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MiM : Soloid's stuff

PostPosted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 12:09 pm
by -Soloid-
Hi everyone.
I decided to create a dedicated topic to post my stuff instead of polluting ivanaedler's.
My goal here is to redraw almost all the stuff that exists in this wonderful game, the vectorial way of course. This not intend to replace what has been done, but I see it more like a tribute.
In fact, I'm beginning to think it would be smarter to remake a game, than replace some objects of ivan's game. I mean : I'm going to redraw as much as I can. So everything that will be not used will be lost :/ And as I'm planning to modify some levels, it will not match with the actual game Ivan made. So... Ivan, if you want to make a 3rd MIM game... :D
Nah, seriously.

I'll post when I have time... When I want... don't expect regular posts :roll:
And forgive my for my horrible english.

I'll update this post as my creations are validated. So... what's currently done?

Peach Outfits
Spoiler (click to show/hide):


What I'm doing
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Peach Castle : level design (vector) : Peach's room

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

28/11/12 - Peach Castle : level design (vector) : Principal Hall & Entrance finished
27/11/12 - Peach Castle : level design (paper) finished

Re: MiM : Soloid's stuff

PostPosted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 12:11 pm
by -Soloid-
And I'll begin with a hot topic :
Peach model from the menu screen.
I changed her with what has been said in ivanaedler's topic.
I changed her feet, I reducted a bit her mouth and aureolaes, and curved a bit her eyes.
Here is the result at the moment :

Re: MiM : Soloid's stuff

PostPosted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 12:35 pm
by Ivan-Aedler
Very good ;) She's even better!
I suggest you diminish her 'calcaneous' even more. Her foot still appears like she's wearing thick heels.

Re: MiM : Soloid's stuff

PostPosted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 12:42 pm
by QuizmasterBos
Her overall eye design looks a little odd to me. I keep thinking of a snake's eyes.
I think it's best her eyes should become more like Peach's eyes: Round top and a flatter bottom, like this picture:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):


You can eventually try putting the images side by side and letting people vote on the best one.

Mouth looks quite a bit better.

Her aureolae can be dimished quite a bit more, I think. As I've said, Peach doesn't seem like a woman with large aureolae, so try making them small.

Hand looks good now. Well done.

For the feet, follow Ivan's advice and listen to yurinicolau's pointers. Yuri made all the feet and did a really good job at that, so I think that will be quite helpful.

Re: MiM : Soloid's stuff

PostPosted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 4:45 pm
by -Soloid-
Redraw the eyes, and reduced aureolaes. Changed the mouth shape.

ivanaedler Wrote:Her foot still appears like she's wearing thick heels.

Yeah! There is a reason for it. It's just I don't want to redraw the feet for each costume so, as she wears high heels in some costumes, I'll just have to add them over.
More, I'd like to remind this is the Peach from the menu screen, so everything below the upper thighs is extra bonus :D
Sure, it's not a reason for not working on it, but it will not appear at the screen. The whole drawing may be used for something else, but I've drawn her for this use exclusively.

About the proportions of Peach's feet

PostPosted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 5:07 pm
by yurinicolau
-Soloid- Wrote:Peach model from the menu screen.
I changed her with what has been said in ivanaedler's topic.
I changed her feet, I reducted a bit her mouth and aureolaes, and curved a bit her eyes.

Hey man! Nice to have this topic here!!! I can only say that MIM will be greatly rewarded with your artwork!!! About the image corrections, you are at the right patch! The main thing is that the feet's sole is too curved, and that is making the heels bigger then it should be. Just reducing the heels size won't solve the proportions problem completly, because the sole is too curved for the currently perspective, making it look too small for the standards...
The curves between the marks should be decreased...
Marks.jpg (6.73 KiB) Viewed 39156 times
The trick is to do the heels right, focus on that, and don't bother if the curves number increases three or more, because is already a very small number, and it doesn't really a difference (using the brush it would have about 300 curves!). So the pen tool is always a good call, but no need to get obsessed of breaking a record of less curve points of all times! :D Here's a sample of how I did the proportions of Peach's feet:
Feet sample for Soloid.jpg
Currently used at MIM... :)
Feet sample for Soloid.jpg (29.22 KiB) Viewed 39196 times

-Soloid- Wrote:And forgive my for my horrible english.

Don't worry mate! Your english is ok!! ;)

And be cool, I'm sure Peach is very proud of your design of her! Continue the awesome work!!! Here's a surprise: :mrgreen:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Peach's blinking.jpg
From the past to you!
Peach's blinking.jpg (37.75 KiB) Viewed 39196 times

Re: About the proportions of Peach's feet

PostPosted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 5:23 pm
by -Soloid-
yurinicolau Wrote:Hey man! Nice to have this topic here!!! I can only say that MIM will be greatly rewarded with your artwork!!! About the image corrections, you are at the right patch! The main thing is that the feet's sole is too curved, and that is making the heels bigger then it should be. Just reducing the heels size won't solve the proportions problem completly, because the sole is too curved for the currently perspective, making it look too small for the standards... Here's a sample of how I did the proportions of Peach's feet:

Thanks for the comments. I'll try to work it again. But I find the reference you show me a bit odd. I find the foot a bit loo long, and maybe a bit flattened. I tried a little something and I find this kind of shape more realistic, don't you think?
Sans titre-1.jpg
Sans titre-1.jpg (82.21 KiB) Viewed 39172 times

I like the way it really gives a volume on the top of the foot. I think I'll work in this way.

And be cool, I'm sure Peach is very proud of your design of her! Continue the awesome work!!! Here's a surprise: :mrgreen: [/quote]
And I'm sure she'll regret what's coming next :twisted:

Edit :I think I'm getting something here :
Sans titre-3.jpg
Sans titre-3.jpg (73.52 KiB) Viewed 39143 times

And I made a guide for the other foot :
Sans titre-2.jpg
Sans titre-2.jpg (54.1 KiB) Viewed 39143 times

What do you think?

Re: MiM : Soloid's stuff

PostPosted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 5:39 pm
by yurinicolau
-Soloid- Wrote:But I find the reference you show me a bit odd. I find the foot a bit loo long, and maybe a bit flattened.

Oh! You're right!! :oops: I accidentally bend that one on flash while moving the feet to the position! Sorry about that... But the one on top of the calf is better, right? :geek: About the heels, I think the thing is that since she is at barefoot they should be more rounded, you know, shouldn't have a tip, should be curved...
-Soloid- Wrote:And I'm sure she'll regret what's coming next :twisted:
I'm sure she will!!! :mrgreen:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Peach's cummed on eye.jpg
Peach's cummed on eye.jpg (38.69 KiB) Viewed 39146 times

Re: MiM : Soloid's stuff

PostPosted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 5:43 pm
by -Soloid-
See the edit of my previous post, I changed it again!

yurinicolau Wrote:
-Soloid- Wrote:And I'm sure she'll regret what's coming next :twisted:
I'm sure she will!!! :mrgreen:

This is just the beginning :twisted: :twisted:

Re: MiM : Soloid's stuff

PostPosted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 5:58 pm
by yurinicolau
You gave me an idea! A picture worths more then a thousant words... Here:
Sole curve.jpg
See the curved heel?
Sole curve.jpg (9.08 KiB) Viewed 39116 times

Re: MiM : Soloid's stuff

PostPosted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 10:28 pm
by QuizmasterBos
Well done. The eyes look a lot better and so do the aureolae.
The mouth also looks way better.

Now that I don't have anything left to criticize about, here's a thing left to try:
The aureolae might look even better if they're a tad lighter, a bit more towards the pink. Try various shades and see which one you like.

An evil plan!

PostPosted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 10:47 pm
by yurinicolau
Hey Soloid, I was talking with Ivan about implementing your awesome Peach at the game Stats and he made these objetions:
ivanaedler Wrote:Nobody said she isnt hot. Soloid did a nice job! ;) But I have two strong reasons not change her for these screens.

1) 'The Dirty Monkey' and me brainstormed a lot about the current faces, giving different eyes, mouths and expressions. An action that lasted a week. After an extenuous brainstorming and art design, we decided to let these images, which are beautiful so far. The ideal peach face, though, will be one that resembles the actual Peach (remade by me) or that peach below. If someone makes expressions (horny bar) with that peach, Dirty Monkey will be noticed about those changes too, with the reasons. The 'goal Peach' I want in this game is using lineart curves like below. We can fantasize more about our Peach if she's like the comics and the well known peach people loves ;)

So I was thinking... Ivan is a really open minded person and he would certainly agree to add your Peach's design at least as a bonus feature!!! So once the player wins a certain achievement (yet to be defined) he would be able to change the DirtyMoney's Peach for yours!!! What do you think??? I know I would like that very MUCH!!! :mrgreen: So, I assemble all Peach's faces so you could have a reference if you agree doing it!

Peach's Faces.jpg

And you already have the first one!!!
Soloid's Peach!.jpg
Ooooh yeah! She is HOT!!! :D
Soloid's Peach!.jpg (26.89 KiB) Viewed 35328 times

:twisted: So... Here's my evil plan! Once you made the screens, you could post it at Ivan's page and ask: :twisted:

"Hey Ivan, what do you think of these as a second option of Peach's horny faces? They could be a bonus for an in-game achievement!"

And of course he will agree!!! :mrgreen: The cool thing is that since your design is away hottier then the standard one, they're perfect bonus for the game!! Everyone will want to get this achievement!!!

Re: MiM : Soloid's stuff

PostPosted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 11:01 am
by -Soloid-
@yurinicolau : hey there! Thank you for your interest! It's a real pleasure to have this kind of feedback! Thanks again :)
About the horny bar, thanks for your screenshots, I was planning to make it just after finishing the full body Peach.
Then, about your idea of achievement, I think it sounds fun :) BUT! I made this topic just for the pleasure to draw our Peach my way. More, it's my tribute to MIM. I don't want to replace what TheDirtyMonkey did, so I proposed Ivanaedler to pick here what he wants. But, I'm planning to remake the whole game, including all backgrounds & props.
It would be awesome to have à game with my stuff but I can't force anyone to make it ^^
As you suggested, if he wants, ivan could make à sort of "mod" for his MIM, but I'm affraid it will make the game very big :/
I'll detail my point of view later, I'm writing on my phone and it's kinda hard :D


PostPosted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 4:29 pm
by yurinicolau
Actually man, I have some inside information that wasn't posted at Ivan's page yet! :mrgreen: Ivan is a friend of mine and we always talk about his game, about the new directives it's taking and all that stuff... So a few mouths ago I came up with the idea of achievements for certain actions in the game, to encourage players to focus not only on going to the next stage, but to actually discover every possibility that the game can offer! You must be asking yourself "but what inside information is that that he is talking about?". Well...
Inside information
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

One of that bonus achievements will be more Peach personas!!! :mrgreen: (Hell yeah!!!)

Right now there is Fire Peach and Peach Comic (it's how we nicknamed her), thata re not bonus feature, but there will be at least two more...
Here's a taste:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Peach Castle Design.jpg
Still work in progress!
Peach Castle Design.jpg (30 KiB) Viewed 31149 times

So, inicially we where thinking in having three Peach's, the main one and the two more that would be adquired by achievements in the game... One was "Peach Castle" (that one that I'm currently doing) and the other one would be a more mature Peach, similar to Tifa (using the Tifa's mouths that I had converted)... But then, I saw your Peach's design, and she is PERFECT!!! :o So if you agree doing her persona to Ivan's game he will certainly add her as a bonus character! I'm very sure of that!!! Just make sure of using the pen tool and do the same amount of body parts as the current Peach has and it will be very easy to implement your AWESOME Peach in Ivan's game!!! :D

Now that you know, it's up to you man!!! You may not have to wait your own game to e ready to see your hot Peach in action! ;)

Re: MiM : Soloid's stuff

PostPosted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 10:53 am
by -Soloid-
Oh, I see.
I'm ok with it ;)

Re: MiM : Soloid's stuff

PostPosted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 1:11 pm
by -Soloid-
Here is some changes on the feet.
Thanks again, yurinicolau!

Re: MiM : Soloid's stuff

PostPosted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 5:50 pm
by -Soloid-
And there is the Tanooki Suite.

Re: MiM : Soloid's stuff

PostPosted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 6:02 pm
by BobbyGecko
Soloid, I really like your art, the Tanuki suit is gorgeous, the furry-like style is great.
But I have to ask you something: isn't she supposed to have 5 toes?
She only have four and on her right feet it's a bit odd, not that much though
I have read again the topic, to see if this question has already been posted, but I didn't find anything, it's maybe due to my bad english...

Re: MiM : Soloid's stuff

PostPosted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 6:08 pm
by -Soloid-
BobbyGecko Wrote:Hi,
Soloid, I really like your art, the Tanuki suit is gorgeous, the furry-like style is great.
But I have to ask you something: isn't she supposed to have 5 toes?
She only have four and on her right feet it's a bit odd, not that much though
I have read again the topic, to see if this question has already been posted, but I didn't find anything, it's maybe due to my bad english...

You"re right, there is only 4 toes shown. But it's due to her position. Her thumb is behind her body, so she can stand like this, and we don't see it.

Re: MiM : Soloid's stuff

PostPosted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 7:29 pm
by BobbyGecko
toe.png (4.22 KiB) Viewed 29081 times

Sorry, I think my english is kinda old, but I was talking about her feet not her hand.
She just seems to have 4 thumbs, the big one and the three next.