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Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game

PostPosted: Tue May 20, 2014 8:41 pm
by Anon_42
UPDATE: Crisis Point is now on patreon! Click here to visit the campaign page!

Hello all. my name is anon42. for some time now, ive been a member of the maplestory h-sprite community on rule34, but after losing my files to the project i was working on, i decided to shelve my work on it and move on to something bigger.

for the past several days i've been spriting and concepting an idea i had, which was to make a hentai game much like any other, with one subtle but major difference: i want the gameplay to be exciting and fun. i'm sure many of you can agree that many platformer h-games fall short in the gameplay department, whether it's because of wonky physics, unbalanced enemy design, sex scenes that require you to die, or anything else. to that end i'm going to use the last several years of coding and spriting practice i've had to deliver an experience that's not only sexy, but fun to play as well.

in the distant future, mankind has gained the ability to travel through the stars. with the limitation of earth no longer confining them, exploration naturally followed. in their haste to finally traverse the galaxy, they failed to prepare for what awaited them. the end result of this was the entire population of mankind being infected with a virus that specifically attacks the Y chromosome, leading to all children being birthed female.

in light of this unusual infliction, scientists around the world immediately began searching for a cure. despite its non-fatal nature they knew that, should the virus be left untreated, humankind would eventually die off with no way for future generations to reproduce.

after nearly a decade of research, only one conclusion was found: if there was a solution, it was not found on Earth. with the male population already starting a slow decline, they took to the stars once again, sending scouting parties of equal parts military and scientists to dozens of planets in the hopes of finding a cure. for several years, their attempts came up empty - until recently. audio and video feed with one scouting party was abruptly cut off just as they excitedly announced that a solution had been found. all attempts to contact them failed, and it was decided that a small cruiser, only big enough for one person, would depart for the planet immediately in an attempt to reconnect with them as soon as possible.

meet Alicia.

a talented but inexperienced military cadet, Alicia insisted she be sent on this mission, both for the future of mankind, and to find her husband - one of the scientists taking part in the mission. she will be sent to this planet to investigate the cause of the communications disruption, and to make contact with the crew.. assuming they're still alive. along the way, she'll discover, do battle with, and likely get raped by a variety of creatures, both human-like and not.

i currently have a basic prototype including animation and platforming physics, just as proof that i'm serious about this and can follow through with quality programming. the download is available here.

if you're interested in following me for more information, or potentially even working with me (i could use music composers, voice actors, and ESPECIALLY environmental artists), feel free to get in contact with me at my blog purelukbowman.

thanks for reading, all. i'll do my best to keep up with the topic here too, so you won't be left out!

Re: (currently untitled) Metroidvania H-game

PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2014 12:37 am
by Anon_42
small update, just wrote up a quick platforming engine as an example to let everyone know i'm serious and know what i'm doing. it's obviously basic so far, but animations are in place and collisions are silky smooth. :)

Re: (currently untitled) Metroidvania H-game

PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2014 3:30 am
by BlueLight
I'm sorry but how does a population of what? 5 billion people, lose it's entire male populations by shooting them off into space? This is going to bug me and other people. You're going to have to add another hazard if you want to keep the "No male" angle.

Re: (currently untitled) Metroidvania H-game

PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2014 4:14 am
by Elerneron
7.5 billion last I heard . . . but yeah, A gender specific virus is always good . . . something to attack the Y chromosome. Then you would also have to have a reason that trying to find the men was better than changing to a society with cloning for reproduction; something beyond the moral quandary that keeps us from human cloning now, because faced with extinction our morals would suddenly change. Then there is always the fact that if you pump enough male hormones into a developing (female) fetus it will turn out male but with XX chromosomes (In fact hormones are the only reason we aren't all girls . . . humans are inherently female). Wait . . . there's your hook. Something is counteracting male hormones . . . even XY humans would be born female. Maybe they need an untainted male to develop an antidote. Perhaps the aliens like human women so much they want all humans to be women.

Just spitballing ideas here . . . take it or leave it.

Edit: My bad just checked, only 7.1 billion.

Re: (currently untitled) Metroidvania H-game

PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2014 6:59 am
by Zeus Kabob
A penis virus. The only reasonable solution.

Re: (currently untitled) Metroidvania H-game

PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2014 7:06 am
by Anon_42
alright, well, now i know the basic story concept is shit. i'll go back and make it more believable. might go with something virus related, idk. as for the cloning argument, however - cloning doesn't necessarily have to come before space travel, especially not in a fictional game set in a fictional world. either way, i don't think it's inconceivable that reasonable space travel/terraforming efforts couldn't possibly happen before cloning capable of replicating the infinite complexity of human life.

so, anyone have thoughts or comments on things other than story?

Re: (currently untitled) Metroidvania H-game

PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2014 7:47 am
by Zeus Kabob
Just one: pixel art metroidvania games are freakin' awesome. I hope you have luck with your project! :)

Re: (currently untitled) Metroidvania H-game

PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2014 4:09 pm
by Elerneron
Anon_42 Wrote:alright, well, now i know the basic story concept is shit. i'll go back and make it more believable. might go with something virus related, idk. as for the cloning argument, however - cloning doesn't necessarily have to come before space travel, especially not in a fictional game set in a fictional world. either way, i don't think it's inconceivable that reasonable space travel/terraforming efforts couldn't possibly happen before cloning capable of replicating the infinite complexity of human life.

I wasn't saying the your concept was shit. It just has a few holes in it. I was making suggestions on how to plug those holes. And the thing about cloning is that we could clone a human right now . . . today . . . if it weren't illegal.

Anon_42 Wrote:so, anyone have thoughts or comments on things other than story?

Nothing other that that it looks really good, and I can't wait to play. I'm generally more of a lurker on forums, so if I comment on your thread, it generally means that I really like what I see.

Edit: I'm a writer, if you'd like I would be willing to help with the story. I'm also very in tune with science and technology if you hadn't noticed.

Re: (currently untitled) Metroidvania H-game

PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2014 5:25 pm
by Anon_42
well i'd be more than willing to chat with you about it to try and come up with something better, two heads for brainstorming is better than one. my skype is anon__42 if you want to talk there.

Re: (currently untitled) Metroidvania H-game

PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2014 6:33 pm
by FMC
Honestly? Who cares if the story has a few holes -- usually, they can be handwaved or never addressed, as long as the rest of the game is great. It might be bothersome, but it probably wouldn't be game-breaking.

I'm sure there's multiple games out there with plot holes the size of Jupiter that you all play. Or at least, I know I play. Most of them games that have regenning health with no real in-game explanation as to why you can regen if you're supposed to be a mortal man.

Or Star Ocean 3, which many people thought the plot was... not right for the series, and had a BS part in it (even if I thought it was pretty cool).

Just trying to say: game mechanics and plot that isn't completely explained doesn't necessarily ruin games.

Re: (currently untitled) Metroidvania H-game

PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2014 10:16 pm
by Elerneron
Anon_42 Wrote:well i'd be more than willing to chat with you about it to try and come up with something better, two heads for brainstorming is better than one. my skype is anon__42 if you want to talk there.

I found an Anon 42, and an anon 42, but no anon__42 . . . try adding me instead (Elerneron . . . )

Re: (currently untitled) Metroidvania H-game

PostPosted: Thu May 22, 2014 10:11 am
by Kuragari
What exactly do you mean by voice actors, per say? For the female protagonist, or for possible NPC's/Bosses? I haven't tried my hand at voice acting, but I'm planning on getting a microphone soon so I can do a dramatic reading of a friends fanfic for them, and If your looking for more than a female VA, I could see if could help.

That and writing are about the only things I can do. My skills at drawing suck, (or more importantly I lack patience) and I'm not good at spriting. And I'm certainly no programmer.

This does however sound interesting, and I will be following this.

Elerneron Wrote: Then there is always the fact that if you pump enough male hormones into a developing (female) fetus it will turn out male but with XX chromosomes (In fact hormones are the only reason we aren't all girls . . . humans are inherently female).

I think its just a tad more complicated than that, last I checked. But I could be wrong and thinking more about humans AFTER birth

Re: (currently untitled) Metroidvania H-game

PostPosted: Thu May 22, 2014 11:12 am
by Anon_42
i'd love to have a full voice cast if i decide to go larger scale, but for now all i'm looking for is a female voice. thanks, though.

so, there have been a lot of updates to the project that weren't posted here. it's super late right now, so i'm going to keep this post brief, but i'll add any new pictures/info to the main post tomorrow. alternatively, feel free to head to the blog, which is generally the first place i post updates. cheers

Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game

PostPosted: Tue May 27, 2014 6:14 pm
by Anon_42
big batch of new information, everybody (all of this will be old news for people who follow my blog or the topic on ulmf).

first off, new prototype here.
this one includes a slew of improvements and additions:
ramps, improved movement, a full aiming+shooting system, sound effects, and a whole secondary set of animations for when she's only half-dressed. controls are as follows:

arrow keys - movement and aiming
Z key - jump (hold down and press to jump through thin platforms)
X key - shoot (only 3 bullets are allowed onscreen at once)
C key - diagonal aim (holding this key forces you to aim diagonally, pressing up or down changes which direction)
H key - switch between fully clothed and half naked (currently a small, harmless bug with half-naked animations where her midair animation is reversed)
F4 - fullscreen
Escape - close

second, i started a livestream account. because of the nature of LoK forum posts requiring mod approval, i won't be posting on here every time i start one. however, the status of the stream is visible on my blog,, and i'll be making a post on the Unofficial Linemarvel Forums whenever i begin a stream.

last, i started concepting enemy design and sex scene animations.


this scene, obviously, involves a big blue guy - or a few of them. when being raped by them, the scene starts off as seen on the left - the one guy picks you up and starts fucking you in the air. this scene continues until you push him off, he climaxes, OR another blue guy comes up to join you. when he does, the scene changes, and they bend you over backwards, stomach toward the sky, and spitroast you. once this happens, the scene becomes a bit harder to escape.

also of note, please don't comment on the general messiness of the concept sprites. i haven't bothered to clean them up as they're just concepts, not finalized images.

in any case, my apologies for the update delay. i'll try to keep LoK updated a bit more frequently.

Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game

PostPosted: Sat Jun 14, 2014 1:35 am
by Anon_42
alright.. this game is having trouble picking up traction here on LoK, but it's still being worked on steadily. nowhere close to dying. i recently released another public prototype, so i'll go ahead and post the relevant information here in the hopes of getting some interest.

Crisis Point: Extinction - Public Prototype release v.01
(my apologies if the download is considered malicious by your antivirus, but there's nothing i can do about it, to my knowledge. there are no viruses - antivirus software just doesn't like unsigned .exe's, and it seems that's what game maker studio exports files as.)

controls are as follows:

arrow keys - movement and aiming, struggle when knocked down/being raped
Z key - jump (hold down and press to jump through thin platforms)
X key - shoot (only 3 bullets are allowed onscreen at once)
C key - diagonal aim (holding this key forces you to aim diagonally, pressing up or down changes which direction)
H key - switch between fully clothed and half naked
E key - spawn blue enemy at mouse cursor
1/2/3 keys - switch between blaster upgrade levels
F4 - fullscreen
Escape - close


new features.. too many to remember, honestly. there's a pretty good chunk of stuff though, so i'll list off what i remember.

-basic enemy "chase" AI is implemented, though incomplete.
-the one-blueguy rape scene is fully functional, including struggling, escape, voices, sound effects, and enemy climax (the climax IS NOT FULLY ANIMATED yet, so no complaints about that, please.)
-double jumping
-finished jumping animation
-upgradable weapon, increases damage done per shot
-crouching system
-player can be knocked down; no health or deaths yet
-minor animation glitches fixed
-(partially incomplete) background art

there's still a bit of stuff missing, mainly with the half-clothed animations, but everything should be functioning perfectly (note that the tentacle plant doesn't do anything yet, it just sits around looking nice).

anyway, hopefully i'll actually get some comments this time, lol. if not, this will likely be my last update on LoK - the project will still be going, however, both on the unofficial linemarvel forums and my blog, there just won't be much point continuing to update here if there's no interest.

Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game

PostPosted: Sat Jun 14, 2014 1:40 am
by Elsa
Hey, you might know me, or you might not, also a member of the Maple-tai community, and also a base maker. Looking forward to seeing your work, your own natural style suits you way better than the maple sprites ever did.

Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game

PostPosted: Sat Jun 14, 2014 7:16 am
by Zeus Kabob
Very interesting! I look forward to upcoming updates.

Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game

PostPosted: Sat Jun 14, 2014 10:57 pm
by Frurose
It looks like you are off to a good start. I'm looking forward to watching for your updates. the one thing I personally like to see in this style of game is no perma-death. Maybe it's just me, but sometimes I don't try to avoid the monster as much as I should. ;)

Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game

PostPosted: Sun Jun 15, 2014 7:01 am
by Anon_42
Frurose Wrote:It looks like you are off to a good start. I'm looking forward to watching for your updates. the one thing I personally like to see in this style of game is no perma-death. Maybe it's just me, but sometimes I don't try to avoid the monster as much as I should. ;)

no worries, i gotcha covered. this game is specifically being made for the h-game community; as such, i'm designing it for the people who want to see some porn. when you're caught by an enemy, you'll start getting raped - obviously - and, UNLESS you start struggling, you won't take any damage. to counter this, the game has two endings; one you get when you avoid the majority of rape, and one where you get raped often. an important fact to note is that the 'raped' ending is NOT a bad ending, simply an alternate one. i don't want people to feel like they have to avoid enjoying the sex scenes just to get the 'good' ending, but for those who want to see that other ending, they'll need to struggle out if it. in addition, i plan on having a button that makes Alicia stand still and allow herself to be raped, to skip the hassle of needing to wait for an enemy to knock you down. also there is no perma-death in general, there will be plenty of save points.

@Elsa - hey there. sorry to say your name isn't familiar to me, but it's cool to see someone else that did mapletai too. glad you like the project - and, just for the record, you're the first person who knew me from back then that actually straight up said you like this project more than maplesim, so thanks for that, lol. there's been too much "bring maplesim back" and "i'd prefer you continued maplesim" for my liking, i'm kinda done with that.. it's so limiting compared to this.

Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game

PostPosted: Sun Jun 15, 2014 9:12 pm
by BlueLight
Anon_42 Wrote:
Frurose Wrote:It looks like you are off to a good start. I'm looking forward to watching for your updates. the one thing I personally like to see in this style of game is no perma-death. Maybe it's just me, but sometimes I don't try to avoid the monster as much as I should. ;)

in addition, i plan on having a button that makes Alicia stand still and allow herself to be raped, to skip the hassle of needing to wait for an enemy to knock you down. also there is no perma-death in general, there will be plenty of save points.

A button that makes her stand still.... MADNESS!!!!! Why not a button to make her panties drop?