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Instinct Program 0.30c (24/03/2013)

PostPosted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 6:47 am
by alako
Instinct Program is a Rags game set in a fictional city in the future. The setting is heavily influenced by Deus Ex Human Revolution and Resident Evil. The story revolves around a young female detective, Adeline Shimizu, who is trying find out what happened to her missing colleague. The main storyline focus on MC theme, while optional scenes deals with other sexual themes.

This is my first attempt to make a game. I have thank mdqp for making Tales of the Drunken Cowboy which inspired me to make my own little Rags game. However, I have never written anything creative before and English is not my first language, so please keep that in mind when you want to bash me about grammar. =]

General Story Information: (30/01/2013)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Around the late 21st century, human have already perfected electronic implant technology which enhanced the human body and push ourselves to the limit. Augmentation becomes a common part of the human body, and nearly everyone is enhanced in some form or fashion (a mix of Deus Ex and Ghost in the Shell). The story takes place in a small island where the city of Eisco and Tartarus are located. Eisco is built on top of Tartarus covering its sky. While Eisco is prosperous and ordered, Tartarus is poor and chaotic. The prologue will be mainly take place in Tartarus.


In a giant abandon complex, a police woman is chased by some unknown creatures. They look like dry up human corpses with their augmented body parts exposed from torn off body parts. Their augmentations seem to be still functional and are probably what keep their bodies from decaying. She is running out of ammo and could not reach anyone from her radio. Few days later, it is up Adeline, the protagonist, to find her and figure out where did these creatures came from (Yes, I know...... it is pretty much the same as resident evil, but we have city exploration and side quests!).

Game style:

For those know never play RAGS game before, it is basically a text adventure game with graphics. I want to create a story focus adventure game with RPG elements, similar to the style of ADwR. In other words, you will be playing a character with preset background and follow her adventure (which is more like one big quest.....). There will be multiple approaches in solving a quest, therefore, you can roleplay by player choice. For example, Adeline can solve the same problem by using her sexuality to her advantage or outwit your opponents with her intelligence. While she is traveling between city zoons using the metro system, she could beat up the person who try to grope her or bear the unwelcome touch of a stranger to avoid making a big scene. Keep in mind that using sex to solve a problem usually has unpleasant consequence (lowering stat, bad endings, access to future scenes which will leads to more stat penalty and bad endings ....... usually =D). That said, nearly all quest would involve fair amount of sexual content, but you should be able to avoid all of them if you know what you are doing.


You will randomly encounter enemies in dangerous area while you travel from room to room. With limited resource such as ammo and healing items, your best bet is to solve the quest with minimum player movement, but there will be puzzle along the way that make you run around. It's a bit like the traditional turn base RPG with a bit less flexibility (....... this is my first game and I have to make the whole combat system all by myself >__<).


I don't know anything about 2D or 3D graphic design, so all the images used in game are from the internet. Hopefully, it won't get me into trouble. I do have limited photoshop knowledge, so there will be some cutting and pasting and even boob reductions (it is hard for a girl to look at all these hentai drawings with H-cup beauty queens =_____="""). The characters of the game will be mainly base on video game and animation characters. For example, all the pictures of Adeline will be base on Ada Wong from Resident Evil.


I can't be sure, since real life is keep me very busy at the moment and wave of exams are coming in around Feb. Nevertheless, it is not a long game, so I will at least post a working demo which contains the first 30% - 40% of the game some time before April. It will be mainly about Adeline investigating where did her friend went missing, so it is all about city explorations and trying to get information from unwilling citizens.

Additional Information: (01/02/2013)
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Role Play Personality Range:

Adeline is actually an important supporting character in my original project. Therefore, her personality needs to be within a reasonable range. Right now, she would normally have 2-3 choices when reacting to different situations.
Possible personalities for Adeline are (one of them cannot not be canon, guess which. Keekeekeee):

1) No nonsense / independent and slightly cold
2) Anything in between
3) A bit of a whole / doesn't afraid to use her body to her advantage.

When facing unavoidable sexual situations (like being blackmailed), she could be:

1) Confident with her body and sometimes even put on a show
2) Shy and ashamed about what she have to do

I know that some people are suggesting she could enslave other people in side quests, or even raping others for her pleasure, but I am afraid I cannot cater to all demands >.<. Writing tree different personalities in most situations are already very demanding. I would also suggest player to do multiple playthroughs to try out different personalities / quest solutions (or else city exploration part of the game will be really short <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P -->).

More about Graphics:

Due to the setting of the game, I decided to use only anime style of drawing and 3D pictures in cut scenes to keep a consistent feel of the game (not location though, where can you find a picture of old fence gate with a guard house at night time......=_=""). The main drawback of using hentai / fan art pictures is that they are either featuring the character in some pretty disgusting sexual situations or just holding a gun starting at you. There are really no middle grounds between them. So, when it comes to finding pictures for some mellow scenes (striptease / consensual sex scenes), it took me hours just to find one that can be photostoped into something useful. Therefore, it kind of forces me to write about a bit more extreme sexual situations in the game (rape / group rape / public play / light bondage), but it's not like I hate writing them =P. THANK GOD that there is no romance involve in this game! @______@ Or else Adeline can only date Jill Sandwich!

Progress of Demo:

Some people thought that I could finish the whole game before April, but I was actually talking about the demo which is about 30% of the game. I want to release a long demo because RAGS doesn't allow game save to be transferred between different versions of the same game. So, it will be no fun to force player to play the whole thing for just for 10 mins of updated content. That's why I plan to release just 4 versions of the game, 30% done / 50% done / 80% done / 100% done (City exploration with option stuff to do -> combat + puzzle solving -> City exploration with option stuff to do -> combat + puzzle solving).

I didn't do much in the last 48 hours, mostly just remaking the whole combat system to make it more flexible. The decision of adding normal human enemy (not in demo) (robbers / slavers / criminals who were locked up by Adeline and wants payback) forces me to rethink how I handle the combat system.

More Information: (07/02/2013)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Stats in the game:

Its purpose is very obvious if you play any RPG before. The only thing to note is that getting killed by "zombies" does not have triggers a bad end. Your character will faith from losing too much health and get eaten by zombie. However, remember this only apply to "zombies"

Mental Corruption:
This measures your character's......humm.......well mental corruption. Only the attack from zombie like enemies will increase your MC. Once it reaches 100%, your character will be sent to an alternative path of the storyline. You can continue to play the game, but it is very difficult to get the true ending. This stat will be hidden in the game. Instead of showing you boring number popping out during each combat rounds, messages will be added during the battle to hint on how corrupted your character's mind is.

Mental Health:
This is the defense mechanic against mental corruption. When it is full, the "zombie" enemy will deal 100% of normal MC damage. For each 1 point drop of MH, MC damage will increase by 10%. So, if you have 5/10 MH, you will receive 150% MC damage. If you have 0/10 MH, you will receive 200% MC damage (which basically means you will get send to the alternative storyline). You lose MH by getting Ada into horrible sexual situations and you can gain some back by random events or spending credits to buy limited items.

City exploration is a major part of the game. Credit can be used to buy resources for challenging combat situations, or help out the locals for hidden surprises. You can earn credits during random encounters and side quest. If you prefer, you can also try to earn some money from gambling, although it is pretty risky.

Other stats:
Each type of weapons has their own set of stat. Some has higher damage, some has high critical chance. I don't think I need to show all these stats though, since there are really just 3 types of weapons planned at this point.

Planned stats:
I might put a reputation system (normal and lewdness) in the game. As you progress in the game (mainly from doing side quests), you will accumulate reputations from your actions and it is reflected in random NPC's conversations. For example, if you save someone's life, a guy might come up to you and say he saw you in the news. On the other hand, if you participate in public sexual situations, you will get famous for another reason. It will not be in the demo though, there aren't enough events/consequence to make it obvious.

Progress (24/3/2013):

Instinct Program 0.30c Released!
Link:!1BFWAaaZ!HyEigmtar ... YWNP1EzPCk

General Tips:

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

You need the latest version of Rags ( to run the game. You can find it here:

If you are new to Rags and you are stuck, remember to right click everything. Some of you might not know that you can right click the room display picture on top of the compass.

Since the game is in beta, save often! There are many choices in the game as well, a lot of them leads to different scenes and could totally change the path of some quest / event / encounters.

Mental Health at this point is not that important since there is very little combat. So, do whatever you want in the city. A few extra options will open up if you have low MH.

Talk to customers and pedestrians, they all have 4-5 random dialogues. Some of them give out hints about hidden scenes and solutions.

More info can be found on my blog:

Re: New RAGS game in development! Code Nane - Instinct Progr

PostPosted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 6:51 am
by napsii
Welcome to the forum, Alako! It sounds like you have an interesting game in the works.

P.S.: There is a typo in your thread title. It says Code "Nane".

Re: New RAGS game in development! Code Nane - Instinct Progr

PostPosted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 7:14 am
by jb28147
On the first picture;

curruption -> corruption

Re: New RAGS game in development! Code Name - Instinct Progr

PostPosted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 7:39 am
by alako
That's just great, there is a typo in my title =___=" Just to show you guys how bad I am at proof reading. That said, nothing in the game has been proof read yet, most of the combat message are just dummy variables since they won't play a big roll in the beginning of the game. So do expect lots and lots typo and grammar mistakes in the screenshot.

Re: New RAGS game in development! Code Name - Instinct Progr

PostPosted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 8:17 pm
by Six
Looks promising and I finally got rags to work again just the other week, turns out you aren't allowed to have windows media player removed..
Seeing how you like adwr and such I'm going to have high hopes for this!

Would offer to proof read but really I have a habit to read spelling errors and autocorrect them without ever noticing there was an error to begin with.

Re: New RAGS game in development! Code Name - Instinct Progr

PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 3:44 am
by alako
Six Wrote:Looks promising and I finally got rags to work again just the other week, turns out you aren't allowed to have windows media player removed..
Seeing how you like adwr and such I'm going to have high hopes for this!

Would offer to proof read but really I have a habit to read spelling errors and autocorrect them without ever noticing there was an error to begin with.

Yup, seems like a lot of people run into that problem as well. Also, quite a lot of people wants to proofread the game for me so I guess you could just wait for the chunky demo release instead. Thanks for offering your help and support though! :D

P.S new blog post is up.

Re: New RAGS game in development! Code Name - Instinct Progr

PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 4:21 am
by Thaedael
Good evening Alako,
I just want to let you know that if you are going to be doing all your work off forum and not even putting builds up on the forums then you come across as the kind of person that is only using the site for advertising and not really doing much other than answering questions here. I am glad you are getting yourself some exposure so that people see what you are working on which makes me happy, on the other hand I would like to see questions/answers/builds/etc, placed up on this thread as well. Either than that, welcome to the forums.

What is your main language btw? Also Alako like the font, or the middle eastern name?

Re: New RAGS game in development! Code Name - Instinct Progr

PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 4:36 am
by alako
Sorry if I am giving off the wrong impression. I was trying not to post a wall of text on the forum. I could update the OP for all the development info or just doing it in the reply. Also, there are no ads on my site. I am making the game purely for personal passion.

Demo is not done yet, I want to put out a chunky build instead of just a teaser. The main drawback of using RAGS is that game save cannot be transfer between builds and I don't want player to keep replaying the same part over and over.


Role Play Personality Range:

Adeline is actually an important supporting character in my original project. Therefore, her personality needs to be within a reasonable range. Right now, she would normally have 2-3 choices when reacting to different situations.
Possible personalities for Adeline are (one of them cannot not be canon, guess witch. Keekeekeee):

1) No nonsense / independent and slightly cold
2) Anything in between
3) A bit of a whole / doesn't afraid to use her body to her advantage.

When facing unavoidable sexual situations (like being blackmailed), she could be:

1) Confident with her body and sometimes even put on a show
2) Shy and ashamed about what she have to do

I know that some people are suggesting she could enslave other people in side quests, or even raping others for her pleasure, but I am afraid I cannot cater to all demands >.<. Writing tree different personalities in most situations are already very demanding. I would also suggest player to do multiple playthroughs to try out different personalities / quest solutions (or else city exploration part of the game will be really short :P).

Progress of Demo:

Some people thought that I could finish the whole game before April, but I was actually talking about the demo which is about 30% of the game. I want to release a long demo because RAGS doesn't allow game save to be transferred between different versions of the same game. So, it will be no fun to force player to play the whole thing for just for 10 mins of updated content. That's why I plan to release just 4 versions of the game, 30% done / 50% done / 80% done / 100% done (City exploration with option stuff to do -> combat + puzzle solving -> City exploration with option stuff to do -> combat + puzzle solving).

Planning – 70%
System coding – 80%
Story writing – 10%
Picture hunting – 90%
BS on the blog – still 100%!!!

I didn't do much in the last 48 hours, mostly just
Code: Select All Code
remaking the whole combat system
to make it more flexible. The decision of adding normal human enemy (not in demo) (robbers / slavers / criminals who were locked up by Adeline and wants payback) forces me to rethink how I handle the combat system.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):


(Roleplay by player choice, 3rd option WIP)
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Re: New RAGS game in development! Code Name - Instinct Progr

PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 3:31 pm
by cereburn
Game looks really interesting. I'm looking forward to your demo/beta.
If you have a shortage of testers, I'd be happy to help.

Re: New RAGS game in development! Code Name - Instinct Progr

PostPosted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 8:42 am
by BlueLight
Developer cheats would get around some problems with the saves

Re: New RAGS game in development! Code Name - Instinct Progr

PostPosted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 10:21 am
by alako
BlueLight Wrote:Developer cheats would get around some problems with the saves

There are a lot of event flags that need to be setup correctly, since lots previous event choices will effect some of the text and scenes in the future. It will be a mess to export/import all the data. Besides, a lot of stuff will be reworked after getting feedback from you guys. So I don't really see how I can get around with RAGS saving problem.

There will be a cheat item in the game though, but you will have to finish the game in order to get it. :mrgreen:

Re: New RAGS game in development! Code Name - Instinct Progr

PostPosted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 10:41 am
by Triuneprophet
If you mean you don't want us to keep replaying then I would possibly message the PuddingEarl his game Shield High I get the new version all the time and all my old saves work. Maybe he can help you out. Sorry if I am misunderstanding what you mean though

Re: New RAGS game in development! Code Name - Instinct Progr

PostPosted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 12:32 pm
by alako
Triuneprophet Wrote:If you mean you don't want us to keep replaying then I would possibly message the PuddingEarl his game Shield High I get the new version all the time and all my old saves work. Maybe he can help you out. Sorry if I am misunderstanding what you mean though

Old game save should work if the author is not changing old contents, but since I am probably not as organized as Earl, I will constantly add new dialog options and rewriting stuff so it makes the game fit better. Nevertheless, if you already figure out how to solve all the puzzles, you can just power through all dialogs in mins. Also, most of the content in my game is optional. There are drinking and gambling which you can all skip. There is a 3 stages train groping scene that's suppose to advance stage by stage with each encounters. You can skip the whole thing by picking the right option after meeting with the molester for the first time. More importantly, I want to make the game feel realistic which means I need to add lots random dialogs and encounters to make the world feel alive. It just doesn't feel right to release a version where there only a few characters in a big city.

Re: New RAGS game in development! Code Name - Instinct Progr

PostPosted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 6:12 pm
by BlueLight
Triuneprophet Wrote:If you mean you don't want us to keep replaying then I would possibly message the PuddingEarl his game Shield High I get the new version all the time and all my old saves work. Maybe he can help you out. Sorry if I am misunderstanding what you mean though

s/he can try but i believe the event flags being added will cause problems.

Re: New RAGS game in development! Code Name - Instinct Progr

PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 6:19 am
by alako
The main focus of the weekend is a gambling mini game which is located in a night club called "Tits and Dough" and you can probably guess what it is like in there. Be careful when trying to earn some extra credits in the club though, the owner doesn't like people owing him money.

More random encounters and areas are planned including a pretty funny one in a store. Also, you can now get Adeline drunk with random consequences. There will be a mini quest related to one of the drunken consequences as well.

Since most of the fundamental system coding is done, I am spending most of my free time writing next week. Also need to start editing some location image to fit the story better.

Planning – 70%
System coding – 95%
Story writing – 20%
Picture hunting – 90%

(Gambling testing room)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Re: New RAGS game in development! Code Name - Instinct Progr

PostPosted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 3:45 pm
by Kuragari
Out of curiosity, where can one find out how to make a game using RAGS? I have an idea for an H-game now...but would require the application to make the games and at least a basic understanding of how Rags works.

Re: New RAGS game in development! Code Name - Instinct Progr

PostPosted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 4:08 pm
by alako
Kuragari Wrote:Out of curiosity, where can one find out how to make a game using RAGS? I have an idea for an H-game now...but would require the application to make the games and at least a basic understanding of how Rags works.

There are video tutorials that covers all the basics of Rags ( However, you need to buy a license (15 USD a year....something like that) in order to use RAGS Designer. There is a free beta version that you could use, but it is very buggy and very limited.

The system is very easy to learn, but if you run into problems you can always ask on their forum (, or other RAGS developers. =]

Re: New RAGS game in development! Code Name - Instinct Progr

PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 3:58 pm
by alako
Updated more info about the game (see OP).

Progress is faster than I expect. Hopefully, I can finish a chunky demo before March.

Re: New RAGS game in development! Code Name - Instinct Progr

PostPosted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 2:36 am
by whatdontlookaatme
This game looks very intriguing. Can't wait to play the demo!

Re: New RAGS game in development! Code Name - Instinct Progr

PostPosted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 2:55 am
by Uchiha wolf
looking frowerd to playing it wen its dun cuz all the games on this sit is epic