Unfortunatly i am not good in drawing - so for me is a big problem to change some art parts and make them look different
(About her golden pantys (when she is crawling))
And yes porn is good. But it is hard to make such a idea of a game where it will look good. Just for example - i like games with gun fire, but if so where put porn - the same for all games. And it takes a lot of time for animation. Gorepete is Monster
in good understanding of this word.
It is really hard to stay motivated in one project for a long time. I already get bored after a 2-3 weaks or may be month of some project. After you test it hundred times
So i always make some thing short.
Unfortunatly I have not big good idea of the game and its story. I just test some different algoritms and ideas and some times finish them to some thing finished.
And a lot of them i even do not post - they are like beta test algoritms.
It is much more easy to copy and upgrade some thing that you can see.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Awn8et2IniE - but modern games looks like this to me so it is hard to get any idea what to make
And if to take not standart ideas - for example
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pWNAC4kIiRY - that based on run and jump - where to put porn there ?
It is the bad thing that I am not good animator as i want to be
And i have to use objects that I find some where
So i am very limited
May be i will get some good idea one day