Mr.D's Krystal Ball Slide-show and Mr.D´s characters

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Re: Mr.D´s characters

Postby UserN4meTak3n » Sat Aug 13, 2011 10:24 am

Cool animation for the most part, kind weird seeing her skin form fit the penis like latex. If that is "inflation", then I would have to say no thanks it looks silly at best. It's almost like the chest burster baby aliens in the Alien movies about to burst forth. Not a good look lol.
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Re: Mr.D´s characters

Postby Mr D » Sat Aug 13, 2011 12:16 pm

OK I decidet I am making a game now. Here is somthing about it.

Type of game : push a button for next scene

Charecters : Krystal, SharpClaw, Grandevoir, Half-Midna, Link (wolf-humanoid special, WIP), Peach?, Zelda? (the ? means that I am not sure if I will use them)

Game Title: Mr.D's Krystal Ball (I swear its not what you think)

Intro: You are an aprentice of an magician (his name is Mr.D :D) and he has to go somewhere on a business trip. And he tells you (his aprentice) not to use his magical crystal ball to watch other creatures mate .....again. The ball can see into any place and time in past (aka THE INTERNET). He tells you not to look into galaxy X, planet R, region Orio Jungle...... around time of 13:08 (he is very specific about it). SO OF COURSE YOU DO IT. And thats where the story begins.

Story and game structure: Krystal flyes trough an time portal in space and crashes on planet R in time of 50k years ago. Planet inhabitors SharpClaws (prahistoric). SharpClaws are not agresive in this time period and ignore the presence of Krystal. Krystal comes across an strange fruit that she than eats (effect - HORNYNESS MAX). She than captures and rapes a wild SharpClaw (sex scene- BJ and sex, krystal will lead). Krystal wants to have more fun and feeds SharpClaw the strange fruit. SharpClaw brakes free and bangs Krystal (sex scene) and than runs off (Krystal chases after him once she recoveres). SharpClaw comes across an Grandevoir and bangs her becouse he is still under the effect of the fruit and than runs away again. Krystal finds the Grandevoir and feeds her the fruit (effect- Grandevoir becomes a futa and Krystal gives her a BJ (btwKrystal is very happy about his )). Krystal gives Grandevoir a diferent fruit saying it will reverse the effect (lie). Grandevoir than splits into 2 (you should know where this is going). Krystal than dicoveres that the Grandevoirses samen can power the teleporation machine witch she build and witch was never mentioned up until this point (shocking deus ex machine plot twist). The machine teleports Krystal (we dont know where) while creating an energy shockwave across the time and space. Shockwave hits MIdna and Link while transforming (result Mdina is in her imp-adult form and Links becomes and furry :lol: ). Oviouse sex scene folows (I will find a reason why :D). Link faints and Zelda arives. Midna decides to use her "Hand" to "play" with Zelda (maybe a futa scene will folow, did not decide yet).Midna faints and Zelda leaves. Zelda visits Peach and complains to Peach that she did have a turn with Link. Peach thinks that she can do something about it (dildo scene folows). As they finish the magician returns from his trip and sees his aprentice watching all this. Short conversation follows and the the game ends with the magician asking if the aprentice if he tryed to watch it on HD settings :lol: .
The End

If new scenes and characters are created than they can be easily add to the Game. Explenation is that the aprentice is just changing chanels on the ball

So what do you think? :D
1 game (oh I mean story slideshow -_-) and 5 flash loop FINISHED...fuck yea
My mini flashes link : ... f=7&t=1972
Also I am working on a project right now.But remember, it's a secret to everybody >:D
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Re: Mr.D´s characters

Postby origamitoast » Sat Aug 13, 2011 5:59 pm

yay :D
I love riddles? Do you like riddles? I've got one: What always runs but never walks, has a mouth but never eats, has a bed but never sleeps, has a head but never weeps. Can't get it? It's a river >:3 i've got plenty more just ask me.
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Re: Mr.D´s characters

Postby whatdontlookaatme » Sun Aug 14, 2011 2:27 am

^^ i agree
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Re: Mr.D´s characters

Postby KaTsuO_O » Sun Aug 14, 2011 3:18 am

Hm, is it really going to be a game or a file with animations? I really think you should (need) to aim for something more. At least be able to walk around and not necessarily with a visible character, just have a area and navigate to different places with arrows that is pointing on doors and stuff. If you would like help to make a more advanced game just ask, and no I'm not too busy.
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Re: Mr.D´s characters

Postby Mr D » Mon Aug 15, 2011 9:18 am

KaTsuO_O Wrote:Hm, is it really going to be a game or a file with animations? I really think you should (need) to aim for something more. At least be able to walk around and not necessarily with a visible character, just have a area and navigate to different places with arrows that is pointing on doors and stuff. If you would like help to make a more advanced game just ask, and no I'm not too busy.

I have it pretty much figured out. Becouse lets face it, the reason we play those games is not for the chalange but to get to the sex sceens -_-. I will make some sorts of navigation like sceens selection and skip functions. But I think it would be for the best if I keep it simple. Once a project gets to complicated it starts to drag out and I want to have this relased in the "near" future. If I am to make improvements than it should be gradualy and not just trying to jump into it :lol:
1 game (oh I mean story slideshow -_-) and 5 flash loop FINISHED...fuck yea
My mini flashes link : ... f=7&t=1972
Also I am working on a project right now.But remember, it's a secret to everybody >:D
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Mr D
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Re: Mr.D´s characters

Postby Mr D » Mon Aug 15, 2011 2:23 pm

Teaser of Link in werewolf form. The model will be published once the game is finished.
Last edited by Mr D on Mon Aug 15, 2011 5:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
1 game (oh I mean story slideshow -_-) and 5 flash loop FINISHED...fuck yea
My mini flashes link : ... f=7&t=1972
Also I am working on a project right now.But remember, it's a secret to everybody >:D
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Re: Mr.D´s characters

Postby Digfree » Mon Aug 15, 2011 2:39 pm

Mr D Wrote:Teaser of Link in werewolf form. The model will be published one the game is finished.

lol I downloaded the swf and open it in trillix to see it, but you made it a shape with black, so I couldn't, kudos on thinking ahead mate lol.
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Re: Mr.D´s characters

Postby Mr D » Tue Aug 16, 2011 12:57 pm

Digfree Wrote:lol I downloaded the swf and open it in trillix to see it, but you made it a shape with black, so I couldn't, kudos on thinking ahead mate lol.

Lol I know some one would try to convert it to .fla and have a sneak peak :D. Anyway If anyone is interested in the progress than you can follow it on the first page of this threat. There will be some teasers but nothing "really" new until I am done.
1 game (oh I mean story slideshow -_-) and 5 flash loop FINISHED...fuck yea
My mini flashes link : ... f=7&t=1972
Also I am working on a project right now.But remember, it's a secret to everybody >:D
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Mr D
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Re: Mr.D´s characters

Postby BlueLight » Tue Aug 16, 2011 7:33 pm

Do you think it's possible to make a foot that isn't compatible with a high heal but has the characters heal on the ground with the models we use?
Basically do you think you could make a foot thats completely on the ground to work on the common model?
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Re: Mr.D´s characters

Postby Mr D » Wed Aug 17, 2011 11:46 pm

BlueLight Wrote:Question.
Do you think it's possible to make a foot that isn't compatible with a high heal but has the characters heal on the ground with the models we use?
Basically do you think you could make a foot thats completely on the ground to work on the common model?

Well It is possible but not for me -_-. It took me hours to make those feet look as they do and I dont want to go through that hellish process again (made me have footofobia O_O).

Anyway here is a little teaser XD.
1 game (oh I mean story slideshow -_-) and 5 flash loop FINISHED...fuck yea
My mini flashes link : ... f=7&t=1972
Also I am working on a project right now.But remember, it's a secret to everybody >:D
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Re: Mr.D´s characters

Postby whatdontlookaatme » Thu Aug 18, 2011 12:23 am

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Re: Mr.D´s characters

Postby ByHisBillowingBeard » Thu Aug 18, 2011 12:44 am

Looking good. Feels like the mouth opens a little too wide but it's hardly meant to be realistic :'D
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Re: Mr.D´s characters

Postby Latios411 » Thu Aug 18, 2011 12:53 am

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Re: Mr.D´s characters

Postby Zeus Kabob » Thu Aug 18, 2011 1:48 am

Lol, I'm mad and jelly at the same time.
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Re: Mr.D´s characters

Postby Mr D » Fri Aug 19, 2011 4:49 pm

Hey there people. As you might know I am making my own game. What I want to know is if you want a futa scene with Midna(futa) and Zelda(not futa).

Please vote yes or no.
1 game (oh I mean story slideshow -_-) and 5 flash loop FINISHED...fuck yea
My mini flashes link : ... f=7&t=1972
Also I am working on a project right now.But remember, it's a secret to everybody >:D
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Re: Mr.D´s characters (vote)

Postby Popellord » Fri Aug 19, 2011 4:55 pm

I've voted for yes but if you get a few No's could you make the scene optional? If you don't like it, don't look at it. Nobody should have problems with that.
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Re: Mr.D´s characters (vote)

Postby whatdontlookaatme » Fri Aug 19, 2011 9:02 pm

^^ Good idea. I voted yes for the futa scene btw.
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Re: Mr.D´s characters (vote)

Postby Mr. Bingo » Sat Aug 20, 2011 9:11 am

Funny how back when I saw the Midna model I thought "That would be funny if she fingured someone with her hair" then I saw the animation of her doing just that to krystal lol
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Re: Mr.D´s characters (vote)

Postby whatdontlookaatme » Tue Aug 23, 2011 12:33 am

So is the game still being made?
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