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Unity 3D Game Development, Let's Get On That!

PostPosted: Fri Dec 13, 2013 12:45 am
by KaTsuO_O
Most of the projects on this forum are done in 2D, with only a few exceptions. I think that could change If more people would pick up Unity.

I had no interest in 3D before because I thought it required too much work. For certain things it will be a lot more work to make something in 3D than in 2D, but for other things, it can be a lot less work. Let's take Legend of Krystal as an example, making those character models and making an animation for them, isn't that much work. But what if you want the same animation from another angle, then that would require you to recreate all those assets. So the more angles you want, the more work it requires.

That is something that 3D is very useful for, because once you have made something, it can be viewed from any angle. Not only that, but the perspective and shadows on each of the angles will always look like they are supposed to. Changing where the light hits a character's body, takes seconds, not hours. This was my conclusion after working on a 2D project that involved a good amount of character customization. I spent a lot of time on the character and the clothes, but I had no way of changing the angle, which I really wanted for my animations. It ended with me dropping it, due to the limitations.

And speaking of animations, It also helps when it comes to animating, because you can apply physics. So rather than manually animating the hair, breasts and tail and try to make it actually look good, you can let the physics take care of that. It can give a great result and save a lot of work.

This pretty much sums up what I have just talked about, jiggle bones demonstration. It can be viewed from any angle, the perspective is always right, the lighting hits where it is supposed to and physics takes care of the breasts bouncing and it actually looks pretty good. Recreating this in Flash with all it's features would simply not be possible.

Another thing is that, if you want to pick up Flash, it would cost you quite a bit of money (if you get it legit at least). When it comes to Unity, you have nothing to lose, because it is free. So really, I would advise you to grab Unity and get a tutorial on how to create something you'd like to do.

Just to try to encourage you more, I'd like to show off a project that I have worked on for about 5 weeks now. It is a 2 player racing game where you drive in sphere shaped vehicles. Gamepads are highly recommend, though it is possible to play it with the keyboard as well, just takes a bit to get the hang of it.

Also, please check out this.

If you want to see all my naughty content, you need to make an account, and probably turn on the ability to watch adult content. And actually, you can check out the project that I cancelled which I talked about above.

Re: Unity 3D Game Development, Let's Get On That!

PostPosted: Fri Dec 13, 2013 7:28 am
by Darcyen
you did a great job on this broadcasting what can be done with Unity. Even thought i never completed a lap with the keyboard i still had fun just checking out what you did. Thanks for bringing Unity to the attention of the Forum.

Re: Unity 3D Game Development, Let's Get On That!

PostPosted: Fri Dec 13, 2013 9:41 am
by riddlebox1321
This is very cool, does anyone know how to get this working on a linux computer? Is a package required?

Re: Unity 3D Game Development, Let's Get On That!

PostPosted: Fri Dec 13, 2013 11:41 am
by BlueLight
Should be a export option on unity. Some one just didn't expect linux.

Re: Unity 3D Game Development, Let's Get On That!

PostPosted: Fri Dec 13, 2013 1:08 pm
by Zeus Kabob
I think FileRoller can handle .Rarchives, and once the archive is expanded, I believe the "game.x86" is the executable to run in order to play the game.

Re: Unity 3D Game Development, Let's Get On That!

PostPosted: Fri Dec 13, 2013 8:55 pm
by KaTsuO_O
@Darcyen thank you, I actually had this thread written out weeks ago, so I'm glad I waited with it until I had anything to show off.

@riddlebox1321 thanks, I don't have Linux myself, but I'd assume that you only need to have both files in the same place. It need to be unrared first though, if you want to get anywhere.

@BlueLight heh, I expected everyone.

Re: Unity 3D Game Development, Let's Get On That!

PostPosted: Fri Dec 13, 2013 9:30 pm
by GoRepeat
I love 3d and hate 3d at the same time for the same reasons. Once you have your assets all set, you can really do amazing things with relative ease... much easier than in a 2D environment (ironically); but it takes for-god-damn-ever to get your assets correct and setup in the first place.

Re: Unity 3D Game Development, Let's Get On That!

PostPosted: Fri Dec 13, 2013 10:04 pm
by riddlebox1321
I assume that having the game engine would be helpful first lol...

Re: Unity 3D Game Development, Let's Get On That!

PostPosted: Sun Dec 15, 2013 2:32 am
by KaTsuO_O
I just added a part to the first post that I think is very important to demonstrate a lot of the things that I was talking about. So I'll add it in this post as well.

"This pretty much sums up what I have just talked about, jiggle bones demonstration. It can be viewed from any angle, the perspective is always right, the lighting hits where it is supposed to and physics takes care of the breasts bouncing and it actually looks pretty good. Recreating this in Flash with all it's features would simply not be possible."

@Gorepete Yeah, that's always a problem, but it is all about trying to find tools that makes it as easy as possible. I use Google SketchUp for modelling and while it is made for making buildings, it is actually great for creating other models as well, due to it's simplicity. You can make things in 1:1 scale, which means that things will be the right size from the start, and pretty much no resizing will be needed. Then we have Mixamo, which is a site where you can send in a character model and have it rigged for free, that way it will be properly rigged. Unity actually makes it easier as well because it can import a lot of different file types.

Re: Unity 3D Game Development, Let's Get On That!

PostPosted: Sun Dec 15, 2013 2:48 am
by Zeus Kabob
Jiggle bones: incredibly important to porn game development. :D

Re: Unity 3D Game Development, Let's Get On That!

PostPosted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 3:12 pm
by Anonymouse
Started experimenting with Unity this morning, it's pretty cool what you can do with it and how easy it is to use. I just don't have the modelling or animating skills to make anything with it though :/

Re: Unity 3D Game Development, Let's Get On That!

PostPosted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 12:24 pm
by BlueLight
Anonymouse Wrote:Started experimenting with Unity this morning, it's pretty cool what you can do with it and how easy it is to use. I just don't have the modelling or animating skills to make anything with it though :/

I'm trying to make a card game and i'm having trouble. not shocking since i'm trying to do something differently compared to what the tool was designed to do.
i've recently learned what transformed does so that will help. Likely going to do it purely GUI based program.

Re: Unity 3D Game Development, Let's Get On That!

PostPosted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 6:47 pm
by KaTsuO_O
I have started a thread in the tutorial section, that you can get to if you click right here. I would recommend you to check out what it is all about.

Re: Unity 3D Game Development, Let's Get On That!

PostPosted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 8:04 pm
by Terrantor!!!
When I finish the framework for Cthulhu's text game, I'll get cracking on some unity. This is a subject I have high interest in so may as well start learning it. :D

Re: Unity 3D Game Development, Let's Get On That!

PostPosted: Fri Jan 10, 2014 5:24 am
by KaTsuO_O
Hey, check out my latest Unity project .

Re: Unity 3D Game Development, Let's Get On That!

PostPosted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 1:22 pm
by Terrantor!!!
I like the jigglebone demo, lol. So let's do this, man. I'm no good with the coding, yet; but how hard can it be? I have some decent sounds ripped. Let's just get a simple meet n fuck going.

Re: Unity 3D Game Development, Let's Get On That!

PostPosted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 3:02 am
by KaTsuO_O
@Terrantor!!! I actually got a secret small project going, so I'm focusing on that. Judging by the progress, it shouldn't take longer than two weeks to get that out of the door.

Figuring out how to control animation through code can be a bit tricky when you're starting off, but as soon as you figure it out, it is pretty much as simple as controlling animations in Flash. Doing GUI is not too bad either, but Flash is definitely more simple for that.

Re: Unity 3D Game Development, Let's Get On That!

PostPosted: Wed May 27, 2015 2:17 pm
by TeaCup
I've got a lot of experience programming and designing games on Unity. I'd be happy to work with any anyone who wants to provide the graphic assets.