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Ashley's School Days CYOA Game

PostPosted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 3:33 pm
by DnaTNW
Hi my Names DnaTNW and this is my new project i am developing Ashley's School Days, this game is a CYOA game created using the DreamPath composer Engine.

The Game Focuses on you transfering into a new school which happens due to different things depending on which background you select , the game features so far the backgrounds , and a small demo with multiple path's that ends when the player reaches their school bedroom.

Here is a link to the mediafire download: [link=][/link]

The Game features a few scenes so far including:

A scene with multiple endings with a jock.
A scene with multiple endings and multiple versions with a security guard.
Two Different versions of a scene with the school gang with multiple endings in each version.

To play the game you need to go download DreamPath Storyteller.

Let me know what you guys think and let m kno if any of you have suggestions on things to add E.G. : Fetish scenes , will not do scat or vore or let me know if anyone has any idea's for the story or has anything they would like changed , however if you wish for something to be changed plase give a valid reason on why other than you dislike it, and remember this just a demo.

Re: Ashley's School Days CYOA Game

PostPosted: Sat Oct 20, 2012 6:14 am
by xeragoth
cant download archive non validated

Re: Ashley's School Days CYOA Game

PostPosted: Sat Oct 20, 2012 9:15 am
by DnaTNW
Sorry about the link guys i forgot validate my mediafire account XD , Right anyways the link works ow guys so go ahead and downlod the demo and tel me what you think.

Re: Ashley's School Days CYOA Game

PostPosted: Sat Oct 20, 2012 2:16 pm
by scubasdf
That was a fun read, I am excited to see more of it! I found some typos, I don't mean any offense, I just like to give a hand on correcting errors.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Slut: Sex with guard first page, "you can tell the guard has had sex in a long time" should be "has not had". Guard coming inside you, second paragraph second line "your" should be "you're" and "arnt" should be "aren't". Commas in third paragraph before "however" and after "slut".

Nerd: Let boys gang you "take your hands sand place them on their cock " Need to drop the s to make it "and", and make "cock" "cocks". Second page, "the members all cry out that their cumming" should be "they're" and then "extremely exited" should be "excited" then "into your mouth witch you" is "which". You typed "minuet" too fast instead of "minute", and "burry's" should be "buries" and lastly "otherised" should be "authorized"
resist the gang, "just fucks your roughly" change "your" to "you". second paragraph, "your clothes of the floor" should be "to the floor". "and leavs with his gang" "leaves"

bully: gang intro, "behind a building an dunder a fence" "and under". last paragraph, "they dont seem that stong" "they don't seem that strong". "hands sand" again.
Take out leader plan: "let them think their getting" "they're", "dont care as your going" should be "you're". "find a wooden brach" "branch". "gang with knocking them all out." drop the "with".
Beat the shit out of them now: comma misplaced between two "you"s. "before strugging out" "struggling", "and break free" to "breaking". Simple typo on "spititng"

Re: Ashley's School Days CYOA Game

PostPosted: Sat Oct 20, 2012 8:14 pm
by dercas
Here's a link to the program for CNET ... 75080.html

Re: Ashley's School Days CYOA Game

PostPosted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 4:45 am
by ColonelSanders
Keep up the good work. Right now there's not enough "regular" sex for me to suggest any specific fetishes though. Love your writing style, no large blocks of text, easily read, clear descriptions.

Re: Ashley's School Days CYOA Game

PostPosted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 10:30 am
by DnaTNW
Thanks for the heads up on the corrections scubasdf, im no too good with my spelling as you can tell :3 , that and also my keyboard is rather crap. I would'nt mind if in future releases if you spot any more corrections that you spot them out for me so readers can have a more enjoyable read/play. Thanks for your help :3.

Re: Ashley's School Days CYOA Game

PostPosted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 7:39 pm
by 4access69
You mgiht have issues with composer later on if you decide on a more complex interactions.

I tried to make a battle system where you lose clothes as you lose health until you end up naked and then when your hp goes to 0 you get raped but I couldn't do it because conditionals are severely limited.

It is ok for really simple stuff though.

Re: Ashley's School Days CYOA Game

PostPosted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 6:33 pm
by Ghadaro
Its actually very simple 4access when you get used to working within the system. My usage is as a transformation system and has a lot of tied in variables so rather than bringing that out I'll explain how to set up a clothing removal system on the end of combat.

It requires 1 variable, 4 items and 6 pages

Initial setup
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

First off you need a variable lets call it clothes. Set the value to 4
Next create 4 items for clothes for example: Blouse, Skirt, Bra, Knickers.
Remember this is only to do clothing for the character. (If you want to include a stripping system for your opponent like shield high for example you'll need a variable for opponents clothes and pages for the opponent strip scenes.)
With the variable and items ready I'm going to use pages 101-106 but just change the numbers to what you need
If you have a combat system setup already you need to set the player defeat page to go to page 101
Also don't forget that before combat begins you need to make sure player and opponent have the correct items and variables.

The first page works out what you are wearing
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

For page 101 we will create a Branching path with only 1 open route.
Create a rulepath for the first defeat. Destination 102 and make sure the hidden box is ticked. choose the clothing variable and set the value at the bottom right to 4.
Create a second with 103 and clothing value 3. again make sure its marked as hidden.
Do the same for each layer of clothing and make sure all are marked as hidden so:
destination 104, clothing 2
destination 105, clothing 1
destination 106, clothing 0
What this does is checks the clothing variable to see how much you are wearing allowing you to check the entire outfit with 1 number

Following pages are the strip scenes
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

In the previous page we set the paths to appear by the clothes variable so now we need to make sure each scene sets the variable accordingly.
For page 102 we lose our blouse. before writing in the scene it would be an idea to get the technical side set up. First we need to "set item" and take blouse.
We also need to set variable and set clothes to 3 otherwise we're going to create an infinite loop.
Lastly we need a standard path leading back to the combat. If you use HP you can also use this page to set the HP values if you need to
For page 103 we lose the skirt so again "set item" - take skirt
We have 1 less item of clothing so set the variable clothes to 2
page 104 take bra and set clothes to 1
page 105 take knickers and set clothes to 0
remember to loop each page back to the combat and set any combat values like HP that need resetting.

Once all clothes are removed it will go to page 106 the defeat scene or in this case the loser sex scene. In this page remember to set clothes variable back to 4 and return any clothing items the player puts back on

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Some things can cause complications. Lets say you lose a fight and the winner keeps your knickers.
If you set clothes to 4 it thinks you have 4 items of clothing but if you set it to 3 it thinks you have everything except for the blouse.
A simple way around this would be to have a rulepath on each strip scene instead of regular path. on the blouse page have the path check for a skirt in the inventory. The skirt page check for a bra and the bra page check for the knickers. This time you wouldn't want the hidden box ticked but to have the destination go back to the combat and the failed destination go to a new page with a comment about the missing garment and a further variable reduction.
While that works with 1 clothing item missing you would still need to use further variables if you allowed multiple items of clothing to be kept as trophies

Re: Ashley's School Days CYOA Game

PostPosted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 1:35 am
by crmsn7
whats happening with this game?????

Re: Ashley's School Days CYOA Game

PostPosted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 9:20 am
by Zeus Kabob
Topic inactive for 6 months before re-activation. Locking topic.

DNATNW, if you return to the forums, please send me a message and I will unlock the topic as soon as possible.