Starting fresh...

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Re: Starting fresh...

Postby KaTsuO_O » Wed May 04, 2011 5:09 pm

No problem, im glad that i can help. I see that your art is better now, the lines looks better and more correct. The only thing is that the pose is a bit weird because of how the legs bends but it looks good. Can't wait to see something colored!

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Re: Starting fresh...

Postby Bussa » Wed May 04, 2011 5:12 pm

I just wanna know how Thae got all those little hair lines in there with that shading, I mean I guess I could do that with like a shit ton of gradients or just a crap ton of brush strokes, and then shade it. But that seems like it would be very time consuming and difficult to get right. Idk what you're doing but I'd love to know Thae. I'm more of a line art artist, I like to make lines that are visually pleasing to the eye, so I'm not all that into coloration yet I guess. I mean, don't get me wrong I've done tons of colorfully stunning artworks, but it's mostly because they were on paper or canvas and not all computerized. I think I need a little more teaching/practice and such in photoshop textures/coloration skill sets.

And to Kat, I fixed her legs and feet (modeled them off your fix) and they look much sexier and "real-er" if that's even a word ;)
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Re: Starting fresh...

Postby Thaedael » Wed May 04, 2011 10:05 pm

I gave all my brushes to Bussa, the next art she makes will definitely give both RP and I a run for our money ;).

Re: Starting fresh...

Postby Bussa » Fri May 06, 2011 6:00 pm

So I'm still figuring out these brushes...but I really like them so far :twisted: this might take me a while ha ;)

Also, anyone have anything against a male as the main character instead? Just curious...
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Re: Starting fresh...

Postby KaTsuO_O » Fri May 06, 2011 6:25 pm

A male as the main character should work better than a female. Much hotter to go up infront of a female and interact(?) instead of a male. I have a few other reasons but it depends how the gameplay will be... ah, the question was if there is anyone who have anything against it, nope, i dont.
Last edited by KaTsuO_O on Fri May 06, 2011 8:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Starting fresh...

Postby ronpepper » Fri May 06, 2011 7:22 pm

It would be interesting to see the hero as the male -- the butterfly, which flits from flower to flower to flower. Just no butterfly on butterfly action.
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Re: Starting fresh...

Postby ByHisBillowingBeard » Sat May 07, 2011 1:15 am

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Re: Starting fresh...

Postby lebutcheker » Sat May 07, 2011 4:32 am

well i would propose an option to select either a male or a female protagonist, judging from the original ideas i thought that was your plan, but if it was not then that's my opinion XD.
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Re: Starting fresh...

Postby Zeus Kabob » Sat May 07, 2011 8:40 am

Hmm, I think a change from getting raped/getting sexed to rapeing/sexing would definitely spice things up somewhat. I agree on the no butterfly on butterfly action, for I am not into that.
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Re: Starting fresh...

Postby Axel Delerose » Thu May 12, 2011 4:40 am

How about I throw out a random idea for a female character I got off of a game. How about a bee woman? More specifically,

A great woman, yellow and black, a Bee-like handmaiden would be the best comparison. Her body is thin, save her abdomen.
Personally i think her abdomen should be thin since the main character is a male, makes for an easier time interacting. While I am at it, I was figuring that the abdomen would be above her butt.
Her head is more humanoid than bee, with black eyes, antennae, and luscious black lips that glimmer wetly...
She also has legs covered in black chitin, but look more like a pair of "fuck me" boots. She has downy soft yellow and black striped fur on her upper thighs. And lastly, her hair is a shiny black and it is fairly long (thinking shoulder or middle of the back in length).

But it's just an idea.
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Re: Starting fresh...

Postby Bussa » Mon May 16, 2011 4:44 am

ronpepper Wrote:It would be interesting to see the hero as the male -- the butterfly, which flits from flower to flower to flower. Just no butterfly on butterfly action.

This made me giggle :D

Axel Delerose Wrote:How about I throw out a random idea for a female character I got off of a game. How about a bee woman? More specifically,

A great woman, yellow and black, a Bee-like handmaiden would be the best comparison. Her body is thin, save her abdomen.
Personally i think her abdomen should be thin since the main character is a male, makes for an easier time interacting. While I am at it, I was figuring that the abdomen would be above her butt.
Her head is more humanoid than bee, with black eyes, antennae, and luscious black lips that glimmer wetly...
She also has legs covered in black chitin, but look more like a pair of "fuck me" boots. She has downy soft yellow and black striped fur on her upper thighs. And lastly, her hair is a shiny black and it is fairly long (thinking shoulder or middle of the back in length).

But it's just an idea.

Um... this made me think of you as a dirty old man... :? :shock: :? Lol, Idk I could try and make a character like that...but it'd take a while to get all of those very fine details in place and looking okay. I'll be sure to at least make a concept for her and post it.

Anywho... I'm still dealling with the coloring of the first female I started, those brushes are driving me to be a perfectionist or something, I'm getting so picky about like every pixel, it's ridiculous :geek:
Also, I have started the body for a MAIN male character (yes that's right, I said 'MAIN')... he will be edited a crap ton, of course, to fit standards. BUT!!!! This means that he will be interacting with many more females now... and I'm really sure that this kinda makes me have to change my scenario... almost into more of a 'seducing' game, if you will. Not so much "instant sex" like LoK currently does. Any nay sayers be damned ;)
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Re: Starting fresh...

Postby rooiehaan » Tue May 17, 2011 11:17 am

a seducing game actually sounds better, but i beg you, please don't use the 3 options style where only one dialogue line is good and the rest is bad like in meet 'n f*ck games or whatever.

... on second thought, it might be pretty hard to come up with a way that doesn't include a 3 options style but is still a seducing game.
you've peaked my interest now :3
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Re: Starting fresh...

Postby Zeus Kabob » Tue May 17, 2011 6:47 pm

If it's seducing you want, it might be some sort of RPG style, get your attractiveness up. Also one could use an inventory bonus, and item-use bonus, and then add to that with body-language (arrow keys press). That's the way I'd like it, because the 3 options type infuriates me to no end.
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Re: Starting fresh...

Postby Lalicore » Wed May 18, 2011 1:59 am

i followed your progress through the other topic as a visitor/lurker, and was intrigued. As it is, a game with a male main character is a step away from the pack on this particular forum. Best of luck, i look forward to seeing your progress. <3
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Re: Starting fresh...

Postby KaTsuO_O » Thu May 19, 2011 8:31 pm

The most fair way to make a three options thingy is to have one option that is good and gives +1, one that is just nothing special and gives 0, and one that is bad and gives -1. Let's say, you have three questions through out the conversation (dont necessarly have to be questions) and if you get -3 she will get very mad at you and dont want to talk again, +3 would mean that she would be very happy and that there is a chance you will have sex with her. Im glad you dont want any instant sex, makes the game longer, more believable and there is going to be a good amunt of focus on the story instead of just sex.
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Re: Starting fresh...

Postby Zeus Kabob » Fri May 20, 2011 12:19 am

Ah, that sounds really good to me. I think there shouldn't be a reliance on these dialogues, because then the +1, 0, -1 system becomes basically M+F format, but without the ability to replay scenes. I think the perfectionist in me will still try to get all dialogues perfect, but if there are different ways to "beat" the game (if you know what I mean) other than just dialogue, I would like it much better.
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Re: Starting fresh...

Postby ronpepper » Fri May 20, 2011 2:02 am

Bussa Wrote:
ronpepper Wrote:It would be interesting to see the hero as the male -- the butterfly, which flits from flower to flower to flower. Just no butterfly on butterfly action.

This made me giggle :D

Heh, I was trying to be funny while gently giving my two cents. :D

Bussa Wrote:Also, I have started the body for a MAIN male character (yes that's right, I said 'MAIN')... he will be edited a crap ton, of course, to fit standards. BUT!!!! This means that he will be interacting with many more females now... and I'm really sure that this kinda makes me have to change my scenario... almost into more of a 'seducing' game, if you will. Not so much "instant sex" like LoK currently does. Any nay sayers be damned ;)

You want to create, more power to you. You have a lot of talent. Also more males characters means more interesting group sex situations and frankly whatever you choose to draw, is welcomed by all but the most lowly trolls!

Also maybe you were away but there was a thread on the forums and there are a lot of bisexual males who frequent this site.. just sayin..
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Re: Starting fresh...

Postby Bussa » Thu Jun 16, 2011 8:49 pm

:( I know, I know, you all must be disappointed in me, I've been away for so long and I've been so lazy about this new project. I'm sorry, but life is pretty busy and I don't have much free time anymore. I will keep progressing with the project but it will be a lot slower than normal. :oops:

So I have been slowly working on my male character... I've been through so many different body types and changes with this guy that he feels like Frankenstein or something haha. I'll be posting his structural line model in place next to the first female I started (she's in just flat colors because I just can't get those fur brushes to do what I want, sorry Thae). I put them next to each other for size comparisons and hopefully decent criticism from everyone. ;) (...and obviously his parts are layered so try and ignore lines that would be behind other things if you can heh, i.e. his right hand is on top of his right thigh which is on top of the right edge of his twig and berries, like the tail is behind everything, etc.)

My own criticism is this:
-I'm unsure if he should have head hair or not and what it should look like if so
-Still a bit touchy on his shoulder to torso area, it just makes me grrrrrr :?
-Still undecided on what colors he should be and obviously what colors work well on such a figure
-Is his size okay in comparison to her? Bigger? Smaller?
-also his ears freak me out and I'm just upset with them ha
male character design 2.jpg
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Re: Starting fresh...

Postby rooiehaan » Thu Jun 16, 2011 10:12 pm

i really like what you've come up with, i really like your style
and for critisism.. well, if the girl is standing on her toes, it means that the guy would be significally bigger then her.
maybe a bit smaller (specially the legs?)
also, for the ears, i'd love to see those smaller as well. but that might depend on the kind of creature you want him to represent (if any)

oh, i almost forgot!
GRRRR you lasy ass >:3
haha, no i'm joking
take all the time you want, real life shizz is important too~ (you just tend to forget while on here)
just please dont abandon your project too :3
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Re: Starting fresh...

Postby Zeus Kabob » Fri Jun 17, 2011 7:13 am

Ooh, looking good. A few things I would say:
1. Gray color seems to be pretty good for large dog/wolf characters. It's a classic (think wolf), and I think would work as one of the parts of the color palette. The others would probably have to be low alpha low gamma blue (grayish blue), maybe some other grayish color, but it would definitely be restricting to palette.
2. As Rooiehan said, his size is a bit too big, but I'm not sure how I'd rectify that.
3. Head hair I think is a definite, might as well keep that human part constant in your anthropomorphs. His hair as it is now fits his expression, and works well with the rest of his body, but I'd personally like to see some hair coming down the back of his head. I don't think short human hair would work, by the way.
4. Maybe take out his eight pack, make it a six pack?
5. Ears. I have a little picture with different ears on it, though you seem to have pretty good ears going already. I don't have any suggestions other than the drawing.

Good work, I love most everything I didn't mention here.
male character design 2.jpg
My attempt at ears. I tried a doberman ear on the right.
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