their corresponding boys.

Re: Noob's new style.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 4:29 pm
by NeerHeer
mmm spreader bars. easy access, the hard way :)

Re: Noob's new style.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 12:30 am
by ANooB
NeerHeer Wrote:Do Want.

as for a dungeon, do you just want stone walls or would some carvings/windows be preferable? any "torture" devices lying around? A bar layer for the foreground?

Well we can start with the basic stone walls and add some detail layers if this takes off. I need lots of space for additional slaves. Some chain mounts for the walls and harnessing devices would be nice. Thx for your help, brah.

DemonFiren Wrote:Spreader bar. And wrist/leg irons for hanging her up mid-air. Also, something for Fox (the look on his face turned the K scene in Bowser's Castle into something...near-perfect) or, if you use other girls, their corresponding boys.

I was thinking about gameplay with an equip menu, and those ideas are excellent!! Definitely on my todo list. Any other advice will be great. One thing is I shouldn't make the animations cuz I use a program that doesn't do motion tweening, so it's a shitload of frames, I think If I just publish the dolls in a way which you all can maneuver them to your liking, the best animators can get in on production. I'll just design the models and costumes.

Re: Noob's new style.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 1:57 am
by ANooB
Let's try this out:

Allz u gotta do is drag this file into your library in flash program. Then you drag over parts you wish to divide into sections and Right Click then go to Convert to symbol. Give it an appropriate name. For example, I drag a box around the head, right click it, go to convert to symbol, and name it Head. Oh yeah, take the neck and put it on the upper torso, it works better that way. Rinse and repeat for every body part and set your pivots. If you need help with that, just post on this forum. Any other questions? plz feel free to do the same. Good luck to you all!!!

Wait. How do I post files you can download???? Help me for I am noob!!!

NVM. I believe this works. If not, u guyz gotta tell me.

Re: Noob's new style.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 6:02 am
by NeerHeer
Ok, I threw together a VERY VERY ROUGH dungeon-like area that you should be able to use at least as a placeholder until something better comes along. I made it bigger than it probably needs to be so you could resize it easier. ... 27ed9b85e8

if anyone wants to edit it or w/e, go ahead

Re: Noob's new style.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 7:27 pm
by ANooB
NeerHeer Wrote:Ok, I threw together a VERY VERY ROUGH dungeon-like area that you should be able to use at least as a placeholder until something better comes along. I made it bigger than it probably needs to be so you could resize it easier. ... 27ed9b85e8

if anyone wants to edit it or w/e, go ahead

Muchos gracias, senor. I'm likin what I See. I'll use this as a background for the time being. Next time, could you set your horizon a little further back, I'll need a little more space for a few more slaves. But right now this is perfect for lining up like three slaves, so you get a good view of how they look. As for style, It matches up pretty well, thin lines and no shading. Very good, sir.

Re: Noob's new style.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 9:28 am
by NeerHeer
glad you approve :)

Yeah, I realized the horizon might be a little close-after I was finished making it. Hopefully we can find a distance that lets you put in slaves at different depths but still have a good view of them.

ugh shading. I suck at it so hard. I'm wayyy to obsessive with it so I'm always deciding I have too much or too little and trying to redo it.

Re: Noob's new style.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 1:19 pm
by Thaedael
When I have time I will give it a shot assuming I can reformat my tablet to work again.

Re: Noob's new style.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 7:17 pm
by ANooB
Thaedael Wrote:When I have time I will give it a shot assuming I can reformat my tablet to work again.

Sweet!! All help is appreciated. What kind o' tablet you got and what seems to be wrong with it. Perhaps I can be of assistance.

Re: Noob's new style.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 11:13 pm
by ANooB
NeerHeer Wrote:glad you approve :)

Yeah, I realized the horizon might be a little close-after I was finished making it. Hopefully we can find a distance that lets you put in slaves at different depths but still have a good view of them.

ugh shading. I suck at it so hard. I'm wayyy to obsessive with it so I'm always deciding I have too much or too little and trying to redo it.

Lmao! Well, if ur interested, I know a free, easy-to-use imaging program that does most of the work for you. I'll upload a demo of it's possibilities when I get time. As for the program, here you go:

Also try this one, it's MsPaint on senzu beans. Only prob is, if you don't have .NET framework, you gotta install it. This costs hd space and time:

here's that souped up pic done with gimp: ... kcell2.jpg

Re: Noob's new style.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 11:15 pm
by DemonFiren
MSPaint...on Senzu...wait, it is possible to get Paint out of crappyness?