Ron Pepper totally beat me to it, almost done the lineart ^^
Edit: Going to color it now, since RP nailed the red perfectly I will try another color for fun. Just takes someone as talented as RP to make me appreciate art more
Final Edit:
I put a lot more work into this than I had intended. I don't know if I like it and I wasn't sure if I wanted to post it but I said I would so here it is;
Not really much to say about this. I took the image that Bussa made, made a clean line art out of it by using a 2px pen tool and went over the lines bussa had drawn (how do you make your lines so fine, what program do you use because they are elegant). After that I spent about 34 minutes with katsu brainstorming color ideas, originally I had this purple and beige but then it kept coming out like rattata, and I sure as hell didn't want that. Eventually I got the palette I ended up with. He also drew me some feet.
Started with the darkest colors, had some jagged lines where the fur transitioned, which in retrospect should have been the last step since they lost a lot of definition as time went on, and then just progressively used lighter colors with my paintbrush. The eyes took a little time but they turned out EXACTLY how I wanted them so no complaints there.
I don't like how it came out however so I will have to try harder the next time. I think RP nailed it better since he got the shading exactly where it needs to be, and has smooth shading which lends itself better to flash than what I did. Either way it was a pleasure to color your work Bussa.
Final Edit 2:
Fine fine fine, I'll do what Ron Pepper did, of course it looks better because RP understands fur patterns ^^';;;
This is to stop people bothering me.