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Re: Interface Design and Buttons

Postby kuja » Thu Jun 17, 2010 5:01 pm

Well, first, i havent based on the Avatar movie. 2 be honest i didnt see the movie yet. These outifit is based in the real brazilian indians. Usually the daughter of the chief/cacique uses feathers and is covered of other accessories like that.
For now on, she's only the chief/cacique's daughter. I havent researched female war outfit yet. I mean; Brazilian female indians do not goes 2 wars. Males do ALL the work. So i must mix one or two more cultures 2 make them warriors. All i know, is lot of tribes n cultures(principally some tribals) do not use any kind of armor(some cultures dont even use leather). Some of them fight naked(lol).

I agree with those who says usually' womens ar faster n flexible, and mens with strengh n vitality(in certain cases...some exceptions). But also, we must remember we ar creating a fastasy world here. We can take all our knowledge and use it as a logic, and our creativity 2 enhance n improve the created content.

As u guys can see, the models i created ar out of armors. I only maked some leather outfit. Ill still researching for some outfit i can use. Also, we can think together, and, if everybody agree, we can set a fantasy outfit 2 them..

And, if in LOK's 0.3v its possible 2 purchase any equipment, and equip it, we can create various types and let the players choose what will and what will not be good at your character. Independent of the culture. I dunno. What im trying 2 mean here is; we must be creative, get out of reality a bit, because all games are made for us to do the unreal, have fun with what we can not normally do in the real life. Ofc(and like i already said) we must use all our real life knowledge as a logic.
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Re: Interface Design and Buttons

Postby kuja » Thu Jun 17, 2010 5:09 pm

Oh, and about the tail, they ar lizards. we cant compare them 2 canines or felines. They have a completely different bone structure. ;P
Now, for Krystal, we can use this logic very well.
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Re: Interface Design and Buttons

Postby guilmonex » Thu Jun 17, 2010 5:12 pm

kuja Wrote:And, if in LOK's 0.3v its possible 2 purchase any equipment, and equip it, we can create various types and let the players choose what will and what will not be good at your character. Independent of the culture. I dunno. What im trying 2 mean here is; we must be creative, get out of reality a bit, because all games are made for us to do the unreal, have fun with what we can not normally do in the real life. Ofc(and like i already said) we must use all our real life knowledge as a logic.

Yes, that is what we are doing here. "We must use ALL our real life knowledge AND CREATIVITIES as a logic".

Oh, the Avatar movie is great and their bows looks nice, but their outfits just...well, I personally think that is just above naked.
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Re: Interface Design and Buttons

Postby Wolf » Thu Jun 17, 2010 5:20 pm

I think leather and bone would be best for armor. With leather u can make the clothing very flexible and then u could use bone 2 give her a tougher look.
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Re: Interface Design and Buttons

Postby guilmonex » Thu Jun 17, 2010 5:22 pm

kuja Wrote:Oh, and about the tail, they ar lizards. we cant compare them 2 canines or felines. They have a completely different bone structure. ;P
Now, for Krystal, we can use this logic very well.

Forget about the bone structure, Liz and Krystal are both in a Anthropomorphic form here. Well that's not the main point.
I'm trying to say, not only face expression can show your emotion. You can notice one's emotion by watching their body postures, that is applied to all kinds of living beings.

Besides that, if her tail is like this, I'm afraid that she can't walk properly. :roll:
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Re: Interface Design and Buttons

Postby Wolf » Thu Jun 17, 2010 5:30 pm

guilmonex Wrote:Forget about the bone structure, Liz and Krystal are both in a Anthropomorphic form here. Well that's not the main point.
I'm trying to say, not only face expression can show your emotion. You can notice one's emotion by watching their body postures, that is applied to all kinds of living beings.

Thats true, some1 could keep a straight face but if u look at there body it could be telling u a different story. If ur gonna read some1 dont just pay attention to their face, pay attention 2 everything. Its the little things that give people away.
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Re: Interface Design and Buttons

Postby bobsen » Thu Jun 17, 2010 5:41 pm

guilmonex Wrote:If you mean a lizard girl could beat a lizard guy without resorting to anything beyond brute strength, you are totally misunderstood what is needed to be a warrior.

What I suggest is, go home and play some more games, you will get what I mean.

On the contrary, - that is exactly what I said :) You, on the other hand, might want to reread your own quote.

Play some more games? Because games are often realistic in the extreme, I know.

Regardless, by definition, a warrior is often one who is in the thick of the fighting, a place where lightly armored dudes usually don't belong, which is why they leave it to heavily armored ones.

Oh, and are you an expert on warriors? Don't pretend to lecture me with your vast knowledge of warfare.
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Re: Interface Design and Buttons

Postby DemonFiren » Thu Jun 17, 2010 5:43 pm

Now, now. Be nice kids, and try not to use anti-personnel irony unless neccessary.
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Re: Interface Design and Buttons

Postby Wolf » Thu Jun 17, 2010 6:09 pm

Yea this is getting off topic. I think its best just to stay with the lore on this 1. I mean u dont really c the Sharpclaw wearing plate armor and their suppose to be the real warriors.
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Re: Interface Design and Buttons

Postby Kalypso » Thu Jun 17, 2010 6:09 pm

I do find it interesting that you all of you perceive the Sharpclaw Female as a warrior instead of a servant or play-toy to the males of the tribe. The element of dominance isn't something I really think we want to give the Sharpclaw Seductress, as she is, even in her greatest of forms, of almost equal rank to a warrior, yet still not fit for fighting. I know many of you may address the Sharpclaw Village of similarity to a Na'vi-like tribe (from the movie Avatar) where every body fights and all men and women are equal, but the main function of the Seductress is to please the man and not to carry a weapon.
Just remember, this is a porn game.

EDIT: Just to clarify, this isn't a reveal, I pretty much stated this on my Concept Art thread.
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Re: Interface Design and Buttons

Postby DemonFiren » Thu Jun 17, 2010 6:15 pm

Yeah, but this could be used later...maybe Fox is held captive by some female warriors? Or we're really only talking about a single specimen, buzzword: 'Sclaes' daughter'?
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Re: Interface Design and Buttons

Postby bobsen » Thu Jun 17, 2010 6:19 pm

The reason I went into the whole warrior business, was because she was drawn with a spear :) While not looking like a warrior, I could assume that she be some kind of scout, or ranger.
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Re: Interface Design and Buttons

Postby Kalypso » Thu Jun 17, 2010 6:19 pm

DemonFiren Wrote:Yeah, but this could be used later...maybe Fox is held captive by some female warriors? Or we're really only talking about a single specimen, buzzword: 'Sclaes' daughter'?

Scale's "daughter"? I don't think so. Key words in that last post: "porn game."
A Seductress variant of fighting fems are possible in the future, but they certainly won't be "warriors" if anything but weak rogues.
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Re: Interface Design and Buttons

Postby kuja » Thu Jun 17, 2010 6:28 pm

bobsen Wrote:The reason I went into the whole warrior business, was because she was drawn with a spear :) While not looking like a warrior, I could assume that she be some kind of scout, or ranger.

That was only a representation, ive done that because ppl wanted her 2 be a warrior. ;P anyway, im making every type of weapons, armors, acessories etc. Maybe we use it in some part of the scenario, if not with the characters. I dunno if they' will put female warriors in the game, im only making them; and normal ones ofc. If they' need, it will be ready.

And i know this is a porn' game, and based in nintendo characters, but why not improve it with new characters, new scenarios(worlds, tribes etc...), new stories, new contents? why not?

Anyways, this dicussion is very construtive. Im learning lots of stuff. We must keep this up, changing the focus when necessary.
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Re: Interface Design and Buttons

Postby Wolf » Thu Jun 17, 2010 6:32 pm

Well since she is gonna be a Seductress i think a modded belly dancer outfit would be a nice approach :D. U would just have 2 give it a tribal look. Like instead having gold hag from the outfit it could be bones or something like that. :?:
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Re: Interface Design and Buttons

Postby kuja » Thu Jun 17, 2010 6:38 pm

Wolf Wrote:Well since she is gonna be a Seductress i think a modded belly dancer outfit would be a nice approach :D. U would just have 2 give it a tribal look.

Hmm, lol. Some cultures have it in their tribes like a normal dance/seductive dance. Plus tribal style. ;P Wont be easy. LoL
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Re: Interface Design and Buttons

Postby Wolf » Thu Jun 17, 2010 6:42 pm

lol yea when i typed belly dancers that image popped up too. I would try to draw something 2 help out but i suck at it :lol:.
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Re: Interface Design and Buttons

Postby kuja » Thu Jun 17, 2010 7:21 pm

Nice, that should help a lot. Thanks :D Everybody must do it, i can have a better understanding/comprehension of ur viewpoints/opinnions. ;D
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Re: Interface Design and Buttons

Postby bobsen » Thu Jun 17, 2010 7:54 pm

I think your model would make an excellent voodoo-like doctor, she just needs a different type of armor (perhaps Turok-like bone), and a crazy headdress :)
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Re: Interface Design and Buttons

Postby kuja » Thu Jun 17, 2010 8:17 pm

hmm, u mean a witchdoctor? diablo ftw.
anyways, i remaked the lil liz lil cute boobs. now im remaking all hands, then ill make some new facial expressions.
her hands ar a bit small... n im working in the tail 2... ;P i hope i finish it all today. (here is 16:13h)
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