Terrantor!!! Wrote:Fuck yeah, bro. Fuck yeah.
Lotta people don't appreciate how you go through the trouble of making things easy and optimal, Just wanna say thank you.
Forgot to ask, If I feel like drawing some new scenery, do I just add it in as a .png and put it on one of the corresponding layers?
First, take a look at
this demonstration, especially what happens at the 3:30 mark.
Just put the images inside of the "frozenBackground" movieClip. That movieClip is intended for all level graphics that don't move.
You'll also need to draw invisible walls inside of the "walls" movieClip to act as their collision.
Just open that movieClip and paint normally, then set the fill color to Zero opacity.
The video puts vector graphics inside of the "walls" layer, but the game will run
much faster if you put all of the graphics inside of "frozenBackground" instead and paint the collision separately.
The game will automatically rasterize everything in the "frozenBackground" movieClip to improve the game's speed.
The "under" movieClip does not get rasterized.
Any level decorations that animate, but are
not interactive, should go inside of the "under" movieClip.
interactive objects and characters should go inside one of the movieClips in the "sprites" folder.