Thanks for the looksies and replies guys
Firstly to Bluelight: Thanks for taking the time to even try playing when you first thought it was just a ripped set of anims placed in diff places hehe. Its by no means a finished game and not even a game as it is, more a test platform, seeing if i can get things working right. When i DO eventually get to making a game its gonna be more than click watch anims i hope.
I been just reverse engineering the code, so before i could make my own anim i needed to know how one worked in relation to placement within the scene, hence the ripped anim of the threesum. So far its just a set of "look what i did done" scenes haha. Id love for you to keep commenting, I wont be putting out updates on the tiniest thing i learn, that'll be tedious but i will probably put out on difficulties im having or new anims i create. Ok eventually there will probably be some ripped animations within the finished game itself, mainly because some of them I kinda like and i produce what i like seeing, generally
As long as what you say is helpful to me, i really dont mind it being said at all.
To KaTsuO_O: It truely has only been 2-3 days of playing with flashmaker, 2-3 LONG days ill admit. Nether-the-less, the codeing is familiar, its very similar to code from a game or social platform or whatever you wanna call it, that i have been playing and scripting in, so I just need to familiarise myself with it's functions and such in flash, do some reverse engineering and im good. The list of things you gave me to fix is a good one. I have to work out a better way, or more efficient way to change the eye mid animation (i didnt find the zoom tool till halfway done *facepalm*) the rest, i can certainly work on to get the quality that does the series (and forum) justice. So thanks for pointing those out to me. As for cum.. welllll who doesnt like a good quality sticky mess?
well i DO need to work on it, i wasnt totally happy with it, but it was a first attempt at drawing in frames. Also thanks for the tutorial link, i think i saw it in here before, but at that stage it was a bit too far up the road for me, but ill be checking that out now, we all love nice bouncy boobs eh?
I do like the other character animations, but i just think Krystal is just super cute for some reason, also, there was a downloadable adobe file with her anims in for me to open up and study, which helped. Eventually ill make my own characters - beasties - probably, or use people's who say its ok to. Id also like to animate princess Peach too. Again all things that will come in time. For now, the cute fluffy Krystal is making me smile :p
Thanks guys for all your replies