Hello everyone here is the next update to Discipline of Revenge. 11/20/2011
Change Log
-Added music to the game
-Deleted the church and replaced it with a market
-Extended the game with 7 more maps
-Added more dialog to NPCs and to the boss
Sorry no new H-scenes as of yet, but with a new larger town comes even more h-scenes.
I would appreciate any feed back both positive and critical.
An early Christmas present to you all the next update of Discipline of Revenge 12/24/2011
Change Log
-1 New city
-6 New h-scenes (2 in the old town, 4 in the new)
-Expanded 1 h-scenes
-2 New bosses
I would first like to welcome ChimeiKitune to the team as the new head writer. I look forward
to working with him some more in the future.
Right now I would like to advertise for an artist for designing and making art. If interested
then send me and email to
[email protected]I am aware there are a couple of glitches, but am not sure that I have found them all, if
you find any feel free to post them.
Update (12/26/)
-Fixed the glitch and will allow you to finish the King's mission, fyi he wont dissapear after you finish it.
-Fixed the text for the catgirl scene
Update (2/3/2012)
-Fixed most glitches
-Expanded some h-scenes
-Expanded story line
Update (2/21/2012)
-Extended story line
-Added 11 different maps
-Added 1 h-scene
Hello everyone thanks again for playing this game.
I am going to say that my writer has left this project
so I will need a new writer. If interested email a piece
of work to:
[email protected]I also am asking for an artist to help out with in game. I
could use a lot of help in the art aspect. Email me some
work at the same place as above.
For some help I would appreciate people posting the class they think they would like the most.
I would make a poll, but the only way to make one, that I know of, is to make a new thread.
The classes are:
Dark Knight
Update (2/27/2012)
Fixed the glitches that were pointed out by yillsemkcuf
Update (3/28/2012)
You can talk to the old man and finally learn the story line
Updated some of the h-scenes
=Girl at the festival
I would also like to welcome axmanjack as my new writer he is very talented and I look forward to working with him.
For the next update I plan to make it an artistic update. I'm going to begin to make some art for the game, using the
same program as Elysium and Despair Labyrinth. Also axmanjack is going to help out and make some more h-scenes,
including some scenes when you lose a battle. Finally I think I'm going to start to turn to KITAmaru's way of losing, you
lose, get raped, and then come back with 1 HP. I hope everyone enjoys the new update and if anyone has any reservations
about my future ideas please feel free and say so. Also the story is a little cliche, but I promise to make it good.
Thanks again to everyone who is enjoying the game.
Update (6/20/2012)
Hey everyone I guess that it's been a while. Here's the next update, I know that it might not be all that large, but it's the
mark of me getting back on track for the game. I guess that I might of lied on the previous update, partly because I found
out that I am absolutely terrible at the Three-D Custom Girl program soooooo yeah. Here's the update, expect more soon
and enjoy.
-Changed the skulls into slimes. (Makes a scene easier)
-Added a new character and a new area.
-A new town will be coming in the next update.
-Two boss fights so good luck.
Finally I would appreciate it if a couple of people post their level of Rowan, so I can have a sort of reference to make
enemies more balanced to the characters. Finally it would also be helpful if I could know your playtime as well, more
reference for me.
Fix (6/23/2012)
I know that it's a bit later then some people may have expected, but here's the fix for the previous update.
I also added a few new things so here they are.
-Flushed the town out a bit more.
-Added another easter egg type area.
Update (7/31/2012)
-Finished the town (Sorry not the brothel sue me)
-Finished the forest and a dungeon.
-Have added 2 1/2 ish bosses
This update is just some mapping and adding some story plot. I'll throw is some written work once I have it.
Also I kind have to apologize since I was planning to update the game around a week and a half ago, but kinda
ran off to Mexico with out finishing. So here's the update everyone.
Update (10/30/2012)
-Two new towns
-4 Bosses
-3 new H-scenes (need writer)
Thanks for everyone's support. I'm back from my hiatus and I hope that everyone will enjoy this next update.
I plan to work for a while, and I'm hoping, and believe, that I should be able to finish the game by then end
of the year. Next I do have an idea in the works for a next project, I am hoping that I will be able to get an
artist for the next project, since it's going to be a ..........wait for it............visual novel. Finally I hope I
can get a a writer just for a couple more scenes. If anyone wants of those two jobs send me an email at
[email protected]Update (1/10/2013)
Happy New Year everyone. Here's the new update on the game, this should be the 3rd to last update, if all goes
to plan.........Yeah. Also sorry for the time that this took. The next update might be quick and will get you to
the final boss....still looking for writers, and without an artist I just might make my next game in VX Ace.
Umm there really is not much more to say so peace out all. I'll throw out that the last update will be the
after the final boss boss. You know that every RPG has to have one of those..........Yeah not much more
to say ummm peace out and have fun.
-New stuff
-A couple of scenes
-A couple of bosses
Update (1/12/2013)
-Fixed the mansion glitch, so you can get through.
Update (2/25/2013)
-Finished the game!!!!
-Added a bunch of stuff.
-Added some, after the final boss stuff.
Later all and have fun. When you do find the "after the final boss stuff."
Please don't post much about it. Just be vague, and tell me if it's
interesting or not. Peace all and once again have fun.
Update (2/26/2013)
-Fixed port glitch.
Update (3/10/2013)
-You should be able to get to the end now.