- Please tag your topics with any appropriate warnings for things like fetish content or sound. For example, "My New Flash Project [herm/sound]" means the topic will contain hermaphrodites and sounds.
- Please do not download and distribute anyone's content without permission.
- Make sure any submitted flashes have your username or the URL of this web-site on them, particularly on a preloader if you have one. This is so that if your work is copied to another site without permission then at least people will know where it came from!
- Please don't post the .fla source files for every version of your work, as they tend to be quite large! Instead you should replace already uploaded copies to save on space.
- Please do not post to topics asking only for updates or progress.
If you need to post particularly large files such as .fla files, then please consider hosting them off-site at one of the many file-hosting sites available these days, as they tend to give much better speeds. You can quickly upload a file using the widget below if you prefer, or use the direct link instead: