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Bowser's World Alpha 2.3 (Warnings? Yes! All of them!)

PostPosted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 12:54 am
by BulmaSSJ4
Bowser's World Alpha 2.3 is up.

Quick Updates:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

2.1:Fixed some tiny issues that were not supposed to be in the second alpha, and added w,a,s,d movement.
2.2:More tiny fixes, wasd movement works better, better performance, added a new secret, happy easter egg hunt :3
2.3:Again more tiny fixes, added "instructions", more optimizing, fixed death a bit, and there is more to see when you find the easteregg now ^^


(Again no "real" porn inside, sorry. I am still trying around with animations, and you can see the first "tests" ingame)

Please leave a comment about what you like and dislike, and what you would like to see here in the future.
Do you enjoy stomping enemys and jumping passages? Do you like the idea of fighting harder enemys?
How often do you die? Do you die at all? Do you get "unfair hits" too often?
Does the game lag a lot for you? Even when you put quality to medium and have none fullscreen?
What other worlds would you like to see? More Mario worlds? Some other Nintendo stuff? Something completely non Nintendo?
What do you think about the animation of the vixen, and the design of the toadgirls? Are they very horrible?
I dont know, sometimes i look at hentai, and its just totally wrong and everything is off... but it still looks good... :P

For the Story that i wanna tell so far (think i wrote that somewhere else already):
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Basically Mario is on a vaciation, far away from Mushroom Kingdom, when Princess Peach once again needs his help.
Peach has recieved various letters and messages from befriended Kingdoms. Some letters were talking and warning her
about something "evil" spreading over their Kingdoms, other letters were not making any sense at all.
After some failed tries of contacting the the other Kingdoms, Peach decided to send Mario to investigate.
Sending Mario out to help the other Kingdoms, she realizes too late, that she might be the one in the greatest danger...
(Lots and lots of story already exists in my head, but again i want your opinion, to decide in wich direction i will push the story)

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

(forgot to delete that 3 coins you see in the beginning, just dont mind them :P)
(stuff below a certain layer is a tiny bit darker then stuff above it because i forgot to change something before uploading :P)

Besides the main level, wich is basically the level select screen, you can enter:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

1-1: Empty, just shows off how local fade works and that it is still bugged when you press down too much...
1-2: Empty, just shows an unfinished enemy
The toadhouses: Mostly done, but atm they just show off how chests and dialog works. Kinda like with the fades, there is only 1 object and i can
decide whats inside and where it teleports you, with variables... i love this dyniamic item stuff :P
For the dialog part, you have to press down to talk to someone, and then you can click the text.
Spades: I think i left that thing unblocked, but when you enter, you are pretty much stuck. Totaly unfinished room.
Castle: The End...

Stuff that i "reveal" because people figured it out:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Malnap: Figured out that you can pick up the "star bits" with your mouse cursor.
(This is what was possible since the first alpha, i mentioned that you can do a certain "something" there.)
AbyssDragon: Figured out that you can also shoot the "star bits" with the left mouse button.
Yea, i am having a little fun with that, there is allways something you can do in the games, that is not quite obvious.
Those "secrets" will be posted here when someone discovers them :P

Click to Play
(Javascript Required)

Bowsers World Alpha 2.3.swf [ 2.16 MiB | Viewed 79345 times ]

Re: Bowser's World (Warnings? Yes! All of them!)

PostPosted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 7:45 am
by WastedSpace
Glad to see someone's working with the new bowser's castle! The code needs some work (and organization!) but it has a lot of potential.

A heads-up: unloadMovie() is only for external swf movies loaded into your movie. You would want removeMovieClip(), but that only works if the movieclip was created dynamically at runtime. If you're following Playshapes' level design, and placing the Goombas/coins on the stage in Flash, then you can't use it.

Re: Bowser's World (Warnings? Yes! All of them!)

PostPosted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 10:44 am
by BlueBody
Ditto, I'm eager to see any new spin-offs of Playshapes' new work; I'm sure your results will awesome! (regardless of sick depravity warnings! lol)

Re: Bowser's World (Warnings? Yes! All of them!)

PostPosted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 11:49 am
by BulmaSSJ4
Thanks for the replies,

and thanks for your concern Wasted, but that unload command seems to work perfectly.
Everytime you enter a frame, a script checks wich coins you already got, and deletes them :3

But i am having a huge problem with the Goombas in combination with my slow CS.
I moved some source code away from a movieclip, that has 6 keyframes, with 6 times the code inside the same object.
moving the code changes almost nothing, i just had to change the (this) to (this.Goomb) or something like that.
BUT now, inside that movieclip, everytime a keyframe is reached, it resets the moviclip inside THIS movieclip to frame1, wich makes the goomba respawn...

So, i THINK that the movieclip gets splitted up into 6 clips, wich all start at frame1 when their frame is played, IF you change anything on the
clip or code AFTER transforming it into a tween, but i can only guess now, because trying takes so looooooong :P

If the goombas keep driving me insane, i will just leave them either out, or bugged, depending on how insane i am at that point.
Either way i think i will do some more graphic stuff soon, and then upload something for you to look at.
There wont be any real original graphics on the characters yet, because, like i already said, my flash is slow while handling this file,
even tough my pc is pretty fast, and when every tiny stroke or undo takes 20 seconds after you made 50 strokes... thats horrible.

Re: Bowser's World (Warnings? Yes! All of them!)

PostPosted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 6:19 pm
by Slayer_J
Great!!! You have my full support.

Can't wait to see what you got in store for us :D .

Re: Bowser's World (Warnings? Yes! All of them!)

PostPosted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 7:52 pm
by ChronoXShadow
See if you can get rid of some of the background garble. Even on my nearly up-to-date pc(4 gigs of ram, Radeon HD580, freshly wiped), the MiM, Bowser's Castle, and New Bowser's Castle still run pretty choppy.

Re: Bowser's World (Warnings? Yes! All of them!)

PostPosted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 5:17 am
by WastedSpace
BulmaSSJ4 Wrote:and thanks for your concern Wasted, but that unload command seems to work perfectly.
Everytime you enter a frame, a script checks wich coins you already got, and deletes them :3

Oh wow, you're right! That makes things so much simpler!

BulmaSSJ4 Wrote:But i am having a huge problem with the Goombas in combination with my slow CS.
I moved some source code away from a movieclip, that has 6 keyframes, with 6 times the code inside the same object.
moving the code changes almost nothing, i just had to change the (this) to (this.Goomb) or something like that.
BUT now, inside that movieclip, everytime a keyframe is reached, it resets the moviclip inside THIS movieclip to frame1, wich makes the goomba respawn...

So, i THINK that the movieclip gets splitted up into 6 clips, wich all start at frame1 when their frame is played, IF you change anything on the
clip or code AFTER transforming it into a tween, but i can only guess now, because trying takes so looooooong :P

I've been looking at the Goombas trying to figure out where they do damage, but haven't had any luck. Playshapes has code on so many levels/frames, it makes my head want to explode! The guy makes great games, but I can't help but feel like this is some kind of cruel joke D:

BulmaSSJ4 Wrote:If the goombas keep driving me insane, i will just leave them either out, or bugged, depending on how insane i am at that point.
Either way i think i will do some more graphic stuff soon, and then upload something for you to look at.
There wont be any real original graphics on the characters yet, because, like i already said, my flash is slow while handling this file,
even tough my pc is pretty fast, and when every tiny stroke or undo takes 20 seconds after you made 50 strokes... thats horrible.

Try going to View -> Preview Mode and set it to "Fast". That might help a little.

Re: Bowser's World (Warnings? Yes! All of them!)

PostPosted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 6:31 am
by WastedSpace
Aha, I figured it out! Just in case you need to know:
The Goomba sets the _root.Invulnerable variable to true when it touches the player's HitArea. Then, the "Invulnerable Time" movieclip (it's the yellow block above the hud on the stage) checks that and moves to frame 3, which then subtracts one from _root.hearts. Finally, the hearts on the HUD show/hide themselves depending on how many hearts there are.

Re: Bowser's World (Warnings? Yes! All of them!)

PostPosted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 7:44 am
by BulmaSSJ4
I pretty much fixed everything on the goombas.
Sometimes the answer is so simple...
I just had to stop the walking movie, so the movie inside that, doesnt get set back to frame1...

Both goombas and coins work like they are supposed to,
but that doesnt mean i wont improve them somewhere in the future.

If you guys are playing around with the goombas,
the damage is that invulnurable thing.
That little yellow box gets played when your body touches a goomba,
before your feet do, and hurts you on frame 3 i think.
I am at work right now, so i cant check... or spell good :-P

I think i searched for that preview thing once, but failed.
Gotta check that again when i am home.
BTW i started deleting things that i think i dont need, and stuff already works a bit faster.

Re: Bowser's World (Warnings? Yes! All of them!)

PostPosted: Sun Aug 05, 2012 7:19 am
by BulmaSSJ4
First of all, sorry for the delay, and sorry again, but not counting the Title screen, there is no porn in here yet :(
But, well, this is my first level, and everytime i start working on it, i get sidetracked by something like the Goombas and Coins, or something else...

The known bugs are:
- Jumping near the lower left pipe can be a little glitchy because of the low ceiling. I hope i can make "releasing space", "stop your jump" in the future.
- Little graphic flaw on the floor right next to the yellow shroom.
- Coin and Star... (whats it called in english? Star part?) counter pretty much just show garbage since the boxes are too small.
- When you get back to the title screen, the game is fucked, restart it. Its lots of work to put a script together,
that just resets all coins and goombas, if they dont want to work dynamlically as i want :P
- Just while typing HERE i heard a "only 100 seconds left" sound. Where did that come from? :shock: lol
- I think the 100 seconds are up and now i heard a moan, lol...

I didnt fix those, because this is a version where i deleted everything that is not needed, to make it small, fixing it here would do nothing on the real project.

Now i want your opinions!

What would you guys like to see behind the pipes?
Whole stages? Puzzles? Other minigames? Something else?

What do you think about games like this, being difficult?
At the moment i am trying to make it somewhat challanging to progress, but death wont take too much away from you.

What characters or monsters / enemys would you like to see?
When you look at those old Mario games, there are lots of things that can turn... kinky :3

Again, thanks for your comments, and thanks for playing!
If you did those things, that is... :P

For my next version i plann to add some animations and graphics, wich i already said, would be in this version.
And hopefully have some more ideas for whats going on behind those pipes, inside the houses and stuff like that.
(a few of those mini levels (the mini mini levels) are already almost done, but theye were just too tiny and emberassing to show off, lol ^^)

Re: Bowser's World (Warnings? Yes! All of them!)

PostPosted: Sun Aug 05, 2012 9:21 pm
by OwnerOfSuccuby
Good work ! A little lags but it does not metter. And a little ... jump is to low i think that if he will jump a little higer it will be more comfortable to play - but may be i am wrong.

But it is really good i think.

Re: Bowser's World (Warnings? Yes! All of them!)

PostPosted: Sun Aug 05, 2012 9:38 pm
by daxtinator396
If the jump was higher it would make it a little easier but I had no trouble with it I think it looks great!

Re: Bowser's World (Warnings? Yes! All of them!)

PostPosted: Sun Aug 05, 2012 10:09 pm
by RockSora2
Can't wait to see how this turns out!
If you jump at the tree by the last pipe you can walk along it and there is a pipe which takes you back to the start menu.

Re: Bowser's World (Warnings? Yes! All of them!)

PostPosted: Sun Aug 05, 2012 10:11 pm
by BulmaSSJ4
I will try around with the jumping a little more.
But the big problem is, that when you hit a ceiling, it can rocket you through it.
If you hit a ceiling after hitting a ceiling... you might break the universe...
There is that function, that checks if your feet hit a Goomba before your body does.
I think i can copypasta that, and make a script that checks if you hit the roof.
I will do that in combination with, making "release space" "stop jumping".
So, when you hit a ceiling or release space, your char goes down again.

And the other big problem i have, i cant get those dynamic movieclips to work...
EVERY page tells me that this should work

on (press)
newMush = _root.attachMovie('myMush','newMush1',1);
newMush._x = 100;
newMush._y = 100;

I tried putting /removing _root infront of certain things, i tried this var newMush:movieClip thing,i tried the layer variable thing with 1,10,100 and 1000...
Of course i checked that 2 checkboxes for "Export for AS" and "Export in frame 1" and set the identifier to myMush.

All i want is, when something gets clicked, a movieclip gets played on the highest layer... :(
On every website its a little bit different, and nothing works :/
If anyone is a pro, here is a tiny project, wich is supposed to work, but doesnt, please fix it ^^

Edit: Problem solved, file deleted.

Re: Bowser's World (Warnings? Yes! All of them!)

PostPosted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 12:15 am
by Slayer_J
Really good job by now man.

Just take your time nice and easy and do as you like, I'm sure no matter what it will please the majority of the people with your job.

BulmaSSJ4 Wrote:Now i want your opinions!

What would you guys like to see behind the pipes?
Whole stages? Puzzles? Other minigames? Something else?

It depends, I would say whole stages, but if it's different pipes thrown in like a mario game, I would say an extention of the stage. And dunno about puzzles, unless it's to make a really challenging one with a juicy reward (read: sex scene). But you do as you like, never make a game completely made of other people opinions, make YOUR IDEAS come to life first, then take advice and inspiration from others.

BulmaSSJ4 Wrote:What do you think about games like this, being difficult?
At the moment i am trying to make it somewhat challanging to progress, but death wont take too much away from you.

Mario? difficult? Oh please... unless your talking about the nintendo difficulty or the lost stages, I can't never take a mario game as a difficult game. And again, you do as you like, maybe make it start real easy, then throw the challenges at the end; you know, like any other game...

BulmaSSJ4 Wrote:What characters or monsters / enemys would you like to see?
When you look at those old Mario games, there are lots of things that can turn... kinky :3

Just the usual enemies that have always appeared. I'll let to you this one (so you can surprise us lol), cuz it's your decision which will be appearing first.

Can't wait for the next update man. Keep up the good work!

Re: Bowser's World (Warnings? Yes! All of them!)

PostPosted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 1:43 am
by Lurker69
I have been lurking in this forum for i don't know how long, but only now have i been drawn to create an account and contribute. (read: express my fairy fetish aroused in playshapes flash dump)

I have been waiting for someone to do something with bowsers castle for SO LONG. Specifically the fairies. I have made an account on this site, simply and purely to express my desire to see more fairie action on this project. And most likely other projects. BUT- that wouldn't go down well, so here's something more constructive :D (read: a long boring rant about my desires highlighting my inability to produce anything viable on my own thus shoving all my dreams onto your lap)

Behind the pipes? I'm torn between a nice open-worldy environment like in playshapes preview or for small detailed and THEMED areas. Like a fairie's forest behind one, a mermaids cove under another with themed challenges and activities. Zelda and krystal would fit quite nicely in said forest. With Fairies. Glowing, horny fairies.
"Go find me some special mushrooms for my soup" *comes back with aphrodesiac shrooms* "OH MARIO TAKE ME -ALSGHALDSFGH-"
(50 shades of grey in a nutshell btw) Oh hey there's an idea.

The choice to be good guy mario and do things the right way (get nice rewards* ;D (**GET SEDUCED))
Or be local neighourhood horny harry and do things the morally inept but penile adept way (TAKE the nice rewards anyway >;D )
Of course the temptation to be evil would be outright overpowering. which is where i would introduce the difficulty. More intense sex scenes with outlandish results should = more difficulty to acquire in my opinion.

Difficulty is fine as long as the player is provided with the correct incentives and a decent reward (sex scenes( or the means with which to aquire a path to said sex scene))

What monsters characters enemies etc would i like to see? FAIRIES FAIRIES FAIRIES FAIRIESFAIRIES FAIRIES FAIRIES FAIRIES-

I liked most of the cast i saw in the preview, i think the variety and the twist should be in how the vast variety of characters present can INTERACT with each other, rather then feeling so seperated. Koopa troopa's and goomba's pairing up with krystal and FAIRIES for interactions and... Other things. Bomb-ombs and Chain chomps pairing up with samus, peach, navi, the interaccial- oh whoops- interactions are endless!

Oooh, chain chomps... there's some un-touched holy ground to exploit.. ...FAIRIES. AND CHAIN CHOMPS. DO IT. BE MY MESSIAH.

So um yeah. I am here if you require inspiration and random ramblings. Please feel free to call upon moi. You will not find anyone more skilled at spouting un-fathomable atrocities and spewing ideals and opinions no one cares for :3

Re: Bowser's World (Warnings? Yes! All of them!)

PostPosted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 3:14 am
by omp123
This is pretty cool and you're doing a good job, but I gotta bust your balls on this; the vagina angle in the start menu makes no sense. She has a front-vagina. They don't work like that.

Re: Bowser's World (Warnings? Yes! All of them!)

PostPosted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 4:42 am
by OwnerOfSuccuby
I will try around with the jumping a little more.
But the big problem is, that when you hit a ceiling, it can rocket you through it.
If you hit a ceiling after hitting a ceiling... you might break the universe...
There is that function, that checks if your feet hit a Goomba before your body does.
I think i can copypasta that, and make a script that checks if you hit the roof.
I will do that in combination with, making "release space" "stop jumping".
So, when you hit a ceiling or release space, your char goes down again.

And the other big problem i have, i cant get those dynamic movieclips to work...
EVERY page tells me that this should work

on (press)
newMush = _root.attachMovie('myMush','newMush1',1);
newMush._x = 100;
newMush._y = 100;

I tried putting /removing _root infront of certain things, i tried this var newMush:movieClip thing,i tried the layer variable thing with 1,10,100 and 1000...
Of course i checked that 2 checkboxes for "Export for AS" and "Export in frame 1" and set the identifier to myMush.

All i want is, when something gets clicked, a movieclip gets played on the highest layer... :(
On every website its a little bit different, and nothing works :/
If anyone is a pro, here is a tiny project, wich is supposed to work, but doesnt, please fix it ^^

what the.fla
(20.29 KiB) Downloaded 3 times

Just as idea - look this - may be find some good solution in it. When you hit something you can make an invisible zone and check do you hit it - instead of checking real object hit. This zone have to be > than your characters speed in that moment. It is a very simple example. And it have double jump option that can be remade to some thing - but i thing it is good example.

D - jump / Arrows to move

AS2 some times has problem with dinamic objects - but it is always possible to make them static. I will think about dinamic problem - and may be wright some thing after 8 hours - have to go to work now :roll: :cry:

Re: Bowser's World (Warnings? Yes! All of them!)

PostPosted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 6:03 am
by BulmaSSJ4
"She has a front-vagina. They don't work like that"
Yea, it kinda looks messed up. Thats because i tried to create a certain perspective, and the objects are not 3d, so i cant just change it into a front view.
But i just did that intro in a few minutes for fun anyways, i think there are parts for a little front view vag somewhere in this library, but that are lots of tiny parts, lol ^^
(I hope at least someone gets that perspective joke. Its nothing big but i tought it was kinda funny :P

I think i said that already in another post that is waiting for approval, but im not sure.
The creation of the dynamic movies is solved... WHY U NO WERK... WHY U SUDDENLY WERK NAO???
Nobody knows, nobody cares, i can make goombas spawn coins, and they get picked up when mario touches them, that is PERFECT!
(If anyone of you has problems with it, you might have to reload, or at least save your project, but that could just be my version wich is bugged...)

For the jumping...
That demo looks great, that is pretty much what i need, ill take a look at your code when im doing that part.

So, in short:
The dynamic MovieClips work...
The jumping should work when i try to fix it...
The animations are so easy with Playshapes... shapes...

Everything seems to be working great, and i hope i can show you guys something new soon : 3

Re: Bowser's World (Warnings? Yes! All of them!)

PostPosted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 8:09 am
by WastedSpace
For some of the pipes, you could do a parody of the "line-up" minigame from SMB 3:

Just replace the item images with Mario "fan art"! :mrgreen:

Also, the only problem in the FLA you uploaded is that the origin of your mushroom movieclip is WAY off, so it's appearing off screen. That said, I would suggest something closer to this code:
Code: Select All Code
_root.attachMovie('myMush', 'newMush1', _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x: 100, _y:100});

You can set the _x and _y directly with an object in the forth argument. You should also be using getNextHighestDepth() to avoid overwriting existing movieclips (only one thing can exist at each depth value)

Also, for hitting ceilings, you can check their vertical velocity to decide if they're approaching it from above or below, and react accordingly. I'm guessing right now it just bumps them up 'x' pixels each frame until they aren't hitting anything anymore. Instead, if they're going down and hit a wall, bump them up. If they're going up, bump them down (and cancel out their vertical velocity so they start falling).